I refuse to believe the game doesn't set people up to lose on purpose

Lmao okay. Sure. With that mentality I’m not surprised you’re losing.

My point is that you should work on your own gameplay. The system can’t change, but your gameplay CAN. If you improve your gameplay then as a result your games and matches will begin to improve in skill.

But you seem to think that the only thing holding you back is the system. If you’re not willing to improve on your own gameplay then why are you surprised you’re losing?

Losing streaks are not caused by the matchmaker. The matchmaker does not differentiate between the people who are on losing streaks and those who aren’t.
Either you have bad luck, or you’re playing worse than you normally do without noticing. Most likely, it’s a combination of both.

That’s caused by a lack of available players. They allowed the matchmaker to use wider parameters a while after RQ was released in order to lower queue times.
The average player SR will be lower on the enemy team to make up for it, if they don’t have a goldie.

I said the majority of the games I didn’t say all games. I know i made my share of mistakes in some of the games but a lot of them I was doing very well. I achieved masters in tank and dps and diamond in support in season 24 but that all changed in this season.

I view my VODs and I critique my own game play, I check what I was doing right and wrong and what my team was doing and I am sorry but I can’t dispute the facts. Facts don’t lie and the facts are a lot of my team were playing poorly, quitting, throwing you get the picture.

The system cannot predict that can happen. So do not blame the system, blame those players.

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On the contrary, not only is the opposite of your statement entirely possible, I would go even further. A SINGLE BAD PLAY by even one teammate, even in the first 4-5 seconds of a map, could lead to a complete steamroll.

Overwatch is very much a game of momentum. Ultimate charge, for example, is such a precious resource. And even one bad positioning choice can utterly imbalance the ult economy in a way that lends itself to complete and utter curb stomping.

Hell, in gold games you can actually look for it and exploit it. One of my favorite things to do on a map like Anubis or Hanamura is roll out slow on attack, and look for that one hero on the red team that has positioned way too far forward to try and score some cheap ult charge/kills. They drop quickly 1 v 5 or 6, and from there the rest of the round is pretty much over, most of the time. And once you roll the first round, you put so much pressure on red team to match your time that if you just play cleanly and exploit their overagression it’s an easy win.

I never said the system can predict such results.

But why does the system decide “Hey this guy lost 10 times in a row but is playing very well, lets put him with other players who are doing very well”

Instead of deciding “He’s getting very unlucky but we are going to keep giving him unwinnable games, this player xyz have been throwing match with him, player xyz 1 trick match with him and here is a 5 stack that has won 7 games in a row let’s have him face them”

You are always part of the reason you lose.
Whether a streak comes down to you playing badly, bad luck or both makes no real difference, the matchmaker doesn’t predict that.

The matchmaker isn’t clairvoyant, does not take streaks into consideration, and does not take what heroes you play into consideration when matching.

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I had horrible runs last night, every game felt like a stack of comp players against a bunch of casual skin collector randos. It was terrible, and its like this every time we have an event. Its to the point I was simply not even enjoying playing quite honestly, and normally I love it.

It already does? What’s the problem here?

They’re not unwinnable. I have said it multiple times but I’m going to repeat myself because you don’t seem to get the message. The MMS will try to get a game to have a 50/50 chance for each team. So you are probably going to lose half of your games already, that’s a given. But losing more than half of your games is solely on YOU.

The game decides that you are a fine candidate to be put up against that five stack. If they are running a five stack, most likely they will put a 5 stack on your team around the same skill level.

The game makes the matches as even as possible.

Not to mention that the MMR will change how much SR you lose per match. Even if you lose, if the MMR thinks you performed well, it will provide a smaller penalty. The same is true for wins; if you don’t perform very well, it will give you LESS SR. If you continue to lose SR that means that the MMR has determined that you are too high for your skill level.

Nah, it is real. This season has been +100 one day, -100 the next the whole time. Suddenly get DVA Hog as tanks every match. I won a lot yesterday, so probably won’t touch the game today (good job keeping players off your game, Blizz!). And tomorrow I will stop on the first loss.

I know what you’re saying and I get it, but after my 15th loss in a row due events that are beyond my control I refuse to believe the system works anymore, if it did streaks like that wouldn’t happen. If this would’ve happened to me in maybe 10 or less games then I wouldn’t be having this debate with you. Fact is it happened to me and a lot of other players.

Someone can’t sit there and say “well you lost 15 games ONLY because of you” When in reality I was genuinely trying my very best in each game. Like I said before, sure I made some mistakes in a few of the games but certainly not enough to have a 15 loss streak.

Fact is OW is a team game and if you get 1 or 2 bad apples then kiss your chances of winning goodbye. Does OW place you with these 1 or 2 bad apples from time to time? I think so.

That’s not my point. My point is that the system isn’t going to change. If it truly doesnt work, then how are pros able to stay pros without losing ten+ games in a row and getting bumped down to low masters?

But you know what can change?


Work on improving yourself and eventually your match quality will go up. The system clearly isn’t putting you on forced losing streaks, and blaming the system instead of yourself or the players you were matched with is foolish and toxic.

Does it do it without balancing the teams? No, I know so. It balances every single game to the best of its ability.

I don’t think the matchmaker uses 11 other people as pawns to manipulate your match outcomes.

every time you queue up a match your basically flipping a coin. throwers one game, a leaver the next, maybe someone not playing their hero correctly due to inexperience or your just going against some bronze accounts that are smurfing

people saying that to play better are somewhat right but to carry the above you have to play at a gm level… not realistic

so basically its just random, flipping that coin may result in 10 heads when you called tails lol

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This may actually be a bad thing, because on these streaks I often perform quite well at least some of the time (a lot of the games have pretty bad players on both teams) which means the drop in MMR seems to take forever. And then when the streak ends I typically get dropped off in some extremely low MMR and it’s easy to carry games with ridiculous kill % and I only get a couple of those before I’m back to normal.

This is why it is such a travesty that there is no in-game team system and the core of OW is teams. It’s reflected in OWL, where one learns to play within a group and function as a unit more or less. No in-game Team system aka “guilds” (I hate that term in OW) is desperately needed. It would cut down on toxicity, allow players to learn from each other, and be comfortable trusting their teammates by experience with them. It is also quite literally “the way the game is meant to be played”; not six randos from a broken matchmaker against six other randos.

I cannot count the times I have a Reaper+JR against a Pharah; the number of times I see a Ball player who literally either doesn’t tether, or never pile drives or even boops enemies out of position. And when you try to advise them even gently you get told to do interesting things to yourself often by another member of your team… :roll_eyes:

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I mean, it wouldn’t be bad if a better system for real teams existed, but people realistically don’t have time to get together with 5 friends just to play the game. I used to play Destiny 2 and just wrangling a few guildmates for a raid or some gambit was a pain in the butt. Also, when you’ve bugged your friends to join your team, you’re committed and it easily leads to spending the entire day playing that one game, which means you start to not do it if you don’t want to use the whole day like that… etc.

Do you see why this is completely contradictory to your point? The MMR is not putting you in games it thinks you will lose. It’s still thinking you are performing well. So it’s not putting you against these unbeatable teams.

And also, you said that you get back to that SR almost instantly after a few wins. That means that the MMR is trying to get you back to where you were, so it’s working correctly.

But imagine if your “guild” was 30-50 people…

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