I’m sorry but these hog changed are unfair

True, but if you have a shield in front of you any of those counters becomes very tricky. If it’s a bastion on his own then those counters have no problem at all unless the people playing them have no idea what they’re doing.

Still though, Bastion can eat all of them for breakfast and still have room for seconds. You can’t deny that.

It’s very similar to the old Doomfist bug where you could hold down wraith or fade to avoid getting damaged by RP wall impact after already getting punched by RP.

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I remember that. Honestly, a change I’ve always wanted to see as a Support main is that they would let you use defensive cooldowns during Rein’s charge or Doom’s punch not so that you can get away from them but so you take no damage from hitting the wall. Like if you get picked up by Rein’s charge as Moira you can fade, and you’ll still be attached to the Rein and moving with him but take no damage when he hits the wall provided your fade doesn’t expire.

Wishful thinking, I know, but I think it would be an interesting change to implement, and make people be more careful how they use their abilities. I know it will never actually happen.

Moira’s fade uses the same balance approach as fade, as in you can use it to avoid ranged attacks and grapples, but if you get stuck in a grapple then you have to deal with it.

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It’s a surprisingly useful ability, I’ll give Blizzard that. Mainly because for a moment Moira completely disappears from the map, where as Reaper you can still see him. Makes it easier for her to get away.

The reason Reaper can’t easily get away is because the developers said they wanted Reaper to he a high commitment character that either starts a fight and wins or starts a fight a loses: they don’t want him to be good at escaping.

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I’m sorry but at this point in the game they should have just made it so the hook insta-kills anyone that’s 200hp or lower.

Why bother with the animation anymore, you can’t defend yourself or get away and there are NO drawbacks to Hog being out of position.

If they want this in the game reduce the hook length by at least 5m. The fact it’s the same as most fall off damage and even Moiras Biotic grasp and Brigs flail Knockback is ridiculous.

I’m confused, are you talking the range on Moira and Brigette’s abilities or the damage they do?

I’m talking about the range.

Dmg is fine for the supports.

You’re not supposed to easily deny the hook after getting hooked.
There would be no point in having the ability in that case.
Dodging the hook in the first place isn’t any harder than it used to be.

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You mean, aside from the fact that if he dies, whoever kills him will get upwards of 70% ult-charge from him alone?

I swear, no one here reads. As DeadlyAztec and I already talked about this, you used to be able to “deny the hook” as you put it afterwards. I thought the game was supposed to give you the chance afterwards and was thinking that something bugged with the update, but apparently the bug was that you were never supposed to be able to before, and it’s only just gotten fixed even if it was unintentionally.

I have already acknowledged this, and plan on simply trying hard to avoid his hook in the future.

Hog punish bad positioning. The fact that you allowed yourself to be hooked justifies a kill by it self.


Dunno what game you’re playing but I’ve never earned 70% ult charge from a roadhog.

The game is already filled with enough random insta-kill bs, we don’t need another which supposedly “punishes poor game sense”. A reinhardt turning his Shield for half a second isn’t poor game sense for the 200hp soldier hiding behind it, and hero’s should be able to actually stand on the point in Ilios without having to constantly try to tap dance around the roadhog on the complete other side who can already secure an easy kill with an environmental death but now even if they mess that up can still benefit.

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Oh, so it’s poor supports fault that the tanks shield went down for a moment long enough that they go hooked, or the soldier that’s standing inside the shield when it goes down?

Oh and let’s not forget those Hogs that get ballsy and try to flank. Yeah, you’re team can kill him no problem most of the time, but doesn’t do much good when you’re already dead because the Hog got ballsy and you got unlucky.

He doesn’t just punish “bad positioning”.

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I was thinking that too, but I didn’t want to say anything because I’m not a DPS player. 70% ult charge seems a little crazy. I could see someone getting 30% on him, maybe 40-50% if they’re someone with a fast ult, but not 70%.

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That, and as I saw someone else say, no one in the game truly respects Roadhog’s hook range.

Which I think is true.

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You’re of the mind that Hog being able to hook and kill consistently is this crazy dilemma.

I’m of the mind that Roadhog should have never been changed. Everything about his kit left him open to stuns, CC, and the like. From his hook, to his healing, and even moreso during his ultimate.

But people don’t like the idea of being caught by a decent Roadhog player when they themselves are alone.

That should be the risk you take when roaming against Roadhog. By no means should he have been nerfed to a literal ult charging battery.

Just wanna get my thoughts out there.


Is Roadhog too strong, are you too weak.

I’d like to see him as a Tank, an Tank that drags his enemies into his own team, and lets them collapse on them, not Hog doing it as a Hook, kill, Repeat and currently It happens rarely but it happens, that I’m still alive after a hook, shoot. Which feels absolutely right if I’m honest.

If i get hooked into the enemy team of 2+ players, I already accepted my faith of death.
But when Hooked solo to hog, I’m always glad not being One shoot as it’s just not fair imho.

Hog should work as a tank and tanks don’t 1v1, tanks 3v1 or 5v1 with the team. against over extending and isolated targets, which is where hog shines.

Which currently he’s close to be perfect in my eyes, maybe a bit too much dmg, but this will increase most likely with the next update to the shotguns if those are not already implemented.