I really dont understand whats wrong with mercy

I didnt say you hated it, but the statement “Valkyrie is a pretty braindead ult” strongly implies to me that you are not fond of it

What do you think of BigMainLittleChains? still braindead?

Actually I don’t care, I’m just theorizing about why other people might not like it. As for your suggested changes I don’t think it would change things too much. The Rez change just sounds weird, as for targeting the person who needs the healing most I always do that anyway just in case anything ever obstructs the chain and cuts of the healing to the person I’m trying to heal.

Honestly, after the last round of changes to Valk, I would refer to it as being “fine”. As I mentioned before I think the main skill involved in playing Mercy involves positional awareness / survival, which I think many people downplay.

fair enough…

A viable main healer. What season 4 and 5 zen along with Lucio meta healers. Mercy only saw play in the low to middle ranks. I will also add she was already the best healer at those low ranks next to lucio. Also this is what happens when the devs think they know what’s best for game. For example notice how dps have always had made up majority of heroes which lends to the idea of 3 dps comp. Yet even before the game launches 2 healers mandatory. From may 2016 up until moira release in November 2017 the game lacked healers.

People don’t seem to realize how great synergy she has with Baptiste. She’s arguably the best 2nd healer to compliment his kit.

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To be fair this os what happens when you have a massive population of individuals expression their opinion. People don’t agree on everything this forum problem its more of a people problem.

That reminds me when is Baptiste coming to console.

Why were you upset about lack of junkrat buff?

There’s the answer for you.

Junkrat got a buff about time.same with doomfist.

Because she isn’t a must-pick at all tiers like the Mercy cult wants.

Also because someone asked them nicely to switch because the situation called for it and they got their feelings hurt.

Le gasp. Switching heroes in a game predicated on counters and selecting the best hero for the situation.


Except you will be more likely to have only one of them, and it’s better be Baptiste. No complimenting anyone here, only one healer and no comms.

That’s why Ashe isn’t buff to Mercy, neither is Baptiste. So I really wish people would stop portraying it as something good for her.

I probably have a less passionate response to mercy changes because I don’t only play Mercy. I do still play her sometimes in situations where she’ll do well with the comp and she contributes well, but there are times when she isn’t the best choice so I just pick a different support. Mercy mains are probably just experiencing the frustrations of other one-tricks in that there’s times where their hero isn’t optimal and thus the team asks them to switch to a different hero. The extreme volume of whining about Mercy probably just indicates a disproportionately high number of Mercy one-tricks compared to other heroes.

I’m aware of it. People who play the game wants their main to be viable in every scenario. It’s same for all 29 characters.

While I’m not a mercy main, i kinda get why her current state upsets her mains. She doesn’t feel like a main healer. While other healers are easily capable of healing 10k/10 min without issue (main healers), mercy doesn’t have same healing output. Her ult is a joke of an ult for main healer (60hps aoe healing isn’t special when lucio does basically same thing). Only way to maximize it is damage boosting.

Like several other characters, it feels like devs don’t know what to do with mercy.

If I were to make changes, I’d rework her ult to give it more offensive abilities rather than massive aoe healing. If rez is the problem, put another ability instead of it. Like burst healing/damage boosting output on a cooldown.
But that’s my opinion and well, no character except genji has been meta since season 1 (while he had his ups and downs, he has always been there along with dva,zen and lucio).


She can though? Where are you getting the stats that shows she cant?

She can’t because in plat or above, people can focus her down. If you play at least 5 matches on all the main healers on average these are the numbers you might come up with over 10 minutes.
Mercy: 9.5k healing 1k damage amplified. Not sure about the rez. But if the teamfight is lost in the middle, rez won’t make a difference unless it’s an early pick by enemy.
Ana: 10k healing 2k damage bionade enables other healers while denying heals for enemy. Ult can be used to swing a teamfight entirely. However,in goats, she isn’t the best pick. Outside of goats, she’s amazing in mid tier or above if you know her kits well. But she requires most mechanical skill apart from zen. So she’s well balanced.
Moira: Not a lot of utilities. But if you heal and damage, you can do up to 14k healing/10 minutes and 6k damage while having ability to fight flankers on her own.
Baptiste: too early to tell, but from the matches I’ve played as him on ptr, he’s well capable of healing over 16k/minute with a respectable dps output (5.5k if you’re healing a lot or upwards of 8k if you balance it properly). Great utilities as well. Will be extremely effective in bunker comps.
Lucio: I’m putting him here only because of his playstyle in goats. He can heal a lot if required while bringing the most important ability in the goats comp:speed.

You can say that about a new hero, but you can’t just change the definition of fun for a an old hero hat has a damn huge player pace.

Its because the most passive boring hero in the game is only fun to play if shes overpowered because then it feels like youre doing something.

According to Overbuff in Plat and above she is above 10k average. Her, Moira, and Ana are except Ana in like Plat.

So again, where are these stats coming from?

Mass ress is residentsleeper
Mercy changes were a step in the right direction for Mercy, and people that want it back just want to feel impactful without doing anything.

The only reason people find that Mercy needs changes right now, is that its hard to feel like you can have impact on a game. No matter what you do it will never feel as impactful as other heroes kits, but thats not to say she isn’t impactful, Mercy is very impactful.

But I can see where and when Mercy gets value, thats why i find her fun. I know when im carrying, whether it is acknowledged or not.

The only issue that i personally have with Mercy is the players
Now, ive actually been keeping track of this stat from about a week ago (about 9 days of recording). Now since last week ive played 113 games and out of those 113 games 76 of them wanted me to swap off Mercy. Well, actually it was 80 but those 4 games were like implied. Like “We need more healing” to both of our supports, so not a direct complaint that Mercy was the issue. In those 76 games one or more people said the words (or similar) “mercy swap we need more healing or we are going to lose”

I still ended with a 55% winrate on Mercy, my winrate is like always positive. I hit 4085 this season with a 60% winrate at my peak but dropped a bit to mid master and ended with 55%. I win the majority of my games playing Mercy.

But in hero select, the majority of the players call it a GG.

Also, even the games were nobody said anything, we all know they wanted to.

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i do think the other healers are better then mercy but i personally don’t care when i have a mercy on my team

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