I now understand why support is so hard in low ranks

There is no handicapped matchmaking. This is only something bad players say to try to justify their rank. The reason why T500s look like they get better teammates is because they put in all the work already. The game is much easier when it’s 6v5, 6v4 etc. There’s a reason why unranked to GM on Mercy is significantly harder than any other hero.

such a hard role amirite. Lock bap
have as much healing as transcendence, asmuch mobility has pharah, as much dps as doomfist and has 2 ultimates.

extremely hard role.

Literally none of this is true… Or even being close to true?

Bap isn’t an easy hero. You think dooms a super hard hero right? Then why does bap have a 5% lower winrate in all ranks?


to be fair hard or easy cant even be an argument here. Since the title itself makes no sense when they say support is so hard in low ranks, because mmr is a thing in this game, for some it might be hard for others it might be easy farming.

The thing is, there’s not a lot you can do in lower ranks on support. People don’t really follow up on your utility (nade discord etc). Sure you can rez or use IF, etc. but you’re still relying on your team to do stuff even if you save them, This is why you basically have to DPS moira your way out. Or dps on any hero (even dps mercy would get you further than heal botting), doesn’t matter who. But playing the support role as intended will make it much harder to escape lower elo.

Personally I feel like the time you can stop DPS supporting is around mid diamond.

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And to top it all off, you end these low ranked games with 20k healing, and the biggest feeder on your team who hasn’t said anything all game types in match chat “You won because our healers were crap”.


Well dps is the most enjoyable role and has imho the best heroes.

Support has way more power besides the raw mechanic output of a dps

And tank has a ez live saying nope to the enemy team.

So many lost games bc the tanks refuse to believe they’re needed.

Enough games lost due to brain afk supports or dps just unwilling to play more fitting hero

OW but with PvE. Blizz don’t care about PvP anymore.

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This is what got me from bronze to plat tbh, in the crappy ranks you can get away with a lot of things as her

I found the reverse, that they Moira’s stayed down there BECAUSE they don’t DPS.

When I used Moira to climb one of my old alts out, I had team mates unbelievably salty, and saying I was throwing while I had a 70% win rate.

Moira’s stay in low rank because they don’t DPS enough.

Flank Moira is best Moira till mid plat for sure. Simply because you can dump ALL of your healing into your team, like a mad person, sneak behind them, and murder a support or 2. EITHER they have to peel, in which case, you have made the game 5v3 or better, or they don’t and you kill their supports, and start working your way into their DPS.

Hopefully the same.
Why should people who do not understand the basics of this hero-shooter get something that makes them not needing to learn something so basic?

Or what do you mean?

Enjoyable because they have the ability to carry games.

Both are useless if there is no damage output from your team.

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(the last paragraph sums it up)

I dunno, if the enemy tanks and support decide “ähm nope?” i’m losing.

If the enemy team thinks, yeah ignore him, i litteraly carry yes.

It always depends on the enemy team and how hard they throw.
Meaning my reinhardt can carry too.

People always say x carried, but if x wouldn’t have 5 mates eating the dmg, taking the fire or attention doesn’t make it a solo carry…

Widowmaker filling the kill feed isn’t her carrying.

Otherwise, remove her 5 mates and watch her die instantly when all 6 focus her down.

Enabling someone to “carry” is much more impactfull. This doesn’t mean just placing a barrier and watch your hitscan click heads.
Or simply healing x

I agree on the statement that in a scrappy team, the dps take the smallest hit,

It is a team game, if your tanks refuse to attack the enemy dps, your supports refuse to heal them, and the enemy have a just as good of a widow as your team, but 2 of them attack your widow (extrem example from my experiences)
Then the enemy are enabled while your team struggles to play together.

I also agree that “healing” abilities are less valuable if it doesn’t result in smth
But most supports have additional means of support.

  • Ana as example is imho a insta pick if the enemy team is running a hog.
  • Healing your hitscan when targeted by phara
  • Using brig for an emergency stun (reaper ult)
  • dishing out serious dmg and amplify it with zen

Had a game where phara wrecked us on controll, dps refused to go hitscan as its just qp…
Mercy pocket my baptiste and focus phara. :sweat_smile:

For tanks, i have yet to encounter a widow that won’t switch after i teach her about mountain gorillas.

Reaper is a pain as my hog is garbage but otherwise i can provide crucial sustain as zarya and suplement my reihn.

Have to say usually when not playing dps, i play with 1 friend in both other roles or as tank bro when i q for tank/sup/flex

Bc playing ow support especially as zen/ana is terrible without peeling. The problem is or isn’t when the support no longer needs peel. (thats why i play zen… :sweat_smile:)
Peeling (especially your supports) is imho a Essential part of the “team”
Dps are ironically fun as they have options to avoid the need for peel. And the tanks name is hog.

What I said was: "low rank DPS Moiras are not any better at DPS Moiraing than they are at healing.

Low rank Moiras take general advice like “they don’t DPS enough” and then use it as a carte blanche to play stupid. Fading head first into 1v6es, trying to 1v1 Roadhogs or Bastions, spending 20 seconds trying to get ONE kill instead of finding value anywhere else.

As I said, they stay low rank because they are just as bad at DPSing as they are at healing.

Idk, whole “seeking value” thing is stupid to me and explains, why certain roles are unpopular.

Every role has to seek value. It’s not related to roles.

It is. As DPS, you just get kill and that’s your value. But for some reason Blizzard expected tanks and supports to go for multitasking - which explains their low popularity.

Simple and easy to understand metric - more kills you get as DPS, more value you got. For everyone else it’s search for some kind of “maximum value” on individual ability. As Reinhardt, you should tank damage(but not entirely) and should attack enemy(also not entirely), and optimal proportions between both vary from team to team.

Searching for that elusive “golden middle” between shieldbot and suicidal Rein sounds like very annoying thing to do.

That argument doesn’t work, because not every DPS role gets value solely from kills. The easy example is Sombra, who gets value from scouting and hacking. Another example would be Mei, who gets value from blocking off areas, freezing tanks, etc.

But anyway, I’m not going to argue with you further than this, because the only thing you ever do is complain.

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Value, that depends from teammates acting on it? Please miss me with that.

Sure they are… the lower ranks have trouble against mobile heroes with self-sustain. Moira fits the bill as she can be hard to hit, has an escape, and has self-sustain.

If Moira can’t out-heal incoming damage, they can stop it from happening in the first place by flanking and taking out the enemy sustain. DPSing is just easier than herding cats (supporting), especially when said cats REFUSE to be herded. There are lots of players in the lower ranks that soft-throw games by refusing to work with their teammates. And with the current game state, it really only takes one player like this to make proper support play a losing proposition.

So more players take matters into their own hands and work around that by going off-role and self-carrying until they get to an SR where players generally attempt to work together. Which frustrates the other players on team, who then also go off-role, and general team-play below a certain threshold just collapses to nothing. And instead of being able to work as a team to rise in the ladder, it’s just about self-carrying out of the snake-pit and then learning to work with the team when you hit a decent SR. So the game devolves into FFA below the magic number (insert your own opinion about where on the ladder this is here).

Quite the mess.

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