I miss the hero called Symmetra (1.0 & 2.0) 😔

I remember one of my main requests being moving part of Shield Gen power into Sym herself. Nominally, give her a “Photon Shield” passive that gave the whole team +25 HP without any kind of upkeep, and either make shield gen have a resource meter for feeding shields (eg, after providing 900 shields it expires), or reduce its potency to +50 HP.

Alternatively, you would also simply let shield gen constantly “drain” your ult meter and when it hit 0% it would self destruct. This would force Sym to be more aggressive and get charge constantly to keep shield gen alive.

There was room to adjust a lot of stuff on Sym2 kit. The most infuriating part of the Sym3 rework is that they didn’t even tried to adjust her. She went from a full year of being ignored to swap her whole kit at once.


I thought you said high elo’s did not matter for most of the playbase? Once you get to a certain point in SR, why would you pick a hero you have to work way harder to win with? Sym has always been weak, but reworking her into this garbage didn’t help with that.

No one is talking about Sym 1.0. I don’t even know why you would assume that. Her current rework not only failed at doing what the last two failed at, it deleted her unique elements in the process.

Don’t bring my playstyle into this. This isn’t about me. This is about what they did to Sym, and their reasoning, and a half of a half of a percent increase pick wise does not justify it. High win rates on low picked heroes isn’t new either.

I don’t think the OWL matters, yes. But your reasons as to her being garbage was that people weren’t thinking outside of the box. If this were the case, she’d be picked higher up, no?

But I do not think the top .01% is that important, correct.

I already acknowledged my mistake there don’t attack me ):

Seriously though, the only think I truly appreciate about old Symmetra is her old barrier.

If you are only teleporting turrets into their backline, then that’s your fault. Like, what? They gave Symmetra way more things to do with teleporter. You’re using one.

Yeah I came from console to pc. I actually overlooked her one Xbox. My aim on console was real above average so I played zen a bunch. But when I came over to pc overwatch was my first shooter. So I tried her out because I already was good at positioning

Then I saw how cool the photon barrier was. That ability alone made me love sym. I had to learn every hero matchup and it made her combat so dynamic. Shield gen was stupidly powerful and really should have only recharged like 500 health before it broke.

I actually made it all the way to gm with sym. So I’m a little bit of proof that the character could work at all ranks with enough skill

The one thing everyone is sleeping on is pierce though that part of her kit was super useful and gave her some crazy advantages over the rest of the cast

I just wish my playstyle still exists luckily they took away sigmas cast time so I’m going to main him now and bring back a bit of that sym 2.0 skill into this game

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Not going to happen as they nerfed her to give her autolock to moira(you can all pretend it’s not autolock but when I have 80% higher accuracy with her it proves otherwise)

I said higher ranks, as well as OWL because that was the main excuse people used when they called her garbage. I just never corrected you because I assumed you just don’t understand how badly any current Sym is shut down once you get to the ELO people can aim at you with.

And I will repeat myself. Why would anyone continuously pick a character they have to work 2x hard to be good with? I would rather be a McCree main than a Sym main, every melee hero is hard to play with in higher ranks. Otherwise Reaper would also be good in them.

But you have her barrier as your ultimate? Certainly if her rework was a success, that would supplement it as an ability, right?

I don’t use her TP for just that. I barely even play her. That’s why I said what I did, because then this would become a discussion about playstyle or whatever when this is a discussion about them destroying a good character because people couldn’t play them right.

I think it’s important to know that I have no issues with Symmetra. I personally don’t think she’s OP. I was just talking numbers.

But the numbers aren’t there, you can’t present a good argument without having actual statistically correct data. Overbuff hasn’t been reliable since profiles became privated.

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Yo man I play for fun that’s why I mained sym I didn’t care about what rank I ended up in.

But she did work in high ranks I got her to gm. If I could do it anyone can as long as they practice and improve


Oh, I’m aware she could be run in high ranks, but most people will not do it because it’s a learning curb. I am guilty of being one of those people, after I left gold I dropped Sym on every map that wasn’t her niche and Pharah altogether.

Yeah but I just view that the same with every character. I had to drop rien even though he’s a ton of fun just because I couldn’t play him at a gm level.

I just think it’s not fair to say she couldn’t work on ladder. Any character with enough skill can make it to any rank.

Now owl is different sym 2.0 was used like 2 time s in the pro scene but that’s because coordination would beat out sym comps. I don’t really want to balance around the pro scene though. It leads to some wacky changes for the rest of the community

Like the deletion of an entire kit rip sym


I’m sorry but I couldn’t take the hate messages and toxicity in voice chat. If I didn’t absolutely destroy with Sym or the moment I got picked as Pharah suddenly the entire team blamed me for their losses. I’d rather stay safe and pick meta characters like Soldier. Reaper kind of to an extent. That way I can focus more and not get tilted.

Sym is finally meta now and what do I get? People messaging me to TP to the same spot every game like the enemy team couldn’t figure it out. Now suddenly everyone is a Sym player and think they know more than I do and consistently question my decisions. Nah, I’m good with all that lol.

I’d be willing to try to climb with her more if people weren’t so toxic all the time.

That was actually a very different experience for me. I’m really positive on voice chat in general so not many people ever would just outright be toxic to me. And on the rare cases that someone was I remember so many more times where other teammates came to my aid and defended me and my pick

That was actually the main reason I think I made it to gm. Most games are lost when the team tilts and i was crazy good at keeping the team happy.

Who knows though maybe it was also due to my skill at masters+ You have already proved that you are exceptionally skilled with your character so people don’t question your choices.

I do remember a lot of people wondering what to run with sym though. But I’d just tell em to run what they were comfortable with I’m a support lol I’m just here to make their job easier and assist them


I wish I was good at that, because I know I would actually climb if I had enough confidence to say things other than callouts. But I’m an introvert who hates confrontation. I am friendly but once people tilt, I just leave voice chat.

Hey man I’m an introvert too but this is the internet my domain lol

You do have a chance though to untilt teams. Even after a total stomp you always still have a chance. You only lose that chance if you give up


So your really trying to say the game should be balanced based on Low Ranked players???

She was a support and yes it doesn’t take a genius to figure she wasn’t hard MECHANICALLY but she required A LOT of game sense to climb and master her playstyle.

That’s Hilarious. Not true at all

So at one point you say she was OP but now your implying that she was bad? What?


Right I love when someone on my team, that never played sym, tries to tp to point every fight and dies. Only works the first time, dont waste time tping to point, they’re all ready for it now.

Or when the other dps that over extends wants me to put my tp in the worst spot imaginable for some gimmick play that never pays off because they saw it in some youtube video

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You the gimmick strats are my favorite. I play rien a lot and one memorable game with a sym I requested the high ground on kings row. I would just pin through their team back to my own. I got an instant Orissa pick once and a squishy another time the strats work and are a ton of fun. But you do actually have to think about em though

All I had to do was check that the enemy had no stuns and I knew my gimmick was unpunishable lol

The og gimmick though was the sym 2.0 backcap tp. Only pulled it off once or twice but it was absolutely hilarious every time


Lmao whatever you say, data is data and Symmetra 2.0 used to have a 60%+ win rate for most low/mid - ranked out there.

So what, should we exclude all those players completely from balance? Of course not. They bought the game as well with their own money and Symmetra 2.0 herself used to have an extremely low skill floor (which is what matters in said ranks) for the great value she offered in those ranks to begin with, so action had to be taken, in the same way the developers later did with another hero you mentioned, Reaper, when he received his ridiculous 50% life -steal buff and made the lives of Tanks even more miserable than they already were.

Also, yeah, as I said, when you have created such a complex and meticulous game such as Overwatch for most people, never teach your players anything in - game about the game’s mechanics and then find out that according to the available metrics the majority if your player base is below average, then of course you have to balance the game without some fundamental skills required.

Because if you don’t, that’s the definition of bad game design/balance.

Nope, I’m not saying balance the game exclusively, not even mainly for them, but when a hero/mechanic/strategy is getting out of hand in any rank, then action has to be taken as soon as possible.

This happened with Reaper and this happened with Symmetra.

Low/mid - ranked players are also people who have bought the game with their own money and have the right and play and have fun as well and not acknowledging this is beyond elitist and selfish.

Again, I was not talking about Symmetra 2.0’s skill floor here as you’re doing in your response, I’m talking about her skill floor, which is what mostly matters for hero balance in both low ranks and most mid ranks as well.

Sorry about that, my mistake.

I didn’t mean that most heroes’ skill floors are relatively high, I meant that most heroes’ skill ceilings are relatively high.

Almost OP/oppressive in low/mid ranks, which was all made worse but how little skill actually took to get value out of here in those ranks.

Almost completely useless in high ranks.

That’s not rocket science.