I like this game

It is fun. That’s all :sunglasses:.


4.5 years of enjoying it every time i load it…also 4.5 years of wondering just what the heck is wrong with gamers nowadays…


It’s alright. :woozy_face:


I like you :heart:

Everything nowadays.


Yes. I agree.

They want constant stimulation through an endless stream of new and meaningless “content”, not to strive for growth as a player and seek satisfaction from their own improvement. Only MORE STUFF is rewarding.


Yeah, I like this game as well :wink:


Mercy makes the best cake but Sombra make the best milkshake. Zarya all about making the best ginger cookies and reaper all about the biscuit life. Ana be makin that good COFFEE while soldier be making that good Coolaide. Moira be making best cupcakes and Zenny be making that sweet pie. Lucio be boosting all flavours of your sundae and brig be making that sultry pudding. MacCree just be bringing the jalepeno Doritoes tho cause cree not about that cooking lifestyle. Pharah be flying round making that cotton candy from the clouds. Rein just be charging flavours for that candy apple. An torb? You can forget about torb. He dont know how to make dessert, dawg.

And you cant have any, dawg.


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Well I know you weren’t talking to me but guess what? I like you too :slight_smile:

Oh, and I guess I like overwatch as well. It’s alright


Hey! I also like this game!
However, wouldn’t it be nice if the game was even greater with more features, updated on certain minor incoveniences and polished overall?
Let me introduce you to my Quality of Life Updates Megathread, were I tried to explain every minor issue within the game with detailed information, links, screenshots and videos! I tried my best to make it as clear I possibly could, PLEASE feel free to take a look!

Don’t forget to leave your opinions too and any ideas you might have! Who knows, maybe the devs read it someday and make an even GREATER OVERWATCH! Have a nice day! :wink:


I was enjoying this post so much and then you crushed my dreams :sob:

i played pubg earlier today, that team deathmatch mode. it was fun and at least they got a new mode other than battle royale. 10 minutes later i played overwatch and never looked back lol im so addicted still

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Dont worry.
Ball be diggin for that truffle to make you that sweet truffle chocolate strawberry fondue while DVA be hand feedin you that New York Style cheesecake, dawg. Lounge and relax, my dude. They got yo back.

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It has had it high for me but I still do enjoy good old overwatch.

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this game rocks you can be playing as the robot bastione or also orisan and zenyetat and also sometimes can be a guy with a cool hat by name of jessie macreid


I like Moira

I love her with my whole heart

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I love the game. I hate the players. The matchmaking system is very flawed too.


Even shrunken as it is?


Fortnite ruined people.

Love the game, hate the players.

Which is ultimately caused by a lack of active moderation of the playerbase. The anti-social players realized VERY quickly that you can get away with murder in this game. Which ends up just making a closed loop where the good people leave and the density of anti-social jerks increases exponentially. Which is made even worse when there isn’t rigorous account validation. Make as many anonymous alts as you like and go nuts with hate speech and trolling, then swap to another account and keep going if anything even happens to the first one.

Remember the post by Jeff where one user had been reported MANY THOUSANDS OF TIMES for years and they were still trolling in game? And everyone was like… “uhh… why was he never banned?” And then Jeff was like, “yea maybe we’ll start banning people for being toxic soon!”



no I just want the game to be playable 3 years of awful balancing choices

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