I refuse to believe the game doesn't set people up to lose on purpose

It was? Doesn’t mean more than a fraction of it is available at any given time.

I know, I am not asking for full teams but lets be realistic, even a single partner from a common group is better than pure randos. Even Blizz wants an in-game system but the numbskull who insisted it be a pan-game system made eternally impossible.

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Realistically in OW it would be even worse than Destiny 2 because your guild is going to be all over the skill ladder and only a fraction of them would even be appropriate to play with.

So we are honestly arguing that six randos are better than any team system? Really? You can believe that if you want, I won’t argue with you on it.

If you’re doing comp you are still bounded by SR limits, they are not wildly different.

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Why can’t you have a guild now if you want? I’ve been in three guilds and only one of the three games accommodated the guild in software.

You can’t because an Activision exec made a dumb decision that has held the process up for three years now. Outside guilds won’t work for this considering the sheer volume of players from different background and areas.

Unreal Tournament 2004 and Team Fortress 2 didn’t have to accommodate my guild for them to exist. OW doesn’t have to support guilds for you to have one.

It worked in other games before. My Destiny 2 guild was EU and my TF2 guild was on the east coast.

Different kinds of games compared to OW in reality with the folks they pull in. Sorry - OW needs in-game Guilds badly. If public worked we would have them by now.

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I guess I don’t understand what difference it makes?

Guilds coordinate in discord anyway. You manage your presence on websites or with social networking. You group up in game using friends lists. The game really doesn’t need to include support to have guilds - people did it before just fine.

I guess the one thing that would help is a guild tag function - since you can’t freely change names in Blizzard games, that’s difficult (can’t add your guild tag).

there’s nothing wrong with the system if that’s how they perceive the right way for it to be.

One day, matchmaker gives me matches which are entirely winnable by my own merit. Those are the days where I’m having fun playing the game. Normal matches, win or lose.

And then there’s days where matchmaking gives me matches like this constantly:


It’s hard to make up for not one but two tanks literally throwing and feeding and not actually doing anything productive. Then blaming the healer when they are outright feeding and never grouping.

The icing on the cake is having enemy tank being an obvious smurf and complimenting yours truly when I do a pretty nice superjump ress and juke a sigma rock. Watch enemy sigma POV when I desperately try to contest payload at the end as he keeps searching me like a bad horror game.

My favourite part is when my tanks open the match by standing in front of enemy spawn door (without a comp to hold close), Rein coming back and deciding to take a detour upstairs and remove himself from the fight voluntarily, charging into enemy team when they just capped and once again feeding and at the end, not even bothering to contest the point as tanks and throwing himself into somewhere in the enemy backline as I personally try to desperately juke the whole enemy team. Victory screen reveals that he had a shatter too.

Oh and my other healer seemed to be nonexistent as well, idk how I should carry this kind of team.

I honestly can’t make this up. These kind of matches happen constantly during days when matchmaker feels like I just need to lose… a lot. Then other days are mostly normal groups and not 60% groups like these, with either completely new players I have to personally try to babysit or enemy teams having unbeatable smurfs. You get the gist.

These kind of games happening consistently makes it feel like the matchmaker has something against you personally. And it does show how poor the matchmaker can be, I should not be grouped with these people in the first place.

The fact is, that you have no idea what is going on in the MM. The only thing you argue based off, is your belief.
Which is as good as the belief of everyone else.

Blizzard implemented the psychological tool called the “Skinner Box” into WoW because they knew it was addictive. They had actual psychologists assisting in the development of the game.
How can you know that they are not doing something similar with this MM? Maybe they have analysed and come to the conclusion that people can only take so many losses before they need a win, and then they will rig the game to ensure that win. Unfortunately that will come at the expense of other players, but hey, we just give them wins later! Then maybe the system will do some profiling of the players, to see how much punishment they are willing to take - because if you can pile more losses on some players, you can make more players benefit from the “feel-good”.

A “feel-good” system, to maximize player retention.

I am not saying that that is how it is, but you can not say that it isn’t, because you have nothing to base that on.

And frankly, given Blizzard’s history, I would not be surprised if it turned out to be true.

Something is going on with that MM, that is for sure. Whether it is intentional or not, I don’t know, but something is wrong.

Suit yourself.

I’m not gonna blame a bunch of losses on the MMR. Quite frankly it’s a toxic mindset, no matter what way you twist it. You should always seek to improve yourself. If the MMR truly put you on so many losing streaks, then how have I and a large plurality of the playerbase climbed multiple ranks over our careers without having this issue? I can tell you that I have not ONCE had a streak like that.

If you’re not seeking to improve yourself then you will never beat the system. It’s plain and simple. Blaming the system doesn’t get you anywhere but improving on yourself WILL.

You literally are only saying this because you want to believe it’s true. Saying it over and over again doesn’t make it any truer.

You don’t have any evidence, or at least you have failed to give any so far.

I have gave multiple pieces of evidence, but you are still disputing my claim.

You have not given a single piece of evidence.
The words of devs is not evidence at all.

I’m sorry, but at least it’s a primary source. You learned about those in elementary school, right?

At least I have word from the devs on the MMR. Why do you voluntarily choose not to believe the word of the devs when they have no reason to lie about this? They have literally nothing to gain from putting you on forced losing streaks. There’s no pay-to-win mechanics, there’s no micro transactions, theres nothing. They gain literally nothing from making their playerbase feel bad. And as a result I think we can trust their word.

Unlike WoW - which has a monthly fee to play it - a “free win” after a string of losses would effectively do nothing for them. They don’t gain any more money for keeping their players hooked. Those losing streaks would only deter players, especially when they aren’t still paying to play - they didn’t spend $10 to play this month, so they can hop off and delete the game.

But no - you need to disregard the makers of the game because they don’t support your fake narrative conspiracy theory.

No. I’m arguing based off of the word of the devs themself.

Oh, but they have. If they built anything into the competitive system that doesn’t belong there, there would be a revolt in the playerbase if they knew about it.

Well, if they need other players to feel good about themselves and break their losing streaks, then it would have to be at the expense of someone else, right?

I have this sense that the games go in waves. When on the up-turn, you will begin by winning games trivially, then it gets harder and harder - maybe you start winning one, losing one (or two and two), and then the downturn starts, where it goes in reverse, you start by getting unbelievably hard games, but slowly it gets easier, until you hit the equilibrium pattern (one or two wins, one or two losses) and you start your next win pattern.

Some have suggested that it could be because of a point system, where once you win a game, you will get a point, where you will get teamed with someone who has negative points. The more points you get (probably up to a maximum), the more negative points you will be teamed with, until you start losing, and now you will get the negative points and be grouped with more and more positive-point players.
A system like that would ensure, that everyone’s fall is eventually broken (unless they play really extremely bad).
I have no idea if such a system is in place, but I would not be surprised.

I am also quite sure, that there is an anti-toxicity system in place, where toxic players get worse team mates.

And then there is the big one, and one that I have proof of:
You will be equalled out at all levels. If you smurf 1000 SR below your real level, the MM will find opponents that are of your skill level (MMR) at that SR level and pit them against you.
There is no doubt that this is true.

If the players knew about these systems, there would be first a revolt and then an exodus, so as you can see, they would have every incentive to not tell the truth if that was the case.

I will repeat, that I have no hard proof (except the smurf vs. smurf match-up), only indicators, but then again, you have no hard proof at all for the opposite either.

You’re not getting my point.

There is no reason financially to make a system like that. They do not gain any more money by implementing a “point system” matchmaker. They need to try to make their players feel good in order to keep them playing. Doing this would be objectively stupid.

They may not make good decisions in other aspects of the game but I can assure you they’re doing their best to get the most money out of this game. And implementing intentional losing streaks is not going to accomplish that, and therefore there is no reason for them to invest development time and BUDGET for this dumb system that doesn’t help them sell more copies or loot boxes.

You have to remember that Activision/Blizzard want MONEY. Implementing a system like this absolutely does not give them money, and will risk the integrity of their game and competitive environment. There is absolutely zero reason for a corporation to do something like this.

Yeah, that IS true. Blizzard has come out and said that multiple times. But what does that have to do with what we’re talking about, which is forced losing streaks?

I have the word from the devs - more proof than you. Even if you think they’re hiding something it’s at least SOMETHING. And logic checks out for my argument.

You’re looking too far into this. Improving your gameplay WILL help you climb, this is a fact. The game will not hinder you and keep you from climbing (outside of anchor stats) and most certainly will not encourage losing streaks. Talk to players in GM and Masters, they didn’t start there. They had to climb there. And they’re able to maintain that rank without these massive losing streaks.

Why can’t you maintain yours?

I don’t think the devs do it intentionally. I think it’s some kind of design flaw or emergent property of the matchmaking and MMR determination. This means the devs could easily not know that the problem exists.

I also don’t think its something the game has always had in it. I don’t remember streaks like this in the first 2 or 2 1/2 years of the game.

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This is what confuses me - the other poster and you have reached the same conclusion but have wildly different and contradictory explanations.

This is why I think it’s just a myth. There is nothing concrete about this. I understand you may not “remember” things like this happening before but as far as I know, the only thing they changed about the MM was that it was unique for every role (to an extent.)

I can say that I have NEVER had streaks like these, and I’m in the rank with a plurality of the playerbase.

There absolutely is. The more popular the game is, the better, as friends want to play with friends. A “feel-good” system would, according to the analysis, help player retention (except I believe it has the opposite effect because people sense something is wrong, which the dwindling player base suggests) which will then help overall popularity.
Also, active players buy loot boxes. Inactive ones don’t.

Why not get the smurfs the hell out of there to their real level, instead of keeping them around as long as possible, maybe even get them stuck?

My example with the smurfs being pitted against smurfs is just one example of a BS system that should not be there. Who is to say that there are not more?

A system like this should be really, really simple: Take 12 people at around the same SR (drop MMR) and throw them in the game. NO analysis! Just do it. Smurfs will rise to their natural level, while throwers and boosted players will sink like a stone to theirs.

If the devs have nothing to hide, why can’t they just release the source code? They are keeping it secret, you know.

I have 4 accounts over some 800 SR. I can’t carry games 800 SR below my main, and I can easily go on lose streaks down there as well.
Even though I play at a Diamond level (Im around high Plat on my main atm.), I will in low Gold still enter lose streaks - I will be there, often up against another High-Plat/Diamond player (when not a Master, a GM or even the odd T500 like I had 3 days ago), sometimes several, while the rest of the players can’t aim, are out of position, are feeding their brains out, in other words, playing like complete morons.
And I still can’t climb easily.

I have played since release, and my main is high-Plat today (I have been in low-Diamond a few times) just as it was in Season2, the first Season I played.
I am infinitely better than I was back then.