I now understand why support is so hard in low ranks

It doesn’t answer, what to do, if your DPS happened to be inferior to enemy DPS. How to make them prevail, despite their lower skill?

It’s ok to go full dps as a healer some times. If it makes you win, no one can complain really.

Welcome to the facetank rank :slight_smile:

Heaven forbid they use a health pack!!!

I feel you my dude - I feel you!

To me it encompasses a few things in terms of overwatch. It’s a general lack of using outs or natural cover in any way at all, meaning you dont prioritize living at all. It’s the person getting double pocketed just to stay up right who pushes back in instead. Spam I need healing all you want I tried to keep you up as best I could. You didnt read the room and i hope you get better.
If you deal 50 damage for every 200 you take, your probably feeding.
It’s also the people who feed value into a bad ult. This is the one that actually annoys me. A premature window or orisa drum gets dropped. A mccree or soldier ult is active. That sound means chill, give the enemy a few seconds of stall. Not this is sparta charge, literally handing a bad ult value.

The stagger, it happens and I get it. First guy not being aware I dont blame. Maybe hes unaware. Maybe he has outs, cooldown or escape plan. What bothers me is when the second or third person gets sucked in to help them making it a 2v? Or 3v. They fed. Let that genji die and if you have long range CD you can help. But a payload map should never just be 2 or 3 teamfights.

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People who are playing on alt accounts and especially people who are smurfing and doing some unranked to gm runs, they will get SIGNIFICANTLY better teammates because the matchmaker had determined that they belong way higher and will basically throw a red carpet under their feet and feed them excellent teammates. I see this same matchmaking behaviour every single time someone does unranked to gm on stream and their teammates are just always amazing for their ranks, that you’d think these random plat and diamond players were masters and gm players instead. They also get full teams of alt account and low level players in their teams too.

Devs have confirmed this matchmaking behaviour themselves too. Smurfs will be artificially sped towards their proper ranks and since the system cannot determine a smurf from alt accounts, they get the same deal.

Till they hit a gatekeeping match when they’re about to level to next rank. THAT is when everyone get the weirdest, most throwing teammates you will ever see and you are left contemplating as a player just how this person is even at your current rank. Watched awkward do unranked to gm mercy run and his gatekeeping match to masters was just… baffling. He had amazing team before that and then the gatekeeping match was just… his teammates were just absurd, it’s hard to describe.

Matchmaking in this game is just plain awful.


Worst part is when it repeats over and over. Like, dying once in stupid way is ok, but dying in same way repeatedly isn’t.

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I really would like to see what a non-manipulated matchmaker would play like. Match based on ping and SR and absolutely nothing else. None of this “where we think you belong” stuff.


i would agree, yeah people are very bad about avoiding unnecessary damage in lower ranks. standing in the open, too far from cover, walking into firestrikes…

ironically, i find support easier in low ranks for that exact reason. it’s really easy to get value out of the enemy teams mistakes

For example a Roadhog, which always stays before or beside Reinhardt’s shield in a wide enough area, and therefore becomes the preferred target dummy for the enemy Hanzo’s round of dragon shots and more.

Or somebody wanting to hug Junkrat in a small enough room. You got the idea…

Precisely, the game is designed on purpose that way, because if the DD would be more tanky, there would be not much need for healing nor tanks.

Actually though I think it would have been better if Blizzard didn’t design OW around the holy trinity of MMORPGs like WoW - tank, healer and DDs - right from the beginning.

Because exactly the same problems they’ve got in their dungeon finder can be found in OW as well: all want to play DD, so quite high queue times, and much less for healers or tanks. Exactly the same in WoW like in OW in principle.

Which makes me really wonder why Blizzard thought about it back then as a good idea to have in that game, but what do I know.

Boils down to handicapped matchmaking, yet again.

Yeah I think its worth its own post which I’m about to make…

The thing is… Imagine if there wasn’t handicapped matchmaking. You’d have T500s rolling lower ranks for twice as long. I’d much rather there be “handicapped matchmaking” as you call it rather than than vice versa.

And it still is possible to overcome. I climbed from high plat to mid masters in a season with a 74% winrate (This was because I improved a lot from playing a lot of QP). So I don’t think they handicap you too much.

“GG no heals” after walking in alone and getting instafragged.

“You let me die while I was standing right next to you” with no cover while the healers were busy trying to stop the frontline from getting ganked.

“Where the **** are my heals?!” from behind a wall, in the enemy’s backline, while the healer was dead.

“I didn’t get healed once.” after getting healed way more than he should have needed.

“Healer diff” as he gets hooked and oneshot for the seventh time that match.

Some folks just lookin’ for a carry.


i always hear people say you have to dps your way out of the lower ranks and maybe i can agree with that. doing it on the other hand is something personally i cant do. i feel like i HAVE to heal everyone and make sure no one dies. if someone dies even if they are at fault i feel like i didnt do my job lol


Yes, but if you do not have enough heals, someone has to be left for dead.

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yea sometimes i think that is why i have a higher winrate with brigitte. with her i do toss out repiar packs but you only have 3. when i play brig i’m more concerned with beating the crap outta people than i am healing my teammates. when i play moira and mercy i mainly concentrate on actually being a support. tho i do get carried away sometimes in valk form dpsing and flanking with moira but its not as effective as brigitte smashing people with her mace. with ana im terrible at her grenade and for some reason i do better as hitscan as a dps

That is why to reach plat I played in duo with player, that had at least Diamond level of DPS skills.

Zen and Bap are not far superior in the hands of a player with poor aim

In such a case, the team will generally be better off if the player plays Moira versus either of these other two

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