I’m sorry but these hog changed are unfair

Hook doesn’t come out any faster. You still have the same amount of time to react and take preventative measures.

The only difference is now there’s a tighter window to save your teammate with a bubble, or burst healing, or stuns, or boops, or DM.


Little high level for Hog complaints aren’t ya?


So, essentially what you’re saying is somehow before the patch I just managed to find every single Hog player out there that simply couldn’t capitalize on his hook and managed to get away with Fade or Dart by pure happenstance, and now I’m suddenly able to find all the ones that know how to do that?

Actually; If Hog Hooks a sentry deployed Bastian, the hook should work in reverse and it should pull hog right in front of Bastian. I am very serious.

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Roadhog is supposed to one guaranteed shot on you after landing hook unless you get saved by teammates.


I…I actually really love this idea, except for one flaw.

The poor Hog would get eaten alive.

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That was never the case though. So unless you’re saying that it’s been bugged all this time and Blizzard never cared enough to fix it and it only somehow got fixed with his changes, I find that hard to believe.

Well, I mean, this is Blizzard we’re talking about, that ACTUALLY could very well be the case…

That is the idea; it’s to stop brain dead hooks. Bastian has many other counters and this will help him punish tanks for becoming overzealous without co-ordination from their DPS.

maybe i just suck with hog :stuck_out_tongue: but can hog one shot her now? because most of the time i hooked her today she would escape without being dead

There was that bug that bug affecting all shotguns since launch that was only fixed a few months back, and only happened after players showed video proof of the phenomenon.

Everyone keeps saying that, but I find that Bastion’s counters don’t actually work all that well since in most cases he can destroy his counters in a matter of a second. Then again, it’s also a matter of communication with your team, and people always seem to fall a little flat there.

If you’re going to quote it, quote the whole thing. I said that, it’s literally right there at the bottom of my post.

I don’t know what you’re implying here.


You quoted a portion of my post, and conveniently left out the part where I had already agreed with you.

I’m glad you see it my way.


Then those counters don’t know how to play the game:

  • Ana sleep… don’t wake him. <— Note, I don’t want him to exit sentry mode when this dart hits, they can make a nice sleep animation for him.
  • Rocket peeking from Pharah
  • Tracer pistol clip + bomb
  • Soldier Helix + Clip
  • Widow peek shots
  • Hog Hook…
  • Hanzo Storm Arrows…

One of the reasons Bastian is so annoying to play, he just has too many counters in sentry mode. When I play him, I mostly play him 90% outside of sentry mode.

if you got hooked around a corner, that’s just the old ‘Favor the shooter’ system doing it’s nonsense again. on Hog’s screen you weren’t around the corner yet.


hog is great now. finally useful and significant

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I believe I said it, but it’s late and I may have forgotten. I am actually completely fine with the hog changes. He needed the buff. The only thing I’m bugged about is the fact that you used to be able to use defensive before he could one shot you.

If that was a bug and it’s finally been addressed then so be it, I will simply have to learn a way around it.

Even then, whether he lands the hook or not.