I’m sorry but these hog changed are unfair

insert office meme ‘it took em one day’

Actually, it took em half a day.

And due to this i will now run a long forgotten tape on the post below.
now where did i put that…

Oh there it is!


are you having trouble with a certain man? 7ft, 6in of pure muscle and fat? Well thats called a roadhog and it sure is scary! But luckily for you, i’m going to teach you and any other reader on how to handle this lug!


As a big man, roadhog is rocking a full 600HP. He uses a potent shotgun with a secondary fire to niche hit targets at mid range.

He also comes with a hook that can reel in targets for a buckshot and a healthy can of nana’s patented ‘healy juice: vape edition’ © that can heal up to 300HP and gives him a defense boost when he inhales it.

His ultimate loads his gun with push back fragments and rapid fires them. (unless your’e in a tight area) its used more on point than for offense.

He’s a hell of a 1 on 1 brawler that feeds of bad positioning and predictable movement.


He’s big, he’s got a heal, and he has no movement abilities.This man’s a walking ultimate battery for the enemies.

His shotgun is a (belive it or not) a shotgun. Range attacks past his hook range is out of the question.

His ultimate isn’t very good past OBJ protection.

His hook often breaks near walls and small corners even if the target is viewable.


Now the bread and butter of the post! These are all very good at countering the beast, and i will highlight the most effective ways of handling him:

teaming up with ally’s
Favorable positioning
Reaction timing

These all handle roadhog with colors. But i’ll talk about the effective ones in detail.

teaming up with ally’s is a given. Any 1v1 specialty hero like roadhog, brig, etc. lose all grip when its a gank situation. Staying close to teammates/tanks also provide a nice shield or meatshield if it comes to it.

range is also a given. If he can’t reach you with his hook, you’re in the clear. widowmaker is the best canidate for this situation.

ashe best girl for the job. Not only do you have potent range and a escape ability at your disposal, your dynamite provides a easy DOT on bigger targets. Big ol’ boi is also an easy displacement tool to delete a roadhog with and a big focus grabber along with it.

This statement concludes the ‘dealing with roadhog post’

There you go. If you get hooked, you’re out of position with your team or you’re just plain yoinkable

Please consult the guide again if you ever feel powerless against a roadhog.


Stay off the hook boi.

After playing against new hog last night I made the argument that if Blizzard want the one hit kill combo on 200hp targets so bad then just make the hook a 200hp damage ability and save us all the pain of being dragged in.

Same result either way…why bother with the animation?


New patch comes out its not even 1 day after patch and complaints already started… God forbit having viable heroes.

Me saying this is probably going to make no difference, because it seems people don’t like reading comprehension here, but let’s give it a try and see if I can break it down for you.

People aren’t upset because Hog’s hook can’t be countered, or even that he can punish people that are out of position. Hell, Hog pulling an out of position player into the heart of his team is honestly good in my opinion. And I see very few decrying “OP” here.

No, what people are trying to say is that since Hog’s new Hook makes it harder to save the person or have the person save themselves before he can kill them since he can one shot them. Meaning that a Hog being aggressive and trying to flank will always be rewarded now since his hook does have a nice range on it and often times people will be none the wiser to the fact that he’s moved to the other side of the point because he’s CAN clear the point in most cases, Illios is a prime example of this.

There is also the matter of hooking while the shield is down or moved slightly, as I’ve said before. Any Hog with half a brain can do it, hell, I’ve done it a number of times when I’ve played him either for fun or because we needed an off tank in Comp. That is minor though, and I personally feel that if the Hog doesn’t take advantage of that sort of stuff, it’s his fault.

I personally like Hog where he is at now, I just worry that this new build along with the one shot kill aspect of his hook with people not being able to use defensive before he can get his shot off means Hog is now being rewarded for going out of position (because whenever I got hooked when I played last night that was normally the case, a hog behind enemy lines that did it)

If what Blizzard wants is for Hook to be an instant kill that’s fine, but SuperJedders might be right at that point, why not just have the hook kill the player instantly?

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She literally has less effective health than Hog, though. The real reason is because they can actually hit Hog. Brigitte’s massive hit-box is too small for them.

hog feels nice now but i have ONE problem with him

HE GETS HIS ULT WAY TOO OFTEN NOW, its kinda annoying and it even seems more powerful

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It is HOW they made him viable. I want him viable as a tank, not a DPS with disproportionately high health.

He is an off tank like Zarya and Wrecking Ball. He needs that damage to be viable. He doesnt offer anything other than damage to his team. Also have lots of counters.


I love playing Reaper; however, unless the Hog is stupid, I am going to get one-shotted. Perhaps I would not be so annoyed if I could counter him that way, with one of his natural counters in versions where he cannot consistently one-shot me. I forgot Reaper used to lose this MU because they were keen enough to remove this nonsense from the game. They sure are doing a lot of reverts of reverts. Wonder what is going on at Blizzard.

Seriously post this every time you see a Roadhog is OP thread or pin it. plz

I knew the posts would come once they tweaked his hook and shots.

But he/she does.
The main issue is not with the actual perfect scenario where you land the hook and someone goes out of LOS.
The main issue is with lag and interpolation. Ive been hooked when i was behind a wall multiple times before the Hook 3.0 and that is brutally unfair.

On the other hand, i think Road should get the CD removed if you hook but it breaks. At the moment anything breaks the hook and its BS. Ive literally hooked a Tracer that blinked in that second behind a wall…

… really dude? how do you BLINK while hooked? thats a STUN

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I must have been lagging to all get out last night, because I can count on one hand the number of times I managed to get away, and I’m not the only one that had that problem.

I actually could get behind this, but maybe not a full reset, but half the CD like when you interrupt sombra’s hack?

I… I have no answer for this… That’s crazy.

100% untrue. Hog ALWAYS gets the first shot if he’s holding in left click. You can’t outskill game mechanics by being a “good Moira”. There was no change to that in this patch.

PS: Unless you were talking about the time he had to delay his shot to get a secured kill? Which honestly, should not be the case.

Seeing as you have a whooping 45 minutes of play time on her, I’m going to assume that you’ve never really encountered this so you wouldn’t know about how easy it actually was to simply spam whatever key-bind fade was on.

Ok mr. Private profile.

My Moira experience is irrelevant (and is also far more encompassing than this account’s stats reveals).

Hog can take action before his target after hooking them. This is not a skill matchup, it’s not a reaction time thing; it’s 100% hardcoded into the game that Hog leaves the stun before the hooked player does.

If he queues up a shot by holding left click while inside of the hook animation, he will shoot before his target can use abilities. Every, single time.

Laughs In Roadhog

20 Characters


Ok, I’ll be honest, this made me laugh and I don’t really know why.

nah, unfair was hooking a player who wasn’t in your line of sight in the first place.
I’m glad hog’s finally gettng his teeth back

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We don’t want to go back to old roadhog