I really dont understand whats wrong with mercy

XD on mobile the title was
“I really dont understand whats wrong with me…”

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Use immortal field before lethal hits. Wouldn’t we be able to compare zarya and d va than. Both have ability that stop lethal damage before it hits. Nothing in the game is comparable to rez.

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Anything, that makes player survive otherwise deadly situation, is compareable to rez.

Just like in your example, Zarya and D.va both are doing similar thing, except DM doesn’t have upper limit on damage, while Zarya’s bubble breaks after 200 dmg.

Both got a bit different ways of using them for same goal.

But you’re not surving deadly damage with rez. Rex only works after they have died to lethal damage. Dying isn’t surviving if that was the case we need to update the definition of survive. Rez is unique in the fact its the only ability to bring a player back from the dead. No other ability besides respawning has that effect.

Like I said, yes, you do survive it, because you are alive afterwards. And just like Zarya can fail to use her bubble before deadly hit, Mercy can fail to use resurrect after.

You didn’t die, until you respawn at your spawn room.

I guess you’re right. It’s just weird seeing the word survive begin used after someone died to lethal damage.

It’s same with using word “lethal” for damage, that was supposed to get that kill, but either failed to do it, or kill was reversed.

So what is Mercy’s niche then?

And when do you pick Mercy for her niche? Because if you want a healer, or someone who buffs damage, she is outclassed by other supports all the time.

And that’s the problem. Mercy was changed from a MAIN healer (primary job: HEALING), to an off-healer, whose primary job is to provide some kind of utility on top of healing. Off-healers are also picked for their support ults. Like Lucio, who doesn’t really DO much, but if he has ult he can counter other ults. Or Zenyatta, who is picked for damage and transcendence. The healing is just a thing on the side and not his primary role.
But Mercy? What does Mercy bring with Valk that is not outclassed? So an off-support with weak healing, limited utility, and a worthless ult. In short: don’t pick this hero, pick something more specialized.

Now I’d understand if Mercy was good with a certain meta. But that doesn’t exist either. She definitely defined a meta, but that was Dive+Mercy, not really anything else. Or if she was good on specific maps, but there are no maps where Mercy is better than any other support.

So why pick Mercy? In what circumstance would you want resurrect over ANYTHING ELSE?


By this “logic”, player A kills a red player who was shooting at player B, and this then is comparable to rez.

Because her Niche is very very very limited.

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That’s a good one lmao.

Only one support zen outclasses mercy in buffing damage. One’s a main healer the other off support. Mercy in off healer. What off healer averages over 10000 k healing a game.

Can name only one such circumstance: when damage is so high, that no healing works and everyone just dies from single shot.

hmmm does that meaning saving = resurrecting ?

In a way, yes. You work for same result - keeping that player alive, but you got multiple ways to reach it. You can shield that player, kill their attacker, throw immortality field, outheal incoming damage, or just resurrect them afterwards.

All of those ways have their own differences, while leading to same goal - your teammate is alive.

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Hold on second the whole support besides moira is focused on two thing healing and utility. Literally ever support has a utility ability that can use at anytime. Only one support has limited to no utility moira.

Mercy can’t use both healing and utility and the same time, though. Something every off-healer is capable of. Even Ana has ability, that can do both.

i getcha and it opens up another discussion… irl saving people/relationships is a lot easier than resurrecting them and that might be why people are so against rez in the game… but that might be just too philosophical to actually be true… :woman_shrugging:

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Mercy can literally switch from healing to the utility in one second. That’s not really a limitation at all. You can literally spam between healing and damage boost

You can treat resurrect like reanimation in hospital: someone is about to die, but doctors can make them live. From outside point of view, that “someone” is dead: not moving, not breathing, no heartbeat. But it will be about 5 minutes, before they actually die, and that’s time doctors got to bring them back to life.

And just like in Overwatch, killers can be very upset, if their victim is back to life.

But you are right, it’s got a bit too philosophical :slightly_smiling_face: