I really don't like the addition of Echo

It was bad enough with one flying target my dps can’t hit… Now 2.
I’m seriously considering how much I like this game.


She’s a great addition.
She’s different


Is she though? She’s a flying character that does burst damage, and the main reason you pick her is to be able to switch characters mid-fight. To get better at Echo you need to get better at every other hero. Why not just play them instead? That’s the main reason why I don’t like her addition lol.


She’s not different. She’s the same… Her name is Echo. She flies. She doesn’t even have an ult of her own.
I’m not entirely sure I find getting trashed by flying heros fun.


Could’ve been a really fun support buffing people from the sky. Not sure how she’s going to change the meta besides being a must pick when not role locked. Dive tank + healer combos still aren’t a thing


Character is a mishmash of Symmetra, Mercy, Ashe, and Sigma with an ult in 31 flavours. It’s a Baskin Robbins robot.


My only problem is the lack of time I’ll get to play with her in competitive, don’t have friends to group up with, and I dislike a lot of ppl, so I que up and the other dd already has her selected within 2 seconds, as if they have some sort of program running. Other than that, I’ll be sad when she’s nerfed, a d she’s very fun to play in terms of being creative.

It also seems ppl have some sort of vitriol towards her or new characters lol, maybe it’s that way with all new chars, I’ve only seen sigma and echo launches, although I’ve played on and off for quite a while.

I lost my rank, I think after I climb people may stick to favs as opposed to new players goofing around in competitive mode.

Echo’s damage is straight up ludicrous. I nano boosted a Winston and he died from full health in less than a second when diving a team with Echo.


We don’t agree often, but 100% with you here. Echo is straight broken.


Yeah, I thought it was going to be the ult that was broken. But her damage is absolutely nuts. She’s the most damaging hero in the game hands down.


It’s EVERY single facet of her kit.

Her primary travels fast, fires fast, no falloff, no bullet drop, barely any spread, can headshot.

Her Stickies are ridiculous, are easy to aim, and have too little cooldown.

Her beam is murder on tanks and shields, and for who knows what reason is self cancelable.

Her flight is the worst part of all. Super mobile, super evasive, on a short cooldown, and maintains momentum throughout glide.

Her Ult is just nutty busted. Free life(or two), easy Ults, WAAAAY too cheap, and two(!!) self cleanses built in.

She needs nerfed in every single aspect of her kit.


Yeah. Honestly, it staggers me that anyone thought it was ok to add her even to quickplay as she is.


I’m honestly considering not playing the game anymore until they at least nerf her or take her out of Competitive until they nerf her. Regardless, it was a horrible idea to let her onto Competitive this soon.


A character with that much damage, especially burst damage shouldn’t also have that much mobility, evasion, and hands down the top Ult in game.

No worries, your team will have one too! There will be 2 Echo’s in 90% of matches until she is drastically toned down.

No arguments here. I’m honestly shocked she left PTR without some nerfs.


Honestly, I was surprised by how easy it is to aim with her. Like, at long range, it’s tough sure, but in mid range and closer, it’s really easy to land all of her abilities. It’s not just that she does high damage, it’s that you can very consistently do so compared to other heroes.

And, like Shadow said:

I struggle to point to one part of her base kit (ultimate is another story) and say “well that’s what makes her too strong.” Like… it’s some of everything. Her primary fire is probably the most balanced part on her, but even that probably needs a bit less ammo in it (12 as opposed to 15).

As for the rest… I would give the Jjonak Zenyatta nerf to her Sticky Bombs. Make their projection take a little longer so that slower heroes can actually juke them. Probably bump the cooldown by a second as well–it’s vastly superior to abilities with comparable cooldown (i.e. Helix).

Her Focusing Beam is… just an issue. I’d probably knock the critical damage threshold down to 40% and just work from there, with the totality of other nerfs it’d probably be okay

Her Flight has the same issue as Sticky Bombs. It’s vastly superior to basically every other mobility ability with similar cooldown–it has as much range as Grapple much a lower cooldown and still allows Echo to attack, or similar cooldown to Lunge but with considerably more range and movement speed.

Her ult is… probably okay if they just hard limited you to one enemy ult copied. I wasn’t necessarily in favour of hard limiting it at first, instead just reducing the ult gain, but after messing with it in game… yeah, the hard limit.

She’d probably be quite balanced after that. As it stands, though, she has top notch damage and mobility, with an incredibly powerful ult. She’s stacked, and it’s frankly too much.


The damage is simply the most ludicrous part. I think she is literally the most damaging hero in the entire game right now.

Nano winston, dove in, dead in about a second. And the other DPS was a Mei so that wasn’t it.


I think she does the most meaningful damage. I’m sure spammage heroes like Junk, Bastion, and Pharah will continue to out-damage her, but a lot of their damage isn’t very meaningful.

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I’d be much cooler with multiple Ults, if hers wasn’t so quick to build, self cleanses and full health/CDs upon activation AND death.

Keep the crazy Ult spam for cool plays, increase her Ult cost by 20-40% and she dies if you kill the copy.


It’s too frustrating playing with her. Every match I get into the enemy Echo is destroying my team and our Echo is hapless.


Go play something else then, Echo is awesome.