I miss the hero called Symmetra (1.0 & 2.0) 😔

And everyone knows that that is because people would play her on first point defense and stick to her if winning, or swap off when losing, inflating her winrate.


Actually, Sym2 had around 60% winrate in all ranks. And that was proof of the character strength when you remember that at high ranks it was common for the team to give up on the match when someone locked her on the hero select screen, and some even actually throw to “teach Sym one tricks a lesson” and “drop the muto their proper rank”.

Symmetra weakness was teamwork, which made her a terrible pick for pro matches. But in the chaos of ladder she was absurdly strong and only needed a few QoL stuff to feel better while playing, not to improve her power levels.

IMO, Torb was the same, they did exactly that on his rework, and he got nerfed because, just as I predicted, people learned that he was stupidly strong once they stopped trying to babysit his turret.


That was shown in her tie rate, because people would often panic pick her when they need a full hold. And yes, it was also stupidly high. IIRC, around 5% or so.

That could be the case for a percentage of that win rate, but I personally doubt that it used to even be noticable enough in the first place, bun unfortunately there are no actual metrics that could prove or disprove such points…

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Sym had a 60% winrate in every rank. Not just for the low ranks they aren’t special.

This isn’t a case of sym being objectively overpowered just for low ranks my friend. That’s why I would have wanted a nerf to shield gen.

Stop acting like this was just a problem for low ranks that’s entirely misinformed. She was a very niche character that had a lot of power for those willing to learn her. It would be much more reasonable to just lower the power in the ult

The main thing sym 2.0 benefited from was praying of the opponents not knowing the matchup. She was only a problem becyshe was so niche. People just get frustrated losing to someone they don’t understand. It was t that sym was a brokenly powerful character it was because no one knew how to play against her. For god sake everyone even in gm thought Winston was a top tier counter vs sym when in reality he was fairly weak.

Misinformation is what killed sym 2.0 and you my friend love spreading it. She was the same across the ranks


But she will remain not picked due to “no skill” stigma. As update history told us, only way to make players pick “no skill” heroes is making them really broken.


What does gender have to do with this ?


I miss Sym 2.0’s Photon Barrier. It was so satisfying being able to save the team from so many moments of certain death. Made me feel useful.

Shield Gen, I’m 50/50 on. I liked the support it gave the team, but 75 Shields, lasting indefinitely, and the range of it was too much.
Not to mention the constant “They have a shield generator!” Ugh.


Tbh they should bring back the shield piercing orbs.


Yet we had players like Stevooo who got to top 500 with Symmetra 2.0 ONLY…MULTIPLE times…SOLO que…how did that happen? :face_with_monocle:


I don’t think the HP value or the range to be the issue. Sure, overheal is a very strong mechanic that most OW players didn’t notice its value until Brigitte arrived, but 75 is a nice breaking point that it only adds one extra hit for multiple damage sources.

The real power of shield Gen was that it had a stupidly low charge requirement. If you get one good orb hit, you would get 50% charge. If you do cleaning job with your beam after the team fight is over, you get your ult back. That allowed you to use shield Gen as bait and simply not care that much if it was destroyed.

Now, I Agree that most of her value as a support was linked into having her ult active for as long as possible. But combining “permanent” and “fast charge” made it a lot stronger than it needed to be.

Which is why one of my many requests was moving part of shield gen power into Symmetra main kit. Like making the original Photon Shield (25 HP) a passive and lowering some value from SG.


I wish they gave it a weakness like it could only recharge 500 health before it depleted or a time limit.

The would just get rid of the snowball effect it had

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500 is very little considering 6 shields add up to 450.

I’d be down with trying that. Better make them un-stackable too, so that we don’t get a bunch of Tank-Health Syms running around in No Limits and Mystery Heroes.

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But this was also considering how fast sym actually charges shield gen. She could get it easily in one fight. That’s even faster than pulse bomb which was crazy.

It’s a ton of power that was always available for sym. This change would just give it moments of weaknesses that the enemy could capitalize on

I actually think it would fit sym nicely most of syms abilities had crazy advantages offset by weaknesses

Kolorblind has also been in Top 500/GM for years now playing mainly Bastion.

Does that mean that Bastion is suddenly a good hero in high ranks?

They’re literally zero logic in what you said.

Yet somehow with all that power she wasn’t picked, so, apparently, it wasn’t as broken, as people believe it.

It was a wierd power to use. Most people picked up the characters and saw all the weaknesses and just dropped em.

Then you have the people that were actually dedicated to learn the character. I got to gm with her myself

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Lmao you LITERALLY just contradicted yourself. Those characters ARE good in high ranks if you know how to play them as proven by the people who’ve one tricked them to and in t500. Thank you for the argument strength.

I am too scared to every try being a Symettra player. I really love Beam heroes and I’m very interested in her but her reworks and nerfs have always kept me far away.

I hate these recent nerfs for her, Sigma shield is OP so she gets nerfed for counting the overpowered double shield meta cause of him.

that’s what i want to know.