I really dont understand whats wrong with mercy

Agree. Her first ultimate was fun. Valkyrie started as boring, but strong, ended as both boring and weak.

Was it powerful to resurrect same player 4 times? Sure it was. Was it fun? No, it was “stop dying already!” feeling, which is simply boring.

Give it some more time. They got used to being ridiculously overpowered over the years.

I’ve answered this question a lot, so I’ll try to do the tl;dr here. I’m a flex player who is relieved to not be begged to play Mercy every single match anymore, but I still think she feels really flat to play right now.

Firstly, there’s very little strategy to her kit anymore. Using mass Rez well (e.g., not afk-ing in spawn and waiting for a teamwipe) required paying attention to the fight, to the ult availability on both teams, to time remaining in the match, etc. You had to think about when to use it, what to save it for, and how many people you needed to spend it on. Now, both Valk and E rez have to be used early in a fight without enemy ults in play, so there’s nothing really to save them for. There are stupid times to press Q and E, and not-stupid times, but not really many opportunities for genuinely smart play with them.

Secondly, Mercy’s kit is not currently very dynamic. Other healers and tanks have ebbs and flows of sustaining/protecting the team vs. going ham, or sustaining vs. bursting. Mercy is all sustain, and even with as powerful as Rez is, it can only be done under pretty specific circumstances, and it almost always is a matter of saving 30 secs waiting for a respawn to start a teamfight, as opposed to swinging a teamfight. There’s not the same kind of “AAAH I DID A THING” that other heroes have, unless she goes BattleMercy.

I think Mercy’s current power level is pretty close to right. I think it’s fine for her to primarily be an enabler of others. But I do want to see Mercy get something in her kit that is more strategic and dynamic, something that rewards her for being smart (as opposed to simply not punishing her if she isn’t dumb). I don’t care if the new thing doesn’t have the same power as Mass Rez, I just miss the active “I did a good” feeling. If she has something she can do which is not as terribly dependent on factors beyond her control, and which rewards really excellent gamesense, I’ll be happy.


She always had a niche of boosting dps .

She wasn’t niche until healing nerf, she was proper main healer.

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She has always been a proper main healer whatever that means. Pocketing dps has always been part of mercy niche.

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Good players healed everyone, instead of pocketing that one player. Unless you count opportunistic damage boosts as “pocketing”.

I just find it hilarious that 30 second cd, 200 hp, CC vulnerable, 1 person rezzing Mercy is borderline OP… and then we add, for a new character, the ability to make up to 6 players literally unkillable for 8 seconds on a 20 second cd, with not nearly the same vulnerability to CC.

It’s not like many Mercy mains asked for a fraction of that as a new E instead of rez.


You forgot “but it can be destroyed by shooting drone, so it should be fine”. Except, just like rez, you can use corners/shields to your advantage, and drone has 250 hp with no critical hitbox.

Ah yes, so we can all forget that while Mercy has 200 hp the drone has 250, while Mercy is stuck in animation Baptiste can shoot anyone attacking the drone. Let’s also forget that Baptiste has an AoE burst heal to help heal up anyone low in the field or to save himself should the drone be killed.

This would have made so much more sense for Mercy because with her it would have been weaker and more balanced.

Oh, right, Baptiste doesn’t even have to risk his own life for it.

A good healer heals everyone. You do realize the term pocket dps refers to mercy/phraha combo.mercy would still heal.but her main damage boost target are dps like phraha and ashe.

Pocket DPS is when Mercy literally follows that one key player. Otherwise it’s not pocketing, it’s just healing/boosting whoever is taking/dealing damage.

And while Mercy/Pharah combo does exist, it wasn’t best way to play Mercy.

Why do people keep comparing immortality field to rez? They’re totally different.

Forum Mercy mains and false equivalency. Name a more iconic duo.

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I’d like to see an HPS increase for mercy so she can be ‘the strongest single target’ healer. Maybe make her beam a bit shorter, but then lower GA’s cooldown and increase its range. Make her a zippy fast heal lady.

Nothing is wrong with her…

  • Her niche is far too small

  • Her Resurrect has no place in the game as of now

  • Her ultimate is meh

  • She has nothing else to bring to the fight except heals and damage boost

I like to differ, but it is what it is.

I know fun is very subjective, but she was fun when she had a purpose. That was, stay alive long enough to revive the momentum in a team fight. Now her purpose is to pocket a flying birdie…away from combat.

That’s ok though because she’s balanced. Right?

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Because both result in alive player, in situation, when one is supposed to be dead. Either you throw immortality field before lethal hit, or use resurrect after, result is same - player, that was 100% doomed, is alive.


Wasn’t the best way to play mercy. Than why was phrah or mercy for a long time only picked to be used togethere. Also you can pocket dps like phraha for most of a game and still heal. Also it does not boost whoever if their a pocket dps their the one get damage boost.

Because high tiers for some stupid reason wanted to use Mercy, even while they preferred other supports.

Just like OWL used Mercy in same way, when they could simply use someone else. Doesn’t make it best way to use her, just way that fits their gameplay most.

Because I suggested a much weaker version for her ult or as a new E and was told it was OP. A lot of Mercy players have asked for something like this instead of rez and now they give it as an E that will undoubtedly be considered OP and nerfed within a month or so.