I’m sorry but these hog changed are unfair

Well, Hog punishes bad positioning, like he was several months ago?

That would mean you’d need to nerf D.Va Reinhardt, Hamster etc. into the ground because all of them can easily kill 200HP squishies.


Yeah it’s the same as it was with tracer earlier, Every tracer had 100% Crit accuracy every game .

Hog’s hook isn’t an instantaneous ability which covers him with 500 points of disposable, regenerating health in the direction he’s hooking

I’m enjoying the tears of fear. Time to learn some game sense


Have people forgotten that you can just go back around the corner in a small window of time to break the hook?

Just because he got buffed doesn’t mean he is automatically broken, it always happens when heros get buffed people say: “x hero is broken, x hero feels unfair”.

People are used to the walking confetti cannon Roadhog was for 17months now, time to learn some respect again :slight_smile:

I think he’s in the most balanced spot ever right now.

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I’m not spending the game hugging walls Incase my reinhardt turns his Shield a fraction to allow a tiny gap for a hook.

Roadhog doesn’t just punish poor game sense now he punishes daring to exist outside of an all encompassing shield within 20m of him.

I was being hooked and killed by shots to my feet last night. A headshot I can deal with but allowing any shot to one hit kill is just broken.

Imagine if Reinhardt could one hit with a swing of his hammer.

“Sorry it’s just bad positioning because you’re too close to the Reinhardt”

Imagine how effective you can be without cryptic commentary

It definitely creates a lot smaller of a peeling and punishment window against him. For people who actually played and understood Roadhog as well the last hook(v7.3502?) was so easy to bait out and break if you get caught and then punish just by understanding how it works.

Right, the same way Doom is perfectly balanced with his one shot punch.

The a and d keys are your friends. Learn the timing and spacing of his abilities and stop whining to the devs to nerf things because you are lazy and don’t want to get better.

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At least hook is kinda skill shot and not as easy to execute as other strong CC in the game…
Also it really can be avoidable and counterable.

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Say this to people who asks for Brigitte nerfs.

how dare you point out that it can be countered, didnt you know its impossible to counter and picking roadhog is always an instant win?


Or you could make bastion be pulled in turret mode still. Then just eat that Hog

Here…we…go. I knew this was going to happen. I called this BS that people were going to be thinking that he “OP” again. Their are plenty of ways to counter hook. trust me hook still breaks you were not behind cover enough and got pulled And honestly if he hooks a 200 hp hero that’s still in line of sight he honestly deserves to kill them.

But if your still having issues here is a list of counter for him
1 .D.va DM
2. Rein shield
3. Orisa shield / Fortify
4. Mei
5. Reaper (But don’t just face charge him bait his hook first)]
6. Junkrat (Get easy ult charge off him)
7. Ana Sleep dart / Nade
8. Brig Armor pack / Shield bash
9. Widow ( if you can aim)
10. lucio Boop
11. Sombra Hack
12. Zen discord (Expecially if your team focus him he’ll be gone in seconds)
13. Mcree Flashbang
14. Zarya Bubble


I agree he isn’t overpowered but I wouldn’t quite say he’s perfect yet. His and Reaper’s spread are both a huge 20.1. The next widest is 4.15, next after that 3.6.

I understand that as shotgun fire, those 2 SHOULD have the widest spread by a reasonable margin. But nearly 5 times wider? No. Reduce their spread to 8.3, exactly double that of the next widest, then it’s right.

But thats what hog is supposed to do, he should be the biggest anti dive hero, with the best utility in the game to counter people who flank and dive. Since he has absolutely no mobility, and the biggest hitbox in the game, if youre caught out of position in roadhogs line of sight, you should die, since youre playing in a bad position. Hog used to be even more strong, with the 100% oneshot combo on even heroes like zarya and winston, now he can only oneshot squishies.

Hog has been in a terrible place for 1 and a half years, dont make blizzard make his now balanced kit terrible again.

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this needs to be pinned