I really dont understand whats wrong with mercy

No. It’s not like that at all. Hitscan and projectile are comparable, they both effect only living players, they both are methods of delivering damage, etc.

Rez only effects dead players, IF only effects living. IF makes a small portion of your health invulnerable, rez brings you back from the dead at full health, etc etc.

Your approach is oversimplified far too much.

It’s details. Both affect players, both help them to not die. They are comparable, but it doesn’t make them less unique.

Like I said, brutally oversimplified.

I also play Mercy quite a bit and I’ve been saying for a while now that she’s totally fine. I do have some sympathy for arguments about her being less interesting to play, as Valkyrie is a pretty braindead ult for the most part, though there’s still a fair bit of nuance in figuring out how to slip around the battlefield without getting taken out.

by that “logic”, yes, I’d say it is

I personally find Valkyrie to be a very powerful and extremely versatile ult, nothing braindead about it

That said, given your feeling on Valkyrie as it is now, have you taken a look at BigMainLittleChains?

The forums are the problem (I’m not saying anyone is right or wrong OR hating on the people posting them)

I don’t really hate Valk, but it functions much more akin to a standard support ult like Sound Barrier or Transcendence now. Wait for an enemy ult, then press Q to counter, though it’s arguably somewhat worse than those because you can get picked off. Yes, occasionally you get to pull out your gun and pewpewpew someone but generally only after you start to take control of the fight.

There was arguably more nuance in using Rez because you both had to consider the value of using rez (do I use rez to rez this one person who just went down or do I hold it to see if I can get 2-3?), and you also had to think about whether or not you wanted to try to support on the front lines or hide for a bit to get the big rez. This mechanic is basically gone from the game, probably to the game’s overall benefit, but it does make Mercy somewhat less interesting to play.

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I didnt say you hated it, but the statement “Valkyrie is a pretty braindead ult” strongly implies to me that you are not fond of it

What do you think of BigMainLittleChains? still braindead?

Actually I don’t care, I’m just theorizing about why other people might not like it. As for your suggested changes I don’t think it would change things too much. The Rez change just sounds weird, as for targeting the person who needs the healing most I always do that anyway just in case anything ever obstructs the chain and cuts of the healing to the person I’m trying to heal.

Honestly, after the last round of changes to Valk, I would refer to it as being “fine”. As I mentioned before I think the main skill involved in playing Mercy involves positional awareness / survival, which I think many people downplay.

fair enough…

A viable main healer. What season 4 and 5 zen along with Lucio meta healers. Mercy only saw play in the low to middle ranks. I will also add she was already the best healer at those low ranks next to lucio. Also this is what happens when the devs think they know what’s best for game. For example notice how dps have always had made up majority of heroes which lends to the idea of 3 dps comp. Yet even before the game launches 2 healers mandatory. From may 2016 up until moira release in November 2017 the game lacked healers.

People don’t seem to realize how great synergy she has with Baptiste. She’s arguably the best 2nd healer to compliment his kit.

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To be fair this os what happens when you have a massive population of individuals expression their opinion. People don’t agree on everything this forum problem its more of a people problem.

That reminds me when is Baptiste coming to console.

Why were you upset about lack of junkrat buff?

There’s the answer for you.

Junkrat got a buff about time.same with doomfist.

Because she isn’t a must-pick at all tiers like the Mercy cult wants.

Also because someone asked them nicely to switch because the situation called for it and they got their feelings hurt.

Le gasp. Switching heroes in a game predicated on counters and selecting the best hero for the situation.


Except you will be more likely to have only one of them, and it’s better be Baptiste. No complimenting anyone here, only one healer and no comms.

That’s why Ashe isn’t buff to Mercy, neither is Baptiste. So I really wish people would stop portraying it as something good for her.

I probably have a less passionate response to mercy changes because I don’t only play Mercy. I do still play her sometimes in situations where she’ll do well with the comp and she contributes well, but there are times when she isn’t the best choice so I just pick a different support. Mercy mains are probably just experiencing the frustrations of other one-tricks in that there’s times where their hero isn’t optimal and thus the team asks them to switch to a different hero. The extreme volume of whining about Mercy probably just indicates a disproportionately high number of Mercy one-tricks compared to other heroes.