I miss Symmetra 2.0!

(ignore him)

I am three steps ahead of you… see this could be nerfed to work like shadow step so people have time to react, but we could also extend where we could put it. (50 m)

Point A Anubis map attack Sym example: Instead of putting the end point of the teleporter near point A… you could place it (with the right timing) nearer to Point B.

Thus working how the old teleporter was used. (Shadow step would work the same way)

Maybe I didn’t make myself clear


But you are also right about junkrat, and hanzo to a much much less extent.

I do like this suggestion. Sym is a light bender anyway, you cant really limit light like that.

One of my original ideas for Sym rework (when Sym 3.0 was only starting to be a rumor) is make her actually invisible like Sombra as one of her abilites. Since Sym manipulates light, she can eliminate the specter of photons that make her visible, so she would able to flank and place her teleporter and turrets behind enemy lines. lol

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I like the idea… but I kinda figured out Sombra had invisibility at the start, so always looked at Sym as the opposite to Sombra.

…Sombra does mean “Shadow”… only made sense.

Yeah. Lol… its funny tho because they are “opposites” but the two communities generally get along very well with each other, since they understand each others struggles with toxicity, and being a “throw” pick

Shame they don’t hang out in lore, beside working for the same team.

Honestly Sanjay… your being a fool. Sym would totally join Talon.

symmetra 2.0 play style is so unique,if devs give her some fix and buff it would be a great character… so pity they are deleted her in this game,now the symmmetra 3.0 is so soulless.

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Symmetra is not evil you know… she just is naive, and doesnt understand things because of Autism. its shown in her comic that she cannot stand human suffering.

And Sombra and Sym do have an interaction where Sombra says to Sym “You wont believe what I learned about your employer Ms.Vasvani” to which Sym replied “What have you heard…?”

I picture them sipping coffee and gossiping big time xD

I believe that in the coming Lore, Sombra will need Sym as an ally for her personal cause, and reveal that Vishkar actually works for Talon. Symmetra feeling betrayed would either join Sombra in her mission, or join OW to correct her mistakes, but would stay in close contact with Sombra.

Sombra never really was the person to hold a grudge, as it has been shown that she stayed good friends with Baptist and checked on him from time to time to make sure he is doing alright, even when he deserted Talon.

I dont even think Sombra is evil. She might be an anti-hero, with flexible morals, but overall trying to bring freedom to people through chaos by exposing the real puppet master. Like Lucio, but with a “dark side”

Imagine if Sym took over Vishkar, but due to “reasons” had to replace Sanjay position at Talon.

Could be an interesting angle for Sombra in the future…

now she just owl taxi driver,so pathetic and so wrong.


That could work too! actually its more likely then her joining OW

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I know, seen alot of people leave Overwatch because of it.

This guy for example:

(This was 2.0 introduction)

Yeah i know. Turrets should be gone and be replaced by something else that is actually more fun to play and you know… works. I never liked playing her and even when my team asked for cheesy comps i refused to run her but if they actually did something to her that made her feel more engaging to play i definitely would.

i actually really like the turrets. thats the only reason i play Sym. if they removed the turrets, i would remove myself.

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I understand how you feel. Mei mains don’t want her primary fire removed to make her strong in other areas and Sombra mains don’t want hack removed to make her kit more engaging to play so we stuck there forever. I was so pissed at first when i found out that the new turrets add so much slow effect that if you’re holding down your shield as Rein while they damage you you can’t move at all.

I feel the same as you do about the ult like widow and sombra may not do damage with their ults but one gives your team full vision on the enemy team and the other nullifies all enemy abilities for its duration syms new ult is just a wall that doesn’t really have the same satisfaction as throwing ur old shield out to protect yourself and teammates from a dva bomb or rein shatter or pharah barrage or even a zarya grav. thats the one part of her old kit i want more than anything else but i proved to my friends before her change that she countered pirate ship easily.


I’m tired of having ANY character in the game that’s so debilitated by slowing; Hammond should have a special buff against Mei so that he can at least literally walk away when she’s shooting him, because right now if a Mei is on the field and you get even slightly close to her, you’re SOL. You can’t use your grapple hook to pull yourself away (unless she has bad aim and isn’t freezing you well, which never seems to be the case for me) because it relies on your momentum in order to move you.

Symmetra’s turrets don’t NEED slowdown, what they needed was to be easier to deploy and have a little HP so that they required more than just accidental splash damage to be destroyed. That was it.

honestly she wouldn’t need the SLOW aspect if it just disabled movement abilities but then she’d hard counter all mobility heroes and be the best hero in game so that won’t ever happen. it’s literally there so she can still fight Genjis and Tracers that are blinking and jumping around like they have bugs in their pants.

You know what would be a better counter to Tracers and Genji’s? Her old lock on beam. Because it was pretty stellar against them.

I don’t think Sym needs ANY ‘anti movement’ in her kit. I think if she’s a DPS character then she should be outputting damage.

Give her 6 turrets again. Remove the slowdown BS. Give her her lock on gun, with a STATIC amount of damage that is REASONABLE, and give her her old proton barrier back. Make her ultimate the Wall OR her old TP, and then boom, you have Symmetra back again.

She’d be able to engage the enemy and protect herself, actually put out damage, provide use to her team, and her ult wouldn’t be hot garbage because you’d have some level of choice to it so that you weren’t just sitting on the wall all the time waiting for the right clutch moment so you don’t blow it too early like you do with her now.

As much as i LOVED her old beam I’ve gotten accustomed to her new beam and it’s even stronger now than it’s ever been.

but a majority of our dps heroes either have mobility, cc, or area control Sym and Mei are the only heroes in the game that slow targets and with most teams having a Lucio I truly value the slow her turrets provide.

As I stated i truly value the slow her turrets provide and I honestly for the sake of OCD i really wish she had an eve number of turrets 4 would be fine for me considering thy now have health to them. and honestly if they gave her her old gun back you’d have dps mains complaining about it just melting them to death and them not being able to do anything about it. I honestly ussed to get constant 6k’s with her photon and old beam but i can still get 6k’s just 2 kills are turrets over me. Having her tp as an ability giver he a lot of mobility and allows her to take out the backline like she used to in 2.0 but she doesn’t have to die if things go wrong. If the dev’s allowed her to switch between tp and shield gen on the same cd to allow her to provide her team with a little boost in health when necessary that’d be a welcomed change imo and I did prefer her wall as a personal barrier over a global ult but it does allow me to set up my turret bomb and tp it in for kills and tp back without having to worry about constant dmg as you bob-n-weave through your shield.

honestly I’ve never been 100% behind the OW dev teams character changes but I’ve learned to adapt like a chameleon and roll with the punches.