I Refuse To Touch Tank Literally Ever Again

Ramattra is bad all up and down the ladder.

You really hate him, eh? You know about his armor bug?

If you’re better than the enemy tank who swapped to counter you, kudos to you, but you’re but a drop in the bucket.

There are plenty of players who fail at maintaining their dominance over the enemy tank after the enemy tank swaps to a hard counter, and refusing to swap, knowing they can’t beat them on the hero they are currently on. That is the definition of throwing, and that is indeed reportable as game play sabotage.

Baaah! :sheep:

Wasn’t asking you. :wink:

Everything i wrote is correct. What you think, is kind of irrelevant at this point.

Reporting someone for throwing is not the same as submitting a false report.

I ask that the lies and misinformation cease.

It’s got nothing to do with trying to control what player A or B plays as far as heroes go, but rather about trying to get them to play with the team instead of against the team.

If player A ask player B who’s the tank, to swap because they are getting hard countered and are feeding because of it, only to have player B refuse and continue to feed instead of swapping, especially in competitive, then yes, that is reportable under game play sabotage and reporting those type of players are encouraged by Blizzard, as they also state in the thank you message after they have taken action against people who’s been reported and found to be violating their in-game policies.

thats why i usually swap to the worst possible hero if my teammates don’t want to swap.
can’t force me off the worst hero.

they have phara? i go sym/junk.
suddenly phara is a issue, but not for me, she won’t focus me if i am not a hitscan.

my supports however are the new main target. enjoy❤️. stay brig or swap to bap. their choice.

it stops when i should swap to make another otp work. its ok if i get to otp too. but not swapping for unflexible players.

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I’m not the one that hates him lol. People are literally not picking him over D. Va, Winston, etc. The only tanks being played less are Mauga and Orisa.

Absolutely true. Most tank players that just play their main are better than a desperate counterswapper. I did not mean to imply otherwise.

Maintaining dominance is a bit of a stretch. Some of these matchups are relatively wack and you need your teammates assistance to circumvent the disadvantage. And no, I am not implying they need to swap their hero. It’s usually a playstyle change that needs to occur.

First game today

The thought is that hopefully you can bring back all the tanks that quit.

I’m not sure if that’ll be the case, since Blizzard has been screwing them for so long.

That is what I do too i.e. not counter-swap and try to ‘brute force’ my way by playing smart and to my strengths, which is normally a nice challenge however:

  1. It is frustrating when you are losing a battle against a Tank who is clearly less able than you and you know very well if you counter-swap, you can easily turn the tides of the battle, however the insistence on not countering them will ensure you end up on the losing team;
  2. This is not a good prescription for the majority of the players who are casual players.
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so you agree? that people weren’t playing tank [because they were playing dps instead].

idk who ur referring to by “you all”, but EYE am basing my own take off the fact that dps queue times were through the roof and support queue times were high too, but tank never had that issue.

or how any time you would pick flex (even these days) you were most likely going to end up on tank.

i encourage ppl to be cautious of anyone offering a quick and easy solution to a problem that’s existed for a while now, which is that historically there have not been a lot of incentives to pick tank. it’s not a popular role, and switching to 6v6 might be a good start, it might not, i guess we don’t actually know.

but i really doubt that 6v6 will magically make tank more appealing for longer than maybe 2 weeks after those who never played ow1 get the general vibe. if that was the case then even before the content drought, tank queue times wouldn’t have been so fast and instant throughout ow1.

don’t be weird dude

higher ranks will always have longer queue times since they’re are less people up there, meaning it takes longer to find a game. keeping that in mind, along with the fact that we have an entirely new rank and competitive system, it makes sense that dps and support would still tend towards longer queue times, because even though more people are playing tank—it’s still not more popular than the other roles.

i can only speak for myself, but i haven’t been noticing the egregiously long ow1 queue times in ranks below champion. the queue times are—again in my experience—-closer to even than they were for the majority of ow1’s run time since implementing role lock.