I really want Devs to explain to me how Sym is supposed to win any 1 vs 1 duels

Cause I am really not buying that she is a DPS.

Edit: I am tired of arguing with your false claims.

No one wants a Sym on their team.


Camp in a room with sentries and wait for the enemy to walk in.

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Wasn’t the entire rework, made to get away from that style of play.


Use your teleporter.


Honestly, you likely just adding problems by using the teleporter.

I think Symmetra would benefit from:

  • 80% less damage blocking from armor, because of the 5x tickrate increase.
  • Primary fire gains charge from primary, secondary and lasers.

hey, i did win some 1v1 today in mystery ffa! (I will never pick sym in any other mode :stuck_out_tongue: )

I think Sym would benefit is she had her Proton Barrier back


Try not to get into a 1v1 situation as Sym in a team based shooter. It is possible to be a great DPS while also playing behind your team you know.

Being bad at 1v1s doesn’t suddenly make your hero bad.


Hit people with two secondary fire orbs? It’s not that bad if you get the element of surprise, which you can easily obtain via smart teleportation.


How would they implement that in her current equipment?

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Lets be honest people in Mystery want you to kill them so they can get to there favorite hero, while your in a hero your not comfortable with playing.

To Gf: 🧞‍♀ Sym Buff Idea: Make the Flying part of the Turret: a Photon Barrier

Not true, why you think that people will play this if they dont wona play other heroes that usualy?


Maybe half the people play Mystery like that, but not the other half.

I saw that, wasn’t a big fan of making the stealthy sentries into giant blue shields.

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Lets be honest, Stealthy Sentries is not helping her now.

Besides, only noobs don’t pay attention to the Sentries.

Welp, for me (im not sym player to be honnest) in fight with any other hero is important to be the one starting it with her alt fire, if you manage that its alredy close to win, if no one interrupt you somehow :confused:

That may be true.

To be honest I’m not much of a Symmetra player, so it hard for me to grasp what isn’t important.

Really just makes me sick how poorly this hero was done.

She is basically just a Taxi style hero at this point.

Then you switch.

Teleporter Bomb for quick picks. You only need 1 turret if you’re confident that you’ll land your charge M2 orb before TPing back out.