I refuse to believe the game doesn't set people up to lose on purpose

Here’s the problem. Many people do not have this problem. In fact, it’s probably the majority. So for the people that DO have this problem: if you look at the pure stats, who’s to say that it isn’t YOUR OWN FAULT? I mean, you have low winrate. Most of your games end up being steamrolls.

How can you directly say that it’s the system and NOT your own gameplay? The system is never going to change, but your gameplay CAN. You CAN improve if you set your mind to it. And if you’re truly good at this game, improving will help you beat this rigged system and get to where you truly belong.

This would be an awful idea. It literally defeats the purpose of an MMR. Without it smurfs would run rampant and you’d have people way out of where they should be.

Jeff said it himself. The game tries to reach a 50/50 shot each match. If you are losing 70% of those games, that means that 20% of those games are probably your own fault.

It’s trying to get there! The only reason this is happening is because it is REEVALUATING AND TRYING TO GIVE HIM A GAME AT HIS LEVEL!

But why doesn’t it ever happen, though?

I’ve been getting streaks like this in all three roles over the last year.

If I’m playing in 3300 why can I get mid gold players on my team? That’s not synergy. That’s the system. And it happens at least three times a day

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God, I had the worst thing about 3 weeks ago where the system was placing me with diamond, masters, and GM players all the time. Even if the teams are even it sucks to play with people that much higher than you.


Because you keep blaming the system, and don’t seem to be willing to improve over it. And it will continue to bump you down until you demonstrate that you are capable of overcoming the challenges it’s throwing at you

I mean, the problem is that it feels like I get destroyed for ages before it gets better. And then when the streak finally ends I get dumped off in some stupid low MMR where it only takes a few games of crushing people to get right back where I was.

Like, the system desperately wants to put me in a higher MMR and takes a couple of wins as validation but refuses to accept it when I can’t hang in that MMR so it makes me lose for ages before it drops me.

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i agree with OP. Before I totally quit and uninstalled the game forced me to lose 12+ in a row. These games were not my fault. MM was placing me with people who were either toxic, throwers, quitters, or just plain bad in every game. I was placed to fight against people who were much better than me or my team or stacks of 3+ people.

It was only sometime after my 15th loss I tilted and just uninstalled and gave up for good.

I refuse to believe that 12+ Losses were JUST because of me I was doing good, better than most in my team and I was genuinely trying my best yet I kept getting loss after loss after loss due to just 2 or more people on my team who were not even trying.

Bad luck or rigged game you tell me.


Yeah, I had one earlier this year that led to my first ever uninstall. I think I’ve had about five of these streaks in the last year.

I’ve played this game for about 4 years but this phenomenon is only about 1 year old at most.


This is exactly the problem. If a guy from Diamond is playing an alt account in Gold, why should he have a “50/50” shot at winning the match? Shouldn’t he fairly easily be able to carry it?
What happens is, that the MM will find another player of his skill (probably another Diamond) and match him against him on the other team.
This makes for a very frustrating experience, where not even higher ranking players can carry consistently at lower levels.
And what is even worse: Since one of those higher ranking players will lose, overall the higher ranking players are hanging around much longer - if not even getting stuck there.


Just to reiterate, by the way, one of the reasons I think this is matchmaker related phenomenon is that roles are affected independently. Like, if I have a terrible loss streak going in DPS, and I pick tank instead, I will have a completely normal game on tank. I can go play five games on tank, win maybe three, and then go back to DPS and I’ll lose 8 more in a row with extreme team differences in each one. A loss streak in one role doesn’t affect others.

Unfortunately playing other roles will not cause the streak to end in that role, and there is no way to cause the matchmaker to behave itself except to lose for a long time.

I’ve tried ending streaks faster by playing underpowered heroes or those I’m terribly bad at (so the system thinks I suck even more due to bad performance based MMR) but it doesn’t seem to help.


It is impossible to say, as they could have added a ton of BS in there. I also suspect there is an anti-toxicity system, that will give toxic players worse matches.

Ya, I understand smurfing and boosting is problems, but they must be fought at another level than in the MM. Systems to fight that will hurt everyone.

The game feels like being stuck in cement, and it feels like it doesn’t matter what you do, the game will decide your fate.

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They’re not random. Statistics easily refutes it. It’s easy to calculate the chance of going on a win or loss streak if the odds are 50/50. Two losses is 25% chance, 3 is 12.5%, 4 is 6.25%, 5 is 3.125% chance, etc. The win/loss streaks that I go on are consistently so improbable that there’s no way they are random.

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And if the games were fair I’d agree with you, but tell me how do you demonstrate to the game that you are better than toxicity, throwers, leavers, people who 1 trick ? You can’t control the game that continually puts you with people like this in every game you play. You can’t carry a leaver or a thrower or a 1 trick it’s impossible. You can’t demonstrate that you are better than a 4-6 stack against your team of people who aren’t trying.

I recently watched a GM streamer ( that will go unnamed) go on a 17 game losing streak finally then he won 1 game and even he said the game is rigged.

The streamer said:

“The game chooses which queues you get put into…winning queues or losing queues it’s just a luck of the draw. If the game doesn’t want you to win, you won’t win!”

You’re not understanding my point. The matchmaker has determined that that diamond player is in gold, and will treat them as a gold player and not a diamond player. So it’ll put 6 golds vs 6 golds, even if one of them is smurfing and the system can’t tell yet.

In this case, the diamond SHOULD be able to carry the golds… to an extent. Keep in mind that diamond still isn’t all that special.

I’m sorry, but the rank of a streamer literally does not mean anything. The words of them don’t either. I’d rather have a dev from silver tell me about the system than a random salty streamer from GM.

Streamers don’t have any more credibility than my dog sitting next to me right now when it comes to the MMR system.

The point I was making that it wasn’t because a streamer said it, but the fact that it was proof on his stream that he lost 17 games in a row. This means that it’s not just 1 or 2 people this is happening too but a few people and streamers and GMs are no exception. On forums they are just words and people will say “Its you not the system” but when a person loses 17 games live on stream it proves that there is a flaw somewhere in the system.

No it doesn’t. It means that they either got unlucky or they are genuinely higher than where they should be.

I’m not saying the system is perfect. But losing 10+ games in a row isn’t at all common, and when it does happen, I think you should at least CONSIDER the fact that it might be your gameplay that’s hindering you.

This is the whole point of the post, it’s not about luck it’s about the game forcing you to lose by making games unfair. I refuse to believe that more than once luck played a part in me ( and other people) getting nothing but throwers, leavers, quitters, 1 tricks, and people who refuse to counter 15+ times in row.

And I get it people need to carry but the game makes it down right impossible to do so.

So that comes to 3 scenarios in which it could be:

  1. Several players are that unlucky in multiple games.
  2. One person in a game tried so hard to throw they made their entire team lose 15+ times in a row.
  3. There is a hidden algorithm somewhere in the MMR that forces to just make the game almost impossible for a player to achieve a win.

Which sounds like the most plausible scenario?

Playing better than most of my team in the majority of the games? Sorry I don’t think I was the sole cause of ALL 15 + games I lost. Not to mention, i can’t control throwers, quitters, and 1 tricks.