I really dont understand whats wrong with mercy

Because it’s already throw comp. And most likely you won’t have support main.

When you just need whatever healing, with no one having support experience, you’ll pick Mercy. Moira? DPS Moira, here we go. Lucio? Speedboost 24/7. Ana? Snipe enemies.

Mercy just harder to misuse in that way.

Player issues. Quad or triple DPS comps running a Mercy aren’t throw comps. They were built to counter GOATs basically. Just turns out GOATs ran well doesn’t give a F about Quad DPS comps outside of certain maps. Thus recent OWL games.

Anyways… What I’m saying is… You don’t know what you’re saying. What you describe is player issues. Mercy is a very good healer, POSSIBLY needing some buffs and such, but can’t say for sure until the PTR changes roll out, Bap goes live, and we see where the meta is. Cuz she can be low pick rn like Rein was during dive and then blow tf up with no changes to their kit.

This forum just all about the drama and the hyperbole and hysteria. Get so caught up in noise.

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Sorry, but if healer requires players to be great, that’s NOT a very good healer. That’s your role as healer - make great players from just good, with your buffs.

I can pump infinite Ana healing darts at bastion rates of fire into the back of a training bot. It’s still a training bot.

Again, player issues.

It’s a lot more resilient training bot, than without you.

Yeah we can agree on that.

Her niche is to be a +1 on a 5v6, nice.

I mean i like to play Mercy, her survivability is great, but just staying alive is not that fun.

Using another hero to justify it as a buff does not count

If thats the case with Baptiste, then every hero with a gun has been given a buff. It just doesn’t work.

Also, Mercy was a perfectly fine hero that was reworked into a “OP Moth”, and then nerfed into the ground, leaving a majority of Mercy players upset at her current state.

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She wasn’t a perfectly fine hero. You basically say you don’t understand the game when you say that.

And except Mercy, every other support does that, either via superior healing rates, or other buffs(damage resistance, for example).

In my opinion, if your ult is useless on training bots, it’s not a good ult.

Huh? All supports make a training bot more resilient. What is this except Mercy?

I don’t get what you’re saying rn tbh.

Yes, you do get it. Mercy doesn’t improve quality of teammate. Any other support does.

She was, as hard of a pill as that might be to swallow. Only reason why she was witch hunted was because Ana got enough nerfs to make her F-tier for almost 6 seasons, making Mercy the only viable main healer.

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Uh yeah she does. GM Widow in a gold game with a pocket Mercy. Let’s go.

Mercy DEFINITELY improves the quality of a team mate. Arguably more so than any other hero in the game.

Still not. I would agree, if it gave Widow aimbot, turning gold Widow into GM Widow without Mercy.

Either you improve teammate’s survivability noticeably(poorly dodging teammate + your ult = perfectly dodging teammate without your ult), or you make them very deadly, where their lack of aiming doesn’t matter.

So far, there is no support ult, that gives teammate tactical visor.

Lmao really? And please, tell me what your reasons are for her being “PERFECTLY fine” prework? This should be good.

the allure of mercy (to many, but not all) was that her playstyle was so high energy and challenging because you were such a valuable target, her gameplay came down to good positioning and decision making whilst putting out as much support as you can, and keeping fights going.

the tradoff for her amazing ultimate was poor single target hp/s. (it was consistent, but low. and now it’s lower because blizz is trash at balancing mercy.) Damage boost has always been better than her heal and res used to be fun and fluid, but not anymore.

she lost a lot with her rework and subsequent nerfs. playing her feels like you’re putting in all this work, and moving towards nothing, her ult feels undwerwhelming (it might do a lot, but it certainly feels like it’s not doing much of anything as the mercy player) and her E res is a joke at this point, 1.75 seconds slowed by 75%? you slow yourself by 75% for nearly 2 seconds, on a priority target who is normally the most mobile hero in the game that’s just poor design, lets be honest - doesnt matter what your stance on mercy is.

yeah, a lot more work to keep people above the “death threshold” that used to be 120, but is now 140.

damage boosting him is made better but that’s honestly not what a lot of us want. :woman_shrugging: it’ll be nice to see Mercy meta, but she’s still the (from a gameplay standpoint) poorly designed hero she has been since september.


Issue with that, is that if you got Junkrat good enough to land all those shots, most likely you won’t even have to damage boost him to win game. And if you don’t, damage boost simply won’t have any effect, as he would miss most of the shots.

ontop of that aswell, Jrat has always benifted from mercy’s damage boost, it destroys shields, and now it’s going to be even better.

Mercy is now made to pocket projectile DPS because of this change, as she can damage boost some shots, heal and rake in the ult charge from the shots that were fired 3 seconds ago.

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Baptiste’s ult would be even better for projectile DPS, and still, it’s not what we wanted.

Would rather be able to heal shields with my 50 hps, than help to destroy them. Players tend to switch to tanks now, instead of DPS.