I really dont understand whats wrong with mercy

Lucio easily gets over 10k heals.

Also don’t forget that Mercy doesn’t do damage herself. Meanwhile every other support contributes to team damage. To compensate it must be made up in damage buffing then, but that is pretty insignificant, and is even outclassed by other supports like Zen as you said.

I never said that main healers don’t have utility, but I do say they are not picked BECAUSE of it.

Unless you wish to argue that Ana is picked for her sleep dart or anti-heals or something, which I wouldn’t even attempt because it makes you look silly.

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So… Zarya bubble is like rez? Repair pack is like rez? No.

Unless the ability brings someone back from being dead, it is not like rez. Your assessment is way too oversimplified.

I’m aware similar things have been suggested for Mercy. That doesnt mean it’s like rez. And as for the removal of rez, many people and the devs still feel it should be in the game so :man_shrugging:

Again, this doesnt mean rez and IF are comparable.

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Did I say it was the same? My frustration stems from them showing that they perhaps actually did listen, only to use that feedback for another character altogether. To see implemented suggestions that you felt would finally make your character more fun to you again for another character hurts.

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Last time someone suggested healing to give teammates armor, Brigitte was born.

Uh… okay. Sorry them adding an ability hurt your feelings?

Again, IF and rez arent comparable.

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Yeah, on the old forums I suggested Valk could over-heal to make it more responsive.

I’m cursed.

Lucio can easily do 10000 healing. Literly no analytical backs up that statment. Even GM Lucius only average 8500. Supports are picked for utilty. Why do you think lucio and zen was meta for two season? Even right now main supports are lucio, brig, and zen utility has been a deciding factor on how much a support used. Mercy meta she had the best utilty in the support role with best healing. If anything it makes you look silly ana was used in death ball be is’s of her utility and healing.

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Already explained, how are they comparable. Rest is details: when and how to use specific ability.

It’s like saying, that projectile and hitscan guns are not comparable, because one has instant “shot” and other uses projectile.

Well, I for sure hope you and other players don’t have to experience anything similar. I guess you might not care even if it did happen.

I’ll make sure my next posts only contains numbers as the expression of my personal opinion seems to be unwanted.

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Wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.

The only reason why she was given her over inflated stigma was because of her invulnerability after mass rez, AND the fact Ana had gotten a series of nerfs that made Mercy the only viable main healer.

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Forgot about Lucio, who received nerf to his AoE radius around same time. Leaving out of 4 healers, only two without nerfs, with one being off-healer and unable to sustain team on his own.

Forcing players to play hero they despise as “no skill”, because alternatives were nerfed, couldn’t work out well.

Then I will try harder to express myself.

currently each support stands out in some things more than in others, imagine a pentagon
healing, damage, endurance, utility, speed.

in healing, Ana and Moira would stand out,
In damage, Zenya and Moira would win.

the endurance, Briggite comes to mind, and perhaps it is necessary to mention the new support baptiste.

in speed, Lucio can sometimes get to the point in 4 seconds, Mercy can only fly to allies, but every two seconds, there are other supports that move very well, but not as mobile as these.

in utility, we see that a nade of antihealing of Ana, or a speedboost of Lucio at the time, can win a teamfight VERY quickly

if in each category, we order the healers by power of damage, healing etc …, we realize that those who are in a low place, then have a heroic ability of great impact.
for example, zenn, it hurts a lot, it has the orb of discord that helps, but it heals little, it has no mobility, it is a very vulnerable target given its hitbox, but its heroic ability is able to heal 300hp for 6 seconds

in which mercy stands out? Mercy is not able to cure the team quickly
It can not hurt while it heals,
she needs allies to move
she needs allies to protect herself
her heroic ability can not reverse a teamfight on its own, help, but, to be honest, it’s a joke by all the heroic abilities of this role

only we would be useful, one ress every 30 seconds, which can not win a teamfight either, if you manage to make a ress, you must stop healing, move and damage for almost 2 seconds

In high ranges, McCree’s heroic skill is typically never used, only to recharge, they call it the suicide button, what makes you think that REALLY a ress can be used and has utility in these ranks? If you manage to do ress, what would it do? in many occasions, once a two die, the rest of the team commits suicide, so as not to load heroic skill and save time in dying, so leave again as soon as possible.

Mercy’s problem is that it does not stand out from any other support

but that way things will continue, no matter how many things I have to tell, there will always be people who hate Mercy, who says that it is really okay but ahh in ranked always the fault is Mercy, it does not cure the tanks enough, it can not protect us of a graviton, not enough buffo to the DPS because if not not heal, can make us an individual ress every 30 seconds, cool, but it is more profitable to die all and leave quickly at the same time.


No. It’s not like that at all. Hitscan and projectile are comparable, they both effect only living players, they both are methods of delivering damage, etc.

Rez only effects dead players, IF only effects living. IF makes a small portion of your health invulnerable, rez brings you back from the dead at full health, etc etc.

Your approach is oversimplified far too much.

It’s details. Both affect players, both help them to not die. They are comparable, but it doesn’t make them less unique.

Like I said, brutally oversimplified.

I also play Mercy quite a bit and I’ve been saying for a while now that she’s totally fine. I do have some sympathy for arguments about her being less interesting to play, as Valkyrie is a pretty braindead ult for the most part, though there’s still a fair bit of nuance in figuring out how to slip around the battlefield without getting taken out.

by that “logic”, yes, I’d say it is

I personally find Valkyrie to be a very powerful and extremely versatile ult, nothing braindead about it

That said, given your feeling on Valkyrie as it is now, have you taken a look at BigMainLittleChains?

The forums are the problem (I’m not saying anyone is right or wrong OR hating on the people posting them)

I don’t really hate Valk, but it functions much more akin to a standard support ult like Sound Barrier or Transcendence now. Wait for an enemy ult, then press Q to counter, though it’s arguably somewhat worse than those because you can get picked off. Yes, occasionally you get to pull out your gun and pewpewpew someone but generally only after you start to take control of the fight.

There was arguably more nuance in using Rez because you both had to consider the value of using rez (do I use rez to rez this one person who just went down or do I hold it to see if I can get 2-3?), and you also had to think about whether or not you wanted to try to support on the front lines or hide for a bit to get the big rez. This mechanic is basically gone from the game, probably to the game’s overall benefit, but it does make Mercy somewhat less interesting to play.

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