I now understand why support is so hard in low ranks

I recently got rid of my alt-that-became-my-main (made multiple accs pre-role queue days) and am now playing on my original account exclusively, where my SR is, well, many many hundreds below where I’m used to playing. I tried my hand at some support games and… wow. People really do just love to feed unnecessary damage. I mean you need to pump copious amounts of healing into these players for them to survive more than 2 seconds. I totally understand where the healbot mentality comes from now. These people need it to function on a basic level.

There is no attempt to use cover. Cooldowns aren’t used well. People don’t try to dodge anything at all. They just expect their poor little healers to pump out transcendence-level heals at all times.

So I really do feel for lower ranked supports now. I wonder what OW2 will look like.


Yup this is all true. You basically have to DPS your way out of those ranks.
Ignoring what people say, DPS moira is actually the best option up till about mid diamond. You’ll probably get reported but you will climb.

After that people will start utilizing your support utility (i.e nade discord etc)


DPS Moira is just no. You’re better off as Ana Bap or even Zen.


I completely disagree and DPS moira is an incredibly underrated low elo strat imo.


worse off people also:

  1. don’t know when or how to group up
  2. don’t peel much at all.

all of this is why I’m slowly becoming more and more of a mercy one trick. people simply don’t group up enough for moira heals and still take plenty of damage so plenty of damage in the backlog to catch up on. and I’m defs not going to try my luck with ana, bap, etc. when there legit is often 0 meaningful peel against many of the divers coming from allies. not to mention if god forbid they’re running a winston that blocks heals onto whoever’s being dived on because people don’t break bubble either.


Well the job of healers is becoming easy with one less player .it is the tank player who will feel all the pressure in ow2

Its the other way around OP, basically “MMO Healers” syndrome runs rampant in low ranks, so they enable FEED behaviour specially on tanks (they pocket them 90% of the time) so tanks are either ultra aggro or just feed horribly without getting anything done.

Since in low ranks Supports also have poor decision making, they choose to overheal instead of damage and let the feeders die. Letting the feeders die, help finish off targets, and heal with proper priority is what gets you out of those ranks


I would not say you need to have more dmg than your team but if you refuse to deal dmg as support (that us clearly cappable of doing serious dmg) you should not expect to get placed high.

If you just healbot do not expect to grind to the top. Bc there are countless healbots out there able to dish out good dmg.

Also fully agree with the healing = feeding more hp, its critical to know when to stop healing

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I don’t think it’s underrated at all. It is objectively worse than both her own healing output and the DPS output of other supports making it just about never the best choice.

Dps moira works when the enemy dps shouldn’t be playing dps heroes in the first place.

Whenever i see a moira thinking she will solo me on tracer she’s just picking up her teabag…

Its litteraly an insult to try and duel a dps as moira and if you win that duel it was solely bc the dps was even worse than the idea to duel them as moira…

Just my opinion on a no hs 4-6sec duel no dps should ever be losing

I litteraly stand still when fighting her. :sweat_smile: She’s not more dangerous if she can kiss my head

I wouldn’t do this with any other support cappable of deleting me in 1-2sec


So everything below Diamond.


Nope, how do you play role Q below dia if you can’t q dps?

You can be a decent gold and wreck a gold moira

Or in different words, you simply shouldn’t lose to moira

But yeah, you’d have to be hating yourself going for duels as moira in dia+ (1v1s) its never stupid to 2v1

No reason to play Moira in any elo unless you simply don’t have enough skills to play other heroes. Dps zen & bap are far superior to Moira.

I disagree with these statements. I personally believe that DPS moira is the better because of her fade ability, which is on a reasonably short cooldown, plus moiras incredibly survivability (her life steal is brilliant for lower ranks). If you’re a zen or a bap farming their backline… well… you won’t be farming them. Not enough self sustain and/or mobility. Moiras dps is a bit lower sure, but she also has a much more forgiving weapon.

You can go for frags definitely, I’ve done it a lot as I main zen on support, but moiras the most consistent at it.

Her ult is also very good at getting picks

Finally, ana mercy is the most common comp. Making it easy to dps moira through. Whereas it would be different if they ran brig bap for instance, though still possible.


I wish people would stop calling them “healers”.


Healing is just part of the job.

But as the OP points out, the silly things the rest of the team does, means you can’t play the role correctly.


Healers supports .whatever you wanna call them .
I was pointing out how ow2 will look like .not that difficult to understand

OW 2 seems to be lowering healing but improving utility and damage of supports. I feel like supports should have a lot of carry potential even in low ranks when the game comes out.

Everything is hard when there is no teamwork. Not just support.
In the upper ranks at least you don’t have to carry the weight of your entire team.

It is really funny when the higher ranks mock the lower ones for being bad when they have it much easier up there.


Yeah, I’ve been there too. People just love to feed no matter what, your only chance to win is hard-carry the game yourself. And this is with two tanks, imagine 5v5. Half of the playerbase will drop a rank or two lol.

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Be part of the solution not the problem then.

If you don’t think there is any team work… follow them, instead.