I really dont understand whats wrong with mercy

a definite possibility

factually, she is played successfully and effectively at the highest tiers of the game, with multiple M and GM players maining her, and oftentimes greatly exceeding the 10k healing “ceiling” you have described here

I guess stats from a third party site never lie.
Btw, how often do you see people filling to create a team comp instead of playing their main roles?

As for numbers, take a closer look rather than trying to prove yourself right. Amazing healing output right? I was wrong about the healing output of mercy because I haven’t checked it after her ults hps was reverted. That contributed towards the healing.

And, take a better look at:damage done and healing figures for all other supports in overbuff.

I guess I’m clueless? Just because you see an account level 10 posting on forum,don’t assume. Assumption is the mother of all failure.

Successfully? No. In most of my matches in 4.2k I don’t see mercy unless we’re running ashe on a bunker comp or sniper for the matter.

I made no such statement

I have no concern over your account level whatsoever

Factually, I made no assumptions in my statements - I simply related facts

I accept that this is what you personally have experienced

That said, I am watching players rise through the highest tiers maining Mercy, and watching their matches where they are playing Mercy successfully and effectively, and not in the manner you have described here

What does damage numbers have to do with what we’re discussing?

And take a closer look at what healing numbers?

I was wondering why the goalposts were moving, myself…

(and I am out of likes right now, Quest, sorry dude)

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You basically described almost all supports, not just mercy.

Honestly, I get it. I have a good amount of time on her and I do wish they’d change something.

However, I also understand why things are as they are. I didn’t like slow rez but it’d be so annoying if it wasn’t a thing and it’s really fun getting one off while the enemy isn’t paying attention.

I wish she healed more but the point they made when the change came out made sense. Loads of people were still playing Mercy just for her ult and consistent healing. (Though, I still wished they made it a bit more, 55 HPS maybe.)

I wish Valkyrie was more engaging like it was when it first came out, but she was too fast and being able to rez two was too much. (I feel like they should make it so Mercy can only rez 1 person, but if Valk is activated, it won’t take as long to rez them, maybe 1/2 or 2/3 what it is outside of Valk.)

I still have fun playing Mercy, she’s just more situational now. I normally only play her if she fits the team or the map, Busan being a good example cause of all the high ground.

This is not true. While all supports enable their team mates, all supports but Mercy can do things on their own. Sleeping an ulting rein is nothing to scoff at, negating all damage from an ulting genji is huge, negating all damage from a tire is huge, canceling ults with a stun is huge, keeping your team from being able to die is amazing, picking off people and doing tons of damage and 1v1ing lots of dps - big, etc. That is all 100% you doing something as an individual player. Hell even booping someone off the map is big. Rezing can be big but it depends on if the player you rezed did something, damage boost also depends on if the other player does damage, and Mercy’s healing is also less than her main healer counter parts and again helps your team but does nothing if they do nothing. When I say she only enables her team I am not referring to her enabling her team as a bad thing, I am saying only enabling her team is a bad thing. She doesn’t do anything herself. You can argue battle Mercy, but I think we can all agree that isn’t a good play style and is highly frowned upon in the community.

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Also to quickly add if its not implied, I want a little oomf not a big oomf. I don’t want her to be overpowered and completely out shine people like she did in Moth Meta. While I think it would have be fun -can’t pretend it wouldn’t be :p- I don’t think that’d be fair in the player base and I don’t want her to be a must pick. I just want a tiny bit of direct impact.

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I’m quite aware of that. However, if a hero is so OP that you have to nerf them 2-3+ times in a row without buffing them in some other way, then either:

  1. They’re not too OP, everyone else isn’t powerful enough, and therefore the better fix is to powercreep the most useful hero, or
  2. The kit design is simply too flawed from the start, and can’t really be balanced without being way over or under powered.
    If they had stopped after 3 nerfs and tried buffing other supports up to Mercy’s level instead, that would have been fine. If they’d simply decided the rework couldn’t work, and gone back to the previous kit, that also would have been fine. But the unending nerfs we got instead were simply too much. There is such a thing as overnefing a hero. Mercy & Brig are perfect examples.

Being generally useful and being must pick aren’t the same thing. You can have one without the other.

There’s (again) a difference between wanting Mercy to be PLAYABLE in any match, and wanting her to actually be played in every match. I don’t want her to be “must pick”, I just want her to be a kind of “jack of all trades”. Not the best every time, but generally good enough to get by, and the most useful from time to time. As opposed to niche and barely useful like she is now.

They need not all be flashy, but they SHOULD feel like you’re doing something, or have the potential to. Valk might feel less underwhelming if you could use more than 2 aspects of it at once. But as it is, it’s really just a combination of other hero abilites. Not even anything unique.

Except that she wasn’t must pick before the rework…Not even close. People just got too triggered about “hide and res” even though a few simple adjustments could have fixed it.

Pulse bomb only got one minor nerf that I know of. Add onto that Tracer being the least touched of any hero in the game, and that was really a far cry from what Mercy got. D.va honestly got a bit too nerfed as well. Can’t really say much about fist since I pay little attention to him. For Hanzo, even some Hanzo mains admitted how unfair scatter was. Not sure what you’re referring to with Soldier, and as for Brig…Same as Mercy. Either other supports were too far behind, or the concept was doomed to fail from day 1. More likely the latter.

If players are even half as concerned / pushy or whatever you wanna call it as Mercy mains have been, for as long as they have been, that should be a clear sign that the numbers don’t tell the whole story.

Honestly after all the grief, they should just do that to make it up to the players that had to deal with this for so long. Not like they couldn’t try again to find a more even balance…

You mean like the first rework kinda did?

I’m 99% sure any hero’s mains would have been the same if it was thier hero who got nuked first. Case in point, D.va & Brig mains.

Her playstyle did not change much, but her potental sure did. Being easy to play means nothing if you aren’t accomplishing much.

Of course they can’t be balanced around only the newbies, but they should be considered somewhere. But the way blizz is going, they aren’t. Mercy & Brig already got nuked into obscurity (Brig less so but as soon as goats dies so will she), and Sym lost the one thing that made her easier to play. How long before heroes like Winston or Junkrat end up in the same boat, hmm?

Because Mercy has gotten the worst treatment of any hero, ever. As I said earlier, more than 2-3 nerfs with no buffs to speak of, and something isn’t right. That applies to every other hero just as much as it does to Mercy. I could make the same case for Brigitte. If another hero got nerfed that badly, I wouldn’t blame others for complaining about it either.
All a matter of perspective…Yes this gets annoying I’m sure. But you wouldn’t be happy either if every hero you tried to main got nuked, or reworked into something you enjoyed less, or both.

She no longer has any of the spotlight left to share. Hence the problem.

Another bit of flawed logic…It’s a game for crying out loud. Fun is the whole point.

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Normally you’d be right with this.

But you’re not right.

There are almost 30 other characters to choose from.
If you have fun with none of them? Ever?
Quit. The. Game.

After all, you’re meant to enjoy it.
Fun IS important.

But Fun is not THE most important factor. Balance is.

This game is now an Esport.
Balance comes first and foremost, then fun.

Just because fun isn’t the #1 priority doesn’t mean it’s a low priority.
Fun is very high in priority, but it’s not #1 because it can’t be in a Competitive environment.

“OWL ruined everything!”
No… if my logic is correct, which I believe it is, then adding the baseline Competitive mode “ruined” casual balance.

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Even though she is balanced, her ultimate is rather lacking for most part. Even though it has it’s use, it would be better if Valkyrie is buffed a little (just the healing, really) or give her a new ultimate. Other than that, she is pretty fine for me. Maybe her healing could also needs a little buffs

Exactly! Tank heavy meta is dying which makes Mercy rise up.
Personally I just Q with dps players :wink:

What’s wrong is she’s not very good as a main healer now plus her ult is kind of lacking in impact. We’ve basically gone from Mercy being a must pick main healer to Ana being the must pick. But people are ok with Ana because “muh skills”. Not realising that Mercy requires a lot of game sense to play, just not mechanical skill.

They could add some form of invuln to her ult for the team since they added a sound effect for it. Make it so Baptiste isn’t a must pick so there’s variety with the invulns. Because we all know he’s going to be in every game while the other supports are just left behind.

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How is a hero more engaging than she was during mass resurrect?

  • Mercy feels currently like a sidekick hero, she can barely show any carry potential because of how low skill ceiling is.
  • Resurrect is so powerful being on a standard ability with a fixed cooldown that they had to nerf other aspects of her kit to compensate, not to mention the ability impedes the flow of her kit.
  • You rarely get ‘on fire’ with her nerfed character these days.
  • They insist many times she’s fine and still directly or indirectly nerf her.
  • You don’t really have to think about when or how to use Valkyrie, and you also have to rely on your teammates somewhat grouping up to maximise the effective of chain damage boost or chain heal.
  • She’s so team reliant these days.

It honestly feels like her ultimate ability is more of a standard ability with a low potential to do a game changing play, while resurrecting the right person (as a standard ability) has the potential to make a game changing play and even reach POTG/POTM if you resurrect the right player at the right time.

The only good thing about this hero is the fact you can still play her effectively when reasonably drunk or tired, otherwise that’s about it. She might be balanced but she has a trash and conflictive design. Even Battle Mercy during Valkyrie, appearing to be encouraged, makes me wonder what they were thinking when they reworked her as she’s meant to be a pacifist in lore.

Also private profile, so I can’t tell if you still main Mercy a lot these days haha.


Difference is now she hasn’t got an ult that requires much planning or thought. It has no oomph and is unsatisfying to use for a lot of people. Res is now a core part of her kit and it feels like a chore to use… so let’s see… they take a highly mobile character that is a squishy and high priority target and make her stand still for 1.75 seconds with a 75% reduction in movement speed in a FPS game and people are complaining about her state? Shocker. Not to mention the rest of her kit is watered down to accommodate this ability :ok_hand: :blush: :+1:


ive posted my profile many times around on these forums, mercy is my 2nd most played hero overall with about 150 hours

Very quickly :
Mercy is fun to play in the sense that her mobility is great, you can basically go wherever you want and feel like you’re just always moving.
Now the fact that rez is an ability is the biggest issue because this thing can never be balanced so they have to make the rest of her kit trash (I mean that 50hps don’t tell me it’s too much healing when every other main heal has more and it was originally changed because 50hps was just useless). She is now really only a pocket character but even then you are kinda taking huge risks because you take her as Off heal (since clearly she can’t keep up anymore as a main heal) but you then chose not to have a defensive ult which is really risky. Her Valk cannot save anyone, it’s good to engage but you cannot save someone with that. Her ult also takes every single “skilled” part of her kit and throw it away --> Super Jump ? Don’t need that anymore. Target Priorizatio ? Don’t know her etc
It’s very anticlimactic to have that huge ult which ends up with you flying 15m away and just switching between heal and damage boost. Also nobody focuses a Valk, you kill her if you have the opportunity but you don’t focus her because it’s just too easy to outdamage her heal and to heal the damage boost which also gives you your ulti real fast and once 2 people on her team are dead she just can’t do anything anymore. You can also use your ult just to reposition or escape something because it’s so unimportant (I mean you don’t use Trans or Broshield just to save yourself cause that would be a huge waste in 99% of the time and you just got baited).
On top of that they wanted to change Rez because Mercy was forced to “hide” and thus stopped healing. Right now we have an ability that removes you entirely from the fight for almost 2seconds and guess what? you don’t heal during that time. On top of that that self stun goes against the very core of her kit. And to top that off, it’s still full of bugs and sometimes your rez won’t work just because God doesn’t want to.

And let’s not talk about Rezzing while Valk because you already are a lighthouse but on top of that it’s so easy to break Rez just by moving a bit too far.
SOOOO with this next patch where Mercy doesn’t have that movement reduction (hope it’s a bug and it’ll be fixed tbh) you’ll be able to break your rez in less than 0.5s so you’ll have to just stop moving all in all and it’s not over ! With the current boop system if you knew how to play around it you could still pull of that rez because of the movement reduction and if you went against the boop but now since it doesn’t take that into consideration anymore you’ll just fly away and break your Rez ._.

So overall yes she is playable but she is not balanced. Her whole kit is underpowered because her Rez is just too strong and that is not being balanced. I just wish they chose to make her a clear Main heal or a clear Off-heal. I’d be fine with either but just don’t let her stay in that trash in-between where it is sooo risky to have her and really you will always do better by using another off-heal than her.
The only exception is Dive but once again she’ll be used as an off-heal in the main heal spot (kinda like Zen filling that role when Zen/Lucio is used).

Also I’m just talking about higher ranks here because I know Mercy is fully viable below diamand in both roles and she’s still really strong, but higher up she is just not good.