I really want Devs to explain to me how Sym is supposed to win any 1 vs 1 duels

Such a waste of resources plus it’s easily destroyed by most forms of Damage.

Plus the long Cooldowns after.

She’s not supposed to be winning 1v1 duels. She’s similar to Sombra; she provides immense utility for her team and creates plays that the team otherwise wouldn’t have access to, but has low dueling potential and damage output.

Symmetra’s Teleporter lets her move an otherwise immobile team around the map, teleporting past a critical choke point or taking a flank route that is only accessible to the most mobile heroes. Her turrets let her output consistent damage in an area without needing to be there, farming ult charge and distracting the enemy, forcing them to turn from the fight to take them out. Her ult takes away any positional advantage the enemy might have, forcing defenders to abandon high ground or a choke due to the barrier in their way, or keeping the attackers from dealing any damage until they get all the way to the point.

Just like Sombra, she’s not going to get a lot of value unless you communicate with your team and get them to follow up on the opportunities you create.

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Move TP to alt weapon and put Photon Barrier on E.

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How would you cycle the E to the other ability?

Wasn’t she supposed to be like Mei.

She can two-shot people with her alt fire really quickly. It does 120 damage. I feel bad about how strong it is sometimes because I can charge it while moving around a corner and hit them with one for 120 before they get a chance to move and then I only have to hit them one more time with her GIANT projectile. It’s a little too easy, actually.

That idea just hurts her turret uptime. What if you use a turret to block damage and the enemy doesn’t destroy it so it hits the surface and deploys somewhere useless.

You wouldn’t need to press E again. It’s just Photon Barrier on E.


She has one of the single most powerful utility abilities in the game with teleporter

That could work.

I also kinda like the balance of it. Because being able to approach with a shield then warp out might be a bit much.

Or vice versa.

I don’t think it would be too much. If you TP out, then that means Photon Barrier won’t be helping you after.

Yeah that’s what I’m saying.

It’s “either-or”, not “both”

Teleporter cast time is far too long to use in combat.
Especially for escaping Graviton, which was one of the ‘selling points’ of the rework before we got to actually see it.

i really want doomfish to explain to me how overwatch is supposed to be balanced around 1v1 duels if it’s a 6v6 team game

cause i am really not buying that this game is a 1v1 dueling game

you know, the part that bothers me about the grav situation, is that more often than not (happened to me twice in the same match and everyone on both teams noticed it and were confused) is how it spawns too far for anyone stuck in the grav to even use it at all, or the radius being too small to reach from where it spawns, either of those need to be fixed because it’s really pathetic as it is now

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Makes I trying to prove if your bring a Sym to a fight, it’s more 5v6, because of Sym’s current kit does not really help her team in the middle of a fight, just getting to the fight.

And any pro Lucio knows why going all Speed, is a bad Idea.

that makes literally no sense

you can say that about any hero not doing their job

symmetra needs tweaks but she’s definitely not providing nothing to a group

Really, she is not providing enough damage to be a Dps,
she is not providing enough utility to like Sombra,
and She is not slowing down enemies to be like Mei.

She seems just more situational then ever before.

She is trash, rework failed. She isn’t playable in all areas like they aimed for. She is still reliant on too many things to be useful. For someone so close ranged she has no survivability, no quick escape.

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she decimates barriers and can provide extreme zoning with her orbs
that’s not even counting what teleporter/turrets can provide

that’s the same thing she did before, so, no, she’s not more situational or less, she’s pretty much the same

like i said, she needs tweaks, her self sustain isn’t enough to make her valuable enough to sit there and eat barriers, and her own damage is a joke on anyone with armor, so they need to fix the beam’s tickrate, but 180 dps from her beam is not “not enough damage to be a dps” when she can maintain it for an extremely long time, with pinpoint accuracy, rather than relying on spread of some guns and headshot requirements to actually even attain highest dps

it’s a beam that doesn’t falloff, doesn’t spread, and doesn’t require headshots, it’s definitely strong enough to be a “dps” weapon

If She really was that powerful at close range and against Barrier.

Then Brig vs Sym would not be the way it currently is.

Even Nerfed Brig still very likely to win.