I refuse to believe the game doesn't set people up to lose on purpose

I’m on another losing streak! Yay!

I just can’t believe these are random. I really can’t.

EVERY single game I’ve had today has been worse than every single game I played in the last three days. Our teams got absolutely steamrolled. It’s not even funny.

For some reason - probably not intentional - the system is setting me up a deliberate series of losses today.

I don’t think they do it on purpose to make people miserable. I think it’s something else going on. But there’s so obviously something going on.

They really need to look at the matchmaking system, in particular streaks like this, and figure out what exactly is going wrong .


This is a team game and when you get rolled (or roll) like that its all about synergy. I’m not talking about synergy between heroes but between playstyles, target priority etc. Some times you get a team like that, every one just wants to do the same thing, focus on the same heroes without saying a word, position themselves correctly in relation to each other etc and you just roll the enemy team like it was a master vs bronze game. Other time the exact opposite happens and every one has different priorities and their playstyles don’t match at all and you get rolled instead. I don’t think the matchmaker can account for that, all it can do is look at Individual mmr.


Part of losing streaks are also tilt. Whether you realize it or not, losing streaks are almost always caused by tilt. One loss makes you upset, a second makes you mad, a third infuriates you, and that tilt manifests itself in your gameplay. If you start losing 3+ games in a row and it’s getting to you, just play QP or take a break.


It’s not tilt, man.

One underperforming player does not a steamroll make. I couldn’t make the games this bad by not playing perfectly. I’m not the keystone the entire team depends upon.

If I lost by a hair that would be one thing, but I’m losing by a million f’ing miles EVERY TIME.


I know, but if you’re not performing as well as you should, I don’t understand the problem. Tilt hurts your gameplay. If you’re not performing as well then your team is at a disadvantage, and if you’re at a disadvantage then you will probably lose.

It feels like your blaming the System instead of looking at your own gameplay and pointing out problems with YOURSELF.


The thing is, the matches are far too unbalanced for me to have won any of them on my best day.

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Well, it’s easy to say that. But there’s no real way to know if that would actually play out.

Look at your replays. Focus on your gameplay, find your mistakes, and improve upon yourself. If you truly didn’t deserve those losses then you should try to improve to “beat the system”, since your blaming it.


It’s not my gameplay, dammit!

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Then I don’t know what to tell you!

It’s that mentality that’s keeping you back. If you’re unwilling to point out your mistakes then you deserve to lose.


I’m telling you these games are so completely unbalanced I could never have won them.


I’m assuming OP is mentioning how they get games 1-2 games above their rank which has happened to them before, has happened to me as well I can take losing with lower ranked or same skill people, but it’s pretty hard to do anything if you are a plat in a diamond or masters game, same with the enemy’s plat.

Although I don’t think it sets him up to lose on purpose, I think the matchmaker just wants quick matches, and some plats unfortunately get drafted into higher ranked games, maybe the last diamond for a team couldn’t be found for both sides so they just insert plats in :man_shrugging:t2:

I don’t think it’s just the ‘quick match’ thing, because that doesn’t explain why I’ll get 10-20 of these in a row.

Oh wow…I’ve never read so much wrong in such a tiny sentence.


I mean then maybe you have the same MMR as diamonds, maybe the diamonds have the same MMR as a plat, not sure, I mean idk what to tell you, matchmaker doesn’t want you to lose it’s just assuming that you’d be the best fit for a diamond game, which sucks yeah, but I mean maybe it’l adjust sometime.

The exact same thing has been happening to me (I made a post about it too) and has been happening to people I play with. I’ve just been going on ridiculous loss streaks lately that I’m sure there is something going on. I’ve lost almost all the games I play lately and often lose 10+ games in a row. I have no idea why because this used to not happen until the past few weeks or so. Even playing heroes I’m usually good at (like Mercy) which should, at the very least, net me a win every so often. But nope. I still keep losing non-stop.

Yeah, I kinda know that feel bro.

You are on some win streak, it’s working ok with the other players, and suddenly, it feels like you’re playing in a rank a lot lower than the first win of your streak.

I sometimes don’t understand either why, while climbing up, you suddenly end up with bigger mistakes than before.

Usually I say to myself that, espcecially in mid-ranks like gold/plat/diamond, there are a lot of different things we have to improve on while not being terrible at the game in these ranks.

Sometimes we end up with a team that isn’t good enough to compensate on our flaws and vice versa.

Losing streaks can and often do happen. But when you say that you lose 10-20 games in a row, why do you blame the system instead of your skill?

I don’t think the system tries to make you lose. It’ll experiment with higher ranked matches (and lower ranked ones too) but it learns very fast.

You can’t fault the system for 10+ lost games in a row.


Has been happening to me as well, lots of loss streaks, but there doesn’t seem to be a reason why the system would just suddenly changed, I assume it’s just something happened in how I play.

I mean I can’t think of any reason why loss streaks are becoming more common.

Thats how 50/50 works. It some kind of forced. You get so long into matches that you can win even when you are in your best form just to throw into matches that you cant lose even when you AFK.

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Because there’s an obvious, perceptable difference between a game you could win and a BS game where I could have stuck a grandmaster down in my seat and still gotten spawn camped.