I Refuse To Touch Tank Literally Ever Again

This is how LITERALLY EVERY match I play tank goes in OW2:

I pick X character.
If enemy tank is doing extremely well and stomping us, they don’t swap, but as soon as they feel threatened or as soon as I kill them one singular time, they immediately counter swap to the very typical counters.
If I’m Rein they go Ram, if I’m Hog they go Orisa, if I’m Orisa they go Zarya, if I’m Ram they go Hog (or Orisa), etc etc.

I now can’t do anything.
Ram punches through my shield as Rein so I’m literally useless and die very fast, Orisa knocks me out of healing as Hog every time so I can’t heal and die, Zarya goes through my javelin spin as Orisa so I can’t block that damage and die, Hog hooks me out of block as Ram and then puts me in prime range as a huge target for him to do maximum damage (or Orisa javelins me out of it), etc.
I’m throwing if I continue to play the game as this character, so as soon as I die I have no choice but to swap to counter.

As soon as the enemy tank dies, they immediately swap again to counter my counter.
The ENTIRE rest of the match is us both swapping to counter the other as soon as one of us dies. It stops being a game of skill and turns into a game of counters.
It’s infuriating, and I can tell that both of us are extremely annoyed the entire time.

It sucks, and nothing Blizzard does can fix this because it’s just how the format works.
More and more people do this every season as well. It was semi-common in the first couple seasons of OW2, but now it is literally every match. This is just how people play tank now. You can’t get away from it. If you’re doing even remotely well at all, the other tank WILL swap to your counter. It is 100% guaranteed.
It’s just too easy to do and gives too much value to ignore it.

And this isn’t even taking into account the other roles which will also commonly swap to counter the enemy tank, though not as much as the tank. You’re playing Hog? Well here comes Ana, Zen and Reaper. You’re playing Mauga? Well here come Ana and Zen. You’re playing Rein? Well here comes Bastion and Zen. You’re playing Orisa? Well here comes Sym and Zen.

I feel like I can’t do anything most of the time. What am I supposed to do against Ram, Bastion and Zen as Rein except die over and over and over again and accomplish nothing? I have no choice but to swap, but then once I do they swap to counter me again and I’m right back to where I was.
It feels so utterly hopeless and pointless.

I just can’t anymore. It’s extremely annoying, and I’m tired of soaking up all the blame because I get repeatedly countered and can’t do anything.
I am not touching this role again. I would say “until they fix it”, but they won’t, because ALL of the devs are stuck on “5v5 is the best format ever”.


I don’t think you’re posting this because you want tips.
So… Have fun on the other roles.


Thanks for letting us know OP. You can support me while I tank instead. To victory!

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Sounds like you should be playing D. Va or Winston.


Why do you create so many threads?


If you’re good on your original pick, then the “counter” won’t matter.

If you can’t do anything. Then you need to improve in that hero, learn to play again said “counter” then next time, you can keep rolling them when when they swap.

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Oh my God, they are like, so original and quirky! Nobody would ever expected a disgraced tank player afraid to play their main to swap to Rammatra!


One of the reasons I miss 6v6 format. Counter swap didn’t feel mandatory when you had a 2nd tank on your team. The devs claim to have nerfed hard counters but each team having only 1 tank makes them more susceptible to not getting protection from their counters. An example being if the enemy team had a Rein/Zarya and you were playing D. Va and had a Winston on your team you wouldn’t have to worry because Winston would have your back with a bubble to block her.


Sounds like a balance problem. You design the game the rock paper scissors way you get what you deserve.

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Thats because the meta was so strong in 6v6 that 4~ members of a team, including the tanks, were usually hard locked the entire time. You didnt “counter swap” because anything other than whatever tanks worked best with whatever supports would put you at a huge disadvantage.


I see the problem… you don’t play Dva.


Haha yep. I can be doing air, losing all round. Enemy tank dies once to my dps teammate, swaps to counter me in tank…

These people are operating on autopilot. Nothing more.

As a followup to this, my last game:

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If you don’t find counter picking fun, just choose a tank you like to play and one-trick them. You can make it a challenge to every game find ways to get value despite the enemy counterpick, and soon you’ll have enough map-specific and hero-specific tricks up your sleeve that you can find value in every situation regardless of the number of counters.


that’s the rule about Overwatch. You should know about that… Besides, you played open queue, so you should know counterwatch exists

Besides, you should appreciate that switch is the best way to say : OK you’re good at this pick, I will switch to defeat you because you’re better than me

And, if you played at DPS/support role, switch is not better (the classic widow vs Sombra, Ana VS Kiriko)

So, follow the rule or leave the game :slight_smile: because tank doesn’t fit you

Just wait for 6v6. It will return. They wouldn’t be doing these tests if tank population wasn’t getting dangerously low. We all hate it man.


Welcome to Overwatch.

This is literally how the game has played since it launched in 2016.

People swapped constantly to counter other heroes. If you were doing well on Rein, you can be sure someone swapped to a Rein counter to give themselves an advantage. It didn’t always work, but it happened.

The reason why the enemy tank doesn’t swap when they’re stomping is because they’re winning and they don’t need to. A smart tank, when you’re on even footing or you have an advantage, will swap to attempt to even the playing field. That’s what you should have done when you were being stomped, and it’s what the enemy tank is doing now that you’re getting a bit of an upper hand.

My advice? Pick a tank to ‘main’ and then make your secondary tank the counter to whichever tank counters your main. That way, if you go into a match as Rein and they swap to Ramattra (which is honestly pretty stupid as an aggressive Rein will beat Ramattra all the time), you can swap to either D.VA, Zarya or Roadhog (all of them are good against Ramattra) and then if the enemy tank swaps off Ramattra to counter your counter, swap back to Rein.

The rest of your team should be backing you up as best they can (you are playing in sync with your supports and not LoSing them, charging off into Narnia without them or running in solo while they’re dead I hope). They can swap to address the other members of the team if need be. Your job is to focus on making space for your team, contesting objectives and otherwise being a bully. As long as you can do that, you’re playing the game as intended.

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You realize that if they bring back 6v6 that effectively cuts the tank population in half right? Which means even less tanks in the queue, meaning longer queue times for everyone else, right?

I swear, some of you have rose colored goggles jammed into your eyes so hard that if you hit them any harder they’ll shatter into shards you’ll need to get removed.


And how’s 6v6 meant to fix that… Or even survive with no one wanting to play tank.

If youre struggling to find 2 tanks players per lobby… You’ve no chance finding 4. Unless dps and supports want to spend a month queuing again.