I love these Bastion buffs

The spread decrease is what I’ve wanted for a long time. Bastion will now have a much better chance at fighting off heroes corner peaking from a long distance away (I’m looking at you Hanzo)

The self heal buff from 75 to 90 is great and I personally think the 20% resource drain rate nerf is a fair trade off.

Thank you for finally trying to help Bastion. <3


The spread feels so much better… please go live with the Bastion buffs


Yes I love them too!!

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These are great. Time to become a competitive Bastion.

Bastion is still trash. Give the spread changes to recon please. Sentry is not the thing that needed spread changes. He is still barely niche and only promotes the least skillful bastion playstyle, sitting in one place.


Yeah more improved camping in turret mode. Thats what he needed. /s


Was really his damage the main problem with bastion? I would’ve prefered changes to make him able to do stuff on his own without being pocketed by his team.


Its these kind of blizzard “buffs” which bottomline dont change anything.


Which these buffs will do because it means bastion no longer has to wait as long before he can deal 450 dps to his opponents. It will take 36 bullets to get to 2 degrees spread instead of 60, that is a massive improvement.