I really dont understand whats wrong with mercy

Have you taken a look at BigMainLittleChains?

Are you really still on this?

What niche?

Ana is a better healbot and damageboostbot and better at death prevention bot and initiation bot lol, but also has all her other toys. The only thing ana is not better is mobilitybot, but she has better tools to compensate for being a granma, while mercy relies on teammates to be in position to save her or kill her.

Mercy used to have a niche as a good, reliable healer. Now everyone and their mom and granma can heal more than she does and she’s just plain lacking in the face of the damage spam. Mercy has the hps of an offhealer, but lacks utility to be one.


I can assure you that if I were on your team in a support role, and the choice was between Mercy or Ana, you’d want me on Mercy

The reason being not just my far greater familiarity with Ana, but my relatively poor aim would ensure that even with similar character familiarity with Ana, I’d be a less effective healer.

This is true for many players, and as such, Ana isnt always the better choice in every case

I dont have aim either with my uh checks 49% scoped accuracy and 48% unscoped accuracy. Pretty much bottom tier ana accuracy.

But who needs aim when you can toss grenades above the enemy team and get a 5man anti and sweep them? Who needs aim when you press Q in the general direction of the person and they will get 4K with the nano? Who needs aim when you throw sleep dart in the general direction of the mass of enemies? Who needs aim when you can hold down m1 and it will hit the fat reinhardt butt in front of you? Ana’s utterly insane kit makes up for any deficiencies in aim. She’s just that broken.

Mercy does nothing for me. I can’t carry games with how utterly weak she is, 90 hours in. My aim is my worst attribute, hands down, my accuracy just blows. Yet I can carry with ana and my 6 nanoboosts applied in game and 15 assists at 20 hours, ggwp. I don’t need to even exert myself.


Those of us who are aim-challenged (myself certainly included) have a hard time being effective with Ana.

I have tried playing Ana and found my lack of aim skill resulted in very little healing production for my team.

It sounds like you are able to hit your shots with Ana, and so I can understand how you’d feel she is the stronger of the two

Mercy’s healing numbers basically cap in platinum tier. She gains no significant healing from being more skilled at higher ranks. She has less healing done in grandmaster than in master even. For her lack of utility and very much lacking ultimate, mercy needs her healing to be more efficient, because apparently we aren’t gonna give her utilities or ultimate any significant changes.

Well, aside from nerfs. Haha.

Mercy should be able to focus heal her valkyrie main beam target for more hps than the rest, honestly.

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Have you taken a look at BigMainLittleChains?

Or scrap whole AoE thing and focus all those potential hps on one target.

With claims of Mercy being pocket healer, giving her AoE sounds weird.

Oh of course you’re right, it’s not like blizzard can just have a seperate patch of the game in use during OWL matches…Nooo, they’d never be able to apply seperate changes to OWL games! It’d be oh so different and ruin the pros, and we can’t have that!

Btw, the pro scene won’t matter if no one plays overwatch, and if the game can’t bring in new players, that will happen sooner or later. Good luck with getting those new players when the game’s focused solely on the pros.

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Her impact is the ability to keep her teammates alive
People call her “the only pure healer” and there you go. That’s her impact.
Timing damage boosting, rezzing the right person at the right time and ensuring no one dies while doing it.
If you don’t find it impactful, perhaps you simply don’t enjoy Mercy

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Except she fails to do that, if her teammates aren’t really good.
Even 60 hps was just enough to make your teammate survive in duel with other DPS.

She doesn’t in the comp most of ladder does which is 2-2-2
I only ever fail keeping someone alive if they’re anti’d or taking so much damage that even a Moira wouldn’t keep em up.

She struggles even with keeping 2/2/2 comp. Thanks to her reduced healing, she can’t fix tanks.

That’s a blatant lie unless you’re playing in silver where everyone’s feeding.
Where, btw, you still keep people alive.

No healer can make everyone have 0 deaths an entire match.
(Except in special cases like steamroll matches)

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It’s gold, and it’s not a lie. Teammate can’t survive fire even from single enemy. Without having cover nearby and using it, which isn’t too common.

There is no keeping anyone alive, there is only delaying inevitable death.

Our experience is different
And here I was thinking Mercys healing is only beaten by Moira, guess stats lie because you can’t keep people alive?

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Can’t balance the game around that. Player issue. Srsly I’d love to see a VOD of how your typical comp game goes.

On topic, I’m glad people are arguing about her healing levels. That’s nice.

Prior to this it was all “REZ IS THE PROBLEM! SHE WILL ALWAYS BE A MUST PICK WITH E REZ! ETC ETC -10 HPS CHANGES NOTHING” and now with no changes to Rez, she’s not a must pick.

We finally have her close to balanced. She still needs work, but we did it Reddit. We did it.

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Healing per second matters more, than overall healing during round.

Stats are useless, in that regard.

She’s so useless that 4-1-1 uses Mercy