I now understand why support is so hard in low ranks

Idk why DPS Moira gets so much hate compared to other DPS supports even though she is arguably the best at it. I’ve seen terrible reddit Lucios, front line Brigs, dps Anas, dps Zens, dps Baps, hell even dps Mercys who get flamed less by their team.

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Moira feels easier to survive being ganged up upon because fade providing fast invincibility and movement to evade multiple people. Baptiste is pretty good if faced with a single attacker.

Because low rank DPS Moiras are not any better at DPS Moiraing than they are at healing. That’s why they stay low rank.

They usually take the wrong fights, Fade INTO an engagement and then die instead of Fading OUT of one, can’t track, and tunnel vision so hard on one kill that they either don’t notice when their teammates die and start flaming them for not being any help, or they just die themselves because they get ganged up on.

That’s the whole problem with DPS Moiras. It’s one of those things that is just fine if it’s working, but if it’s not, it doesn’t matter if you have all golds.

I use dps zen or bap or even moira well moira not too much. Because when i see a DPS missing shots bot or DPS cant shot the turret bot. I go zen or bap. Thats my way out.


I strongly disagree with this.

Zen and Bap both can kill people in potentially 2 shots(well bursts in baptiste’s case), you just have to be accurate. It’s a lot easier to kill their backline when you can burst them down like this.

People, even in low ranks, will generally turn on the Moira since she lacks the burst to finish people before they can react as a team.

Oh yeah, then there’s also the fact that you just randomly get people walking into headshot right clicks when you play Zen in low ranks.

Only if your aim is wanky.

If you can aim, Ana/Zen/Bap brigade is way better.


Support is hell in low ranks. You can perform EXTREMELY well but it still doesn’t matter


Do you mean play well… or do you mean have a high healing number?


Both :smirk:


continues search for doubt button

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Please don’t play Bap or Zen if you can’t aim :slight_smile:

(Talking about low rank players)

And yet people still argue DPS don’t determine games.

There is no point doing your job as a support or tank if your DPS can’t follow up or stay alive. Other than the fact that DPS is the most fun role to the majority of people, DPS queue times are so high because they are the ones who determines games and you have to be delusional to think otherwise.


It is the flaw of the incompetently made matchmaker. It absolutely does not place people where they should belong. That´s why people with different accounts have vastly different sr´s.

Please forgive my ignorance but can someone please provide a good definition of what “feeding” is with a couple of examples?

No examples, sorry. Feeding is, basically, taking damage, when you could avoid it.

With how common burst damage is, DPS often unable to stay alive. No matter how much healing you provide, if damage matches health of DPS, they would die.

It’s been long-term issue with supporting in Overwatch - instead of helping weaker players, we have to help better players. Simply because whatever buffs we got rely on teammate to function properly in the first place.

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That’s because you are playing the hero wrong. Why are you trying to play flank Zen & Bap? I mean there’s really nothing to argue about. Bap & Zen both have vastly superior kill potential than Moira. The only reason to ever choose Moira is if you simply don’t have the skill to unlock their damage.

For reference, 1 month damage values:
Zen Bronze 8874 GM 11304 – 27.3% value increase
Bap Bronze 5779 GM 9085 – 57.2% value increase
Moira Bronze 6274 GM 6956 – 10.8% value increase

Zen > Moira by 62.5%
Bap > Moira by 30.6%

it really isnt particularly harder then others, every role suffers from the others not being very good.

It’s true. It’s why people often find climbing MUCH easier on newer accounts. The problem with old accounts is that the matchmaker really tries to hold you in place. It will throw artificially harder matches at you if you climb so that it can “test if you’re just being lucky.” It’s their method for preventing what they think are big swings due to luck.

Just for some numbers. This account could never break mid plat. Back in 2018 I made a new account to see what that was about. Easily hit diamond. Okay cool, maybe just luck - if the matchmaker knows whats up I’ll fall down to plat after a number of games since that’s where I belonged, right? Nope. Masters. And this old account is giving me a hell of a time trying to climb even though I regularly played ~700 SR higher than where this thing is at now. (For DPS. Support is almost a 1000 differential lmao)


And the majority of that burst damage comes from the enemy DPS themselves. Tanks can enable DPS by creating space for them, but a large amount of DPS heroes don’t actually need to rely on anyone else in order to do their job and potentially carry.

i wonder if supports with genuinely good fundamentals etc could just get an alt for the mmr reset and then climb