I really dont understand whats wrong with mercy

not my battle, but honestly, pre invulnerability mercy was perfectely fine, her ult was a RISK you’d take, the more people that are dead, the more focus is on the mercy and if she flies in a ressurects 5, she would die 90% of the time, so not having invulnerability after her ult made it more effective to res 1, 2, or 3 people at a time as it was safer to do it that way.

The devs either couldnt see it, or blatantly ignored the fact that THEY were the ones who wanted invulnerability for mercy, and subsequently enforeced “hide and res” to be the META strat, when all most of us wanted was an E ability.


Did you not even read past that point? Literally, the only reason why she was given her over inflated stigma is because of the nerfs Ana got around season 2-3. Ana got her healing nade damage reduced from 100 to 50. The anti heal effect was decreased by a few seconds, along with the plus healing ability. Her rifle got a 20 damage nerf. Her ultimate had its speed boost reduced.

I’m sure I’m missing some since Ana had gotten a handful more than that, but those nerfs crippled Ana. Since there were only two main healers (Mercy, Ana), everyone chose Mercy over Ana since she offered more value. After various balance updates, such as nerfs to burst and buffs to dive heroes like D.VA (Micro missiles) and Winston (Shield cooldown starts the moment you place it), Ana further feel from relevancy, making Mercy the more optimal pick.

But, since Mercy had her flaws, she was given a buff that began to start a downward spiral: Her invincibility on rez. Usually a Mercy always died after mass rezzing, a good trade off if she only manages to rez two and gets killed, putting all the pressure on a Lucio or Zenyatta to heal on point. Yet, since Mercy was being picked so often, people screeched that she was OP. Mercys only crime was existing.

So, instead of the doing the reasonable thing and buffing Ana, they decided to just completely demolish Mercy due to public outcry. Ana got buffed later on, but left Mercy in the gutter, now making Ana the only viable main healer. Only reason why people dont whine about Ana is because of the whole “skill” fetish the playerbase has been obsessing over (Even though healing as Ana isn’t as hard as people make it out to be.)

On consoles, Mercy is obviously the better choice since, no offense to them, console players aim is significantly worse than on PC. Its the only platform where Mercy can be “viable”.

Seeing a pattern here? Ana has already gotten a nerf to her kit, and its going to more than likely happen again unless Baptiste steals the spotlight.


Its not though
4 Dps, 1 Wrecking Ball and 1 Mercy was used in Contenders

It’s quickplay comp, or rather used to be. Now it’s 4 tanks, 1 DPS and 1 whatever healer you managed to get. Can start as 4 DPS, but players switch to tanks to not die so often.

In case of pro players, hardly any comp can be throw comp.

Hard wrong. You don’t know what you are talking about. This is mid ladder QP type stuff.

Dive was Lucio/Zen support combo. You had slight deviations here or there but Lucio/Zen were the STANDARD. That was true all the way up to the Mercy rework. Mercy with Mass Rez was TRASH in coordinated settings.

The reason I say coordinated settings instead of pro play is because if you scrimmed regularly, even at like plat/diamond level, when the coordination is there people “KILL MERCY FIRST LUL ETC” and Mass Rez becomes rendered a trash ult.

The reason Mercy was given invuln on mass rez was because she and her ult were trash in anything outside of mid tier/QP. Her ult having to rely on her team mates being dead reduced it to a way to bring up Pharah. Numerical advantage is that important in a 6v6 team based game.

Pre invuln Mercy was NOT perfectly fine. Quote you into this too I guess:

Your ability to rez more than 1 person was completely dependent on how inept the enemy team was. QP mid ladder type stuff. And even there it was suicide and rez until the invuln changes.

Even with invlun changes, Mass Rez was a TRASH ult. But mid tier ladder and QP act like it was OP and stuff. Madness.

Mercy being viable enables a diversity of compositions and her viability needs to be protected. Mass Rez is a threat to that.

Learn the game.

Except that is up to you to outsmart them. With single rez, it’s completely dependent on your team being competent, which isn’t something you have any control over.

You can still outsmart them. Again, player issues.

No, I can’t. One player won’t win me game. I can get away with rez, but it’s pointless.

Again player issues. Tier issues. One player can definitely win me games. What can I say? :man_shrugging:

Well, at least prior to GOATs :sweat_smile:

Only if one is completely superior to the rest. That’s already how I played gold as part of duo.

Nah doesn’t even take that. But like yo… Seriously… I feel like our discussions just revolve around player/team mistakes and tier issues. I’d love to see a POV of one of you usual comp games.

Okay, so now I’m confused. Are you defending Mercy mass rez, or against it? Because I feel like this has all gotten completely out of hand for no reason.

Not recording my games and can’t stand competitive for too long.

Games usually go like this: me pocketing Hanzo/Pharah, and trying to keep everyone else alive as well. Over time people pick more tanks, to avoid dying, allowing me to focus on mentioned Hanzo/Pharah, that can survive with 50 hps on them without picking tanks.

Golden healing, as result, even if we got Moira/Ana as second healer. And, if we get lucky and other team can’t contain our duo with counterpicks(sometimes even 4 players chasing me won’t be enough), we will win.

Against it 100%. It is a threat to Mercy’s viability imho.

…I think you’re the first person I’ve seen calling mass rez a bad ultimate. Its an interesting take, I’ll admit

Hm. In QP you’re at the mercy of the herd in a sense. No pun intended. I’d just focus on experimenting with and mastering all the various GA tech, and familiarizing yourself with weapon swaps and clicking some heads etc. The spread out environment of QP teams is good to really dig in to GA movement.

Solo healing a bunch of DPS bots is a soulless exercise, I feel ya there.

Survival isn’t an issue for me, luckily, since I tend to play cautiously. Usually being last survivor, if things didn’t work out and whole team died.

gamers like to whine and moan. If they don’t yell about something for too long, they make stuff up.

right, so the mercy meta was enabled by her STELLAR 60hp/s. hmmmm.

How. Also who was asking for mass Rez? i was just informing you of how it worked before.

so Mercy sticking with the team to heal DURING a fight means the enemy is inept?

your ability to res more than one person was tied to the ability of the enemy, but the risk steadily increases as the res number increases during a fight. you know, that, cmon. don’t be silly.