I like this game

I love it. Then I hate it. Then I love it again. And hate it again. And love it again. And—

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<Bliz won’t let me post cause it isn’t a complete sentence :P>

Yeah, literally nothing new other than skins for over a year in a supposed big e-sport game is the same as there being no new update since yesterday…

If this was massive story-driven single player game with huge campaign and multiplayer was just a little add-on mode, maybe you’d have an argument.

That is true, but when you also launch your game for full price with driving force behind being constant content updates and then the content stops for a year, people are gonna have some issues.

I’d rather have no new heroes/maps for a year and an entire sequel after that than the constant stream of re-colors, tweaks to existing maps, and battle pass “challenges” other games call content, especially when the core gameplay for OW is so much stronger than those games.

It definitely has its flaws, and some things can be irritating - but that doesn’t take away all my enjoyment.

Y’know what? Good post OP.

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Me too. :slight_smile:

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Best game I’ve ever played.

Among other things? Entitlement

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I just feel bad I suck at my favorite hero, and am better at others with minimal effort

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Sure, but I also look at it this way: OW has had additional content for 4 years since its launch. At launch, its price was essentially $40-$60. And since then, there’s nothing in the game you HAVE to buy that you can’t get through some in-game means (or in the case of OW skins, watching the games).

I’ve paid that much money for games I played for a couple months, finished, and then never played again. On the other hand, I have also spent a bunch of money on items in free to play games that were just not obtainable at all through in-game means.

So overall, I’m not as upset with the lack of content as some people seem to be. Of all the live service games out there, Overwatch is one of the least predatory when it comes to taking your money, something I am already seeing will likely not be true for the sequel.