I really don't like the addition of Echo

The same could be said for any hero though. A Genji in the hands of a Diamond Genji main vs in the hands of, say, Necros or Seagull is a huge difference, but that doesn’t mean Genji is OP. Same with any other hero, and I don’t think Echo is any different in this regard.

There is an element of skill involved with Echo, as with any hero, and I think it’s deceptively higher than what most give credence to. Nerfs to her kit will only exacerbate this.

She is new. Most people are just getting their first taste of Echo’s kit, both using and dealing with it. As much as people will get better with her, people will get better dealing with her too.


Make it 3, don’t forget Mercy zipping between the 2 and having the time of her life.

On the bright side, if your dps is not good with hitscan, they can use Echo to shut down enemy pharmercy.


Pharah is only ever considered a nuisance when she’s being pocketed with Mercy.
The amount of healing in the game and mobility creepy has made the combo weaker over time, though it can still be frustrating from time to time if people on your team aren’t coordinated.

Heroes always start out weaker than they become. It’s easier to play into a hero than to play a hero. Echo will get stronger over time.

She just needs nerfs. Almost everyone agrees, and her comp stats are going to be ludicrous when they come in.


Wait what? Got a link to that?

I get that she’s their new golden girl, but I can’t fathom why her glide isn’t disabled considering Mercy’s is, and you literally hold a button to activate it.

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Not familiar with linking posts, but it is the first blizzard reply in this thread

That’s good. That rewards knowing a wide variety of heroes and not just one tricking one hero or one role. Jeff literally said in an interview that Echo is “a loveletter to flex players”.

My friend is a flex player who plays a ton of all of the roles, and Echo is her new favorite main as she can really shine and also gets to do her favorite role (DPS) whilst also adapting to the situation and pulling out her tank/support skills when need be. It’s amazing to watch and play with her.

A good Echo will thrive if they know all the roles, I love it. Especially when 2-2-2 removed fleixng

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The flying honestly isn’t the worst part about her tbh, I had back to back games with Echo’s on both teams. The problem with her right now is that she shreds shields like you can not believe.

If they’re not gonna tweak her, then we might have to buff shields again for tanks because dear lord, shields already were like wet tissue paper before her after the shield HP nerf…


Thanks for the link.

…that makes less then zero sense. Why would they add inconsistencies to Hack, and let Echo’s passive be literally the only one that doesn’t follow Hack rules?!


So far this is and her ult are my biggest concerns. Like she’s waaaay tougher to shoot out of the sky than pharah, because her movement isn’t as limited as pharah’s.

Echo should not be the better aerial fighter. That’s pharah’s stick, but this crazy robot can zip through the sky like she’s an invisible sombra on the ground. Her movement speed is ridiculous, and it makes her sooo hard to deal with, plus she gets a ult that resets her health.

Its pretty bonkers lol


She’s not really different, unfortunately.

Her primary reminds me of Doomfist, sticky bombs remind me of Tracer’s ultimate, beam is like a reverse symmetra beam, fly is like Valkyrie and her ultimate… ahah

No, I’m saying DPS aren’t the only ones who can deal with Pharah.

  • Hog: Hook, yes. Done it multiple times
  • D.va: Be on her face 24/7
  • Monkey: Yes, jump around and make her life hell
  • Ana: you can basically poke her and supress her so bad she’ll be forced to play passive or focus you. Also, SleepDart. Works the same as Hog, done it multiple times, consistently
  • Zen, not a direct counter but your Orb can scare the crap outta her. Just keep it on her 24/7. If you’re good, a discorded full body barrage can kill her

In fact, it’s no more difficult than a hitscan trying to hs kill a PharMercy, which is actually even harder when you’re not getting pocketed yourself (as is the usual case). The misconception relies on the thought that DPS players NEED to have good aim (hs’ing a pocketed Pharah), while other roles dont. All the counters I said above requires good mechanics, aim or not.

My point is, you don’t have to be a douche and blame your DPS for not killing two people working together when you’re not even trying to help. Team effort requires team effort to beat. PharMercy is strong because 4 people decide to ignore her and blame the DPS for not being able to play perfectly (hs’sing).

…against bad Pharah’s. Why is she hanging out within 20m of Hog instead of just blasting him endlessly for Ult?

…jump at her and scratch her a bit before falling back to earth, watching Mercy heal her up instantly and leaving your team without a main tank as you play patty cake with Pharah every 10 seconds.

Ana is good at keeping pressure on her sure, except your team is down it’s main source of healing while Ana is watching the sky.

Also I’m calling BS. If you are “consistently” landing Sleeps on Pharah you need to be in OWL, because they aren’t.

Tanks outside of Dva aren’t good at taking her out. Sure, it happens on occasion, but going into a Pharamercy matchup with the strategy of “Winston, jump her nonstop and… we’ll go Hog to hook her!” is just setting yourself up for failure.

[edit] other then that I agree with your overarching point though. Whoever is giving your team issues, it’s the teams’ job to sort out. Pointing at one or two people and shrugging “deal with that for us” is unlikely to work.


u forgot the multi Q ulti

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Edited my post while you were replying.

I agree with your main point, even if I disagree on the effectiveness of certain suggestions.

I mispressed the delete button. My point is, even if you don’t land them 100% successfully (no one can), just putting the effort to do is part of team effort.

You have two options: try do help dealing with the Pharah, or just complain about your DPS. The later does nothing, only makes them play worse.

I don’t deny that, no one plays perfectly. DPS players don’t either.

Hooks and sleeps aren’t that hard to land when they do come close enough to be a problem for you though. Air Junkrat doesn’t do much.

As for the Ana potentially losing her healing, it’s obvious I’m referring to a good one that can do both at the same time, not someone who tunnel visions and only DPS as Ana.

No, you don’t understand. I don’t blame dps teammates for struggling to land shots on flying targets on Pharahs or any flying target for that matter, especially dps players that make a real effort to swap and try.

Not everyone is great at aiming, and when you add a Mercy into the mix, it stops being just the dps player’s job. A lot of people see a Pharmercy and blame the Soldier or Mcree when they inevitably miss a shot and die or have to disengage.

A shield or Pocket healer can be neccessary to help out in those situations. A lot of Tank and Support players don’t realize Pharmercy isn’t a one person job. Even some dps players don’t realize that, and it leads to them doubting themselves etc.

Consistent burst hitscan damage is what kills a pocketed flier though, and dps characters are the only that have access to it. Hooks and Winston jumps can pressure or help zone her away, but if Winston is using his jump to harass a flier, he isn’t using it to disengage which usually means death. Hook is a projectile, and like all projectiles, can be dodged with range.

Hitscan can’t be dodged, and only dps have access to the kind that is needed to burst down a pocketed flier. That’s my argument. I’m not blaming anyone for not being a hitscan god. I’m sure as hell not.


My bad, I do certain get that you understand my point.

If I’m the Ana and I see my DPS giving zero effort to counter a PharMercy (say, still playing Junk, Reaper, Genju, what have you), I’ll just say that I’ll need to spend more attention on the Pharah than them. If you’re gonna lose anyway pocketing two projectile DPS, might as well lose trying to solve things on your own.

What irks me the most is when said DPS spam X, asking for healing as if I’m not trying to both heal them and deal with the Pharah at the same time. The least a DPS that can’t play hitscan do is pick torb and place turret to zone the Pharah.

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She is the biggest coppy you can get in this game of every hero XD
And no point not having one on your team.