I refuse to believe the game doesn't set people up to lose on purpose

Actually they are not that “wildly different and contradictory”. What I suggest is that they have built all kinds of systems into the MM to address different problems: Smurfs, “feel-good”, toxicity and probably more. These systems can create emergent properties so not even the devs know what is going on.

A simple MM would not have these problems, and a simple MM would also not be a problem to release the source code of - not that I believe anyone would ask for it, as nothing would feel wrong.

The system you are describing is absolutely not a “feelsgood” system in any way, shape, or form. If anything it’s a “pity” system. It gives you a win because it’s been giving you so many losses. Nobody on Earth would ever think “hey, I think that’s exactly what this game needs to pull in new players.” Its faulty logic. It’s an AWFUL system that nobody competent enough to read would ever put it through and start programming.

Forced losing streaks are not going to pull in new players. It’ll deter them, and deterred players can’t but loot boxes, can they?

Thats what the system already does!

It puts smurfs against smurfs in gold games. The winning team gets boosted MUCH more than other golds, because the MMR thinks it belongs in masters, not gold. Instead of +15 SR per game, they get +40, + 50, even + 60 to get that SR changed quickly.

The losing team loses much less SR. They’ll lose maybe 10 SR. But everyone in that match (or at least a majority) were smurfs and the MMR will do its best to keep those smurfs climbing.

So the MMR already does what you’re saying, except it’s not ruining the games of players that actually belong there. This is a BETTER system than you described, because it keeps smurfs climbing fast while not ruining gold players’ games.

If you’re homeless, just, you know, buy a house? What’s stopping you?

800 SR is nowhere near enough of a skill gap to be able to carry games. You have to be AT LEAST 1200+ SR (in my experience) to have a noticeable impact on the game compared to someone at that rank.

You do not play at a Diamond level. You play at a high plat level. There’s a difference between 3300 SR and 2900 SR.

Let me just dissect this paragraph:

  • You inflate your ego by saying you play at a diamond level when you have only peaked in diamond

  • You claim that High Plat is a high enough SR that you should be able to carry games in Low Gold

  • You claim that the only reason you are losing is because you are being matched against people of your own skill level in Gold

  • You say that the reason you can’t carry is because your teammates are “morons” and can’t aim or position ever

  • You claim that, because you are 800 SR higher on your main, that the only reason you aren’t climbing is because of the system

All of which are either logical fallacies or just flat out toxic mindsets. If you don’t belong in gold, then improve. If you truly are a “diamond level player” then why aren’t you IN diamond? You would be losing less SR per loss if the MMR truly thought you belonged in diamond. The only way you can get there is by improving, as blaming the system is never going to get you anywhere.

That’s my point. You’re wasting your time coming here and complaining about a problem that a plurality of the playerbase does not experience. You’re wasting your time complaining and whining about a system that is not going to change (because, for the most part, it doesn’t need to). You’re wasting your time complaining when the only thing that CAN solve your problem is improving. A message that you don’t seem to want to hear, but it’s true and you know it. If you improve, you will climb. That’s the bottom line.

All you have to do is take a look at the current system. If you have any experience with it or done any analysis of it, you would know that it follows a pattern, which rules out that it is solely your performance deciding what is happening.
I have several times gone directly from an account on a losing streak 800 SR below my main, to winning games on my main account, just to go back to the low account and continue the seemingly unbreakable losing streak.

Do you think I make up stuff just for the heck of it? It is actually based on something.

Someone is going to lose. If Blizzard thinks they can manage that better than pure chance to retain players, I would not be surprised to hear they tried - I base that on the company’s history of psychological manipulation of its players.

No. They get somewhere between 25 and 35. Rare instances up towards 40.
I have seen Kabaji gain mainly 25-28 SR for wins in Plat, with some 30+ mixed in.

When I play on my low account I will also often get 26-28 SR for a win and 18-21 for a loss. As WR is around 50/50 due to factors mentioned before, it is a painfully, painfully slow way to climb.
And the net result is, that it exacerbates the smurfing problem, because it keeps the smurfs around for much, much longer than it should. A smurfing problem that so seriously impacts the lower ranks, that it is doing its part to chase away players.

I know for a fact that I play at a Diamond level. I am a Tracer main and have been beating Tracers all the way up to Master. I can easily match Diamond players in duels.
The other day I matched that T500 player I mentioned earlier, who admittedly was not a T500 DPS (he was T500 support) - but he was Master DPS. He had crazy reaction times and incredible aim. In return I had my Tracer experience, which was probably bigger than his, and overall we tied.
I am currently around 2900. 2900 to 3000-3100 is not that big a difference.

At this point you are just grasping for arguments because you have none.
Your problem is, that you have done no independent analysis or even thought yourself, but instead rely on regurgitating dev statements.

Well, I have done an analysis, and I’ve stated multiple times that this “pattern” you speak of does not occur with me. My wins/losses are pretty stable. I’ve never once had a losing streak like this, and quite frankly my story is just as valuable as yours.

Never said you’re making stuff up.

Have you READ my previous posts? You’re gaslighting need and telling me that I didn’t do things that I clearly did.

This is all an analysis of the reasoning of making a system like you said.

Here I tell you why I don’t think it’s a problem.

Let me repeat myself so you can’t gaslight me anymore: I have never experienced a problem like this, nor have many. And there’s absolutely no reason financially to do this (negatives outweigh positives). So it’s a reasonable assumption that this is just a conspiracy.

I have done an analysis and explained why it would be incredibly foolish AND told you that I have never experienced this, nor have many. What makes YOUR side the right side?

Being able to tie a Masters player in a duel does not mean you play at a Masters level. You also have to have good cooldown management, game sense, positioning, target priority, etc., all of which are not displayed in a duel.

Just because you have the mechanics doesn’t mean you have the skill.

You were also dueling him in his off role, so that doesn’t help you, and ESPECIALLY considering you have more experience playing Tracer than him.

Please listen to me. Telling me I “have no argument” is gaslighting and if you continue to do so you will just be wasting our time. It’s also a pathetic argument, don’t ever use that. Respect people’s opinions, would you?

Ok, I will only address your last point on my skill:
I can assure you, if you have no good cooldown management against a Diamond Tracer, then you will have a very, very short stay in a duel - let alone if that Tracer is of higher level than that.

But otherwise I agree, just because I can mechanically match a higher level Tracer doesn’t mean that I am at that level myself, as the game requires more than the pure mechanics.

But from there and not even being able to break 50/50 in low Gold is a far, far, far cry.
If this game was fair, I would trivially climb out of Gold again on my alt (and which I have done many times before, but something changed), but I can’t. I have to spend an eternity relying on the difference in Performance-based SR.

Anyway, it is pointless to discuss more with you, so let us just agree to disagree. You heard my points and I can not put them clearer than what I did.

You have to keep in mind that OW is a team game - just because you as a player may belong higher doesn’t necessarily mean you will get there fast. The MMR knows your real skill but you still will end up with closer games because it either puts you on a regular gold team against another gold team (these games will be pretty close unless you REALLY pop off) or puts you against players of your skill.

Anyways, yes, I will agree to disagree. All I want is for people to improve on themself, and blaming the system (IMO) gets nobody anywhere.

Side note on this, do you guys actually try to duel a Tracer with Tracer? I generally try to avoid this as the fight takes ages to resolve and ties you up without accomplishing anything useful.

Unless the Tracer is wrecking your team in which case distracting them is probably worth it.

I had to. He was destroying my team harder than I was destroying his, so overall they were winning.
Even if you are not completely up to par with another Tracer, you can waste that Tracer’s time duelling you, which will keep pressure off your team. With the right tricks you can make duels last quite long, even against a vastly superior Tracer.
You do it like this: Whenever the enemy Tracer blinks, you blink too. The very good Tracers will after a blink have the cursor right on you, simply because they have so good mechanics and reaction times, so if you stay in the same position, you might get killed, as the health pool is very low. By blinking about simultaneously, he will not know where you are.
However, if you put no pressure on him, it is limited how much time you can waste of his. You have to damage him as well so you force his Recall. If you fail to do this, you will probably last less than 15 seconds.
It goes without saying, that if you use a Blink too much or if you Recall too early, that you will soon be game over.

Also another thing you can do to last longer, is be very aware of health packs, and then run for those when in trouble. If he is the better Tracer, he has to be more aggressive, which means that he will chase you, which again means that you decide where the fight goes - and you are in front, being the first on the health packs. He will soon have to give up the chase, and then you can square off again from zero, once your abilities are off cooldown.

A Tracer can try to ignore another Tracer, but if the other Tracer insists and sticks around to protect the backline, then it can be very hard to get anything done, as a remotely capable Tracer will take a good chunk of your health every time you go in.

We ended up winning the game in the end. Surely not only because of me, but I believe my duelling him was a big part of it.

I say it’s about half honestly.

I’ve had games where I’ve had all golds with 3.0 KD’s and still go on a losing streak, and when I finally win it’s not when I carry.

It feels complete random sometimes.

Yep, I’ve seen that kind of thing before. It’s like counter sniping - usually a waste but if the other sniper is good enough, just tying them up is enough.

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Stats do not mean anything. The game cannot display your decision making and stuff.

That’s one of the reasons the MMR might struggle - it can’t possible detect your decision making or shot calling.

(psst. it’s cheaters. yes, the genjis, hanzos, doomfists, and tracers that have a default profile picture and are underlevel 100 might ACTUALLY be cheating, wild)

It’s definitely tilt. Yes, you’ll get games that you can’t win, and you’ll get games with bad players, and you’ll get games where people throw: but the enemy will ALSO get those games. You’re the only constant, and if you deserve to be higher, you’ll be higher. Like, I got out of diamond by playing better than my opponents and adapting to the situation. If people are talking, talk. If people aren’t talking, leave vc and focus on staying alive and providing value. If your team is aggro and inting, find a way to provide value with them. If your team is passive, still find a way to provide value. If you provide enough value, you’ll win. There’s nothing wrong with the matchmaker, because other players have been climbing while you’ve been on losing streaks. It’s YOU and you’re in your own head.

It’s literally forced 50/50. Any account you make will be rigged to lose multiple times. Look at your replay menu at career profile. The average streak is 9 losses and maybe 1 win. Every single time. It was never this bad before.

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