I like the Sombra changes

The way it’s programmed is likely that the thrown translocator is a different entity. Once it lands they likely replace it with a new one (same mesh, different functionality) that also now has the properties of being destroyable and resettable. It has probably always been done this way, but I’m not a Overwatch dev so I can’t say for sure. Just my educated guess based on other game dev experience.

Its not an unlikely assumption. Which is why I brought it up anyway :relieved:

Well, the only tweak for this is setting translocator as not being able to be hit by turrets ;p

You can still end up in scenarios like vs Winston, mei, etc where if you’re being attacked your TL has a chance to be within the damage the moment it spawns and die instantly. It would prevent you from being able to escape from these heroes, which has always been possible.

Exactly. I do see uses for the infinite invis and trans though, at the very least. Time to get creative!

Even at max speed he’s not the hardest to hit and if you’re a Sombra main you won’t have much issue because he can be hacked pretty easily.

Now I think I might been unclear.
I wanted to ask why translocator needs to be on the ground before I CAN destroy it ;p

Oooh, like before Sombra herself can destroy it? That’s a good question… Should ask Geoff :slight_smile:

If an enemy steps on the teleporter, he or she should be translocated into orbit.

Yeah. That what I meant xd

Oh, you are. There are many times where I have stalled a point for a good 20+ seconds dipping on and off of the point using my TL and invis giving the team enough time to get there. Like I said, a well placed TL can most certainly garner more than 3 seconds. Watch Fitzy, he does it all the damn time.

I feel like you’re just regurgitating what you’ve read in every thread about Sombra without actually knowing what you’re saying.

I’ve spent about 150+ hours on Sombra, and the changes are FAR from perfect. But the fact she can no longer contest is the least of her worries.

Played the new round of changes some more, she is garbage.

The changes dont adress any issues on top if making her more disruptable when it should be the other way around.

The only way sombra can get any better is to tone down her weaknesses, the severity of her weaknesses are far to high for any out of combat buff in a game about combat to actually help her.

She needs damage thresholds so not literally any character can play super agressively against her and completely rob her of half of her kit leaving tanslocator and emp the only usuable abilities.

There needs to be characters that should dread getting in a fight with her because they have a hardertime stopping and dealing with hack and the opposite be true for other heroes.

Who counters her and who doesnt needs to be clarified better within the games mechanics and she needs to not be susceptible to being accidentally countered from half way across the map.


I am not regurgitating anything. I have 200 hours on her. I am also a twtch streamer twitch.tv/kaipurge . If the other team is letting you contest for 20 seconds then they suck. And NO even fitzy says he can stall the point for a few seconds. Not for 20 freak’n seconds.That is the entire duration of your inviz. You are the one making crap up. Not even in the league do they contest for a full 20 seconds by themselves with 6 people shooting at them. The most I have ever gotten was 6 or 7 seven tossing my translocator up in the air over and over. It isn’t really one of my main worries either. My main issue is the speed nerf. But if so many other characters can hold the point all by themselves with zero cooldown like lucio then they too should get their ability to solo contest removed. Just like you are saying you shouldn’t have to play shoot the sombra when she is trying to contest, I don’t feel like playing “try to shoot the speed boosting self healing tiny hitbox lucio zooming around the rooftop of the point” Or the mei that constantly freezes herself infront of the payload over and over so that it can’t even move forward. Or try to shoot the double jumping dashing genji that gets all his cool-downs removed each dash he hits. or the blinking tracer That just wont stand still all over the point unless you have a specific CC hero to smack her in your cute little face. LOL But apparently Sombra is the only one with the issue. No wonder she is still F tier. Everyone is so afraid to actually buff her without a ton of nerfs. I will never understand why seeing how there are other heroes with just as high of a skill cap as her but do way more than she does -coughtracercoughgenji-


Infinite invisible changes can stay imo but I would leave translocator at its current live state.

For me as a Sombra main the changes to translocator are honestly the most significant everything else is pretty minor.

Translocator is her main movement ability and these changes allow anyone to take away her main movement ability. I get that they are trying to focus on making stealth her main movement ability and focus on the fact that she is the stealth hero (or at least it seems that way to me) but meh I say, and as a hero with NO burst damage the trade off is clearly two movement abilities to allow her to be as slippery as possible. Buffing stealth and nerfing trans COULD be a good idea imo but to me if we are going to go the route of balancing it I think she shouldn’t be instantly “de-stealthed” by a hit. A good balance imo since the devs seem to be going a bit more towards the stealth route as I said before would be to have her turn into her purple detected state on hit for half a second to a second, as her stealth is called theromoptic camouflage which in most other games/shows runs on power and doesn’t break by a bullet again imo but I do think with that as a change she can be made a bit more of a team player over the current state of the PTR we just need fitzy or some one to make another vi3deo lol fitz… you here? :stuck_out_tongue:

20 seconds collectively. I guess I need to be as literal as possible.

And, tossing TL into the air to try and stall is not what I was talking about. I said “a well placed TL”, not randomly throwing TL into the air and crossing your fingers.

I agree with your sentiment but the fact is that lucio does not have a tiny hitbox, especially when wallriding; his hitbox stretches to insane degrees and he becomes easy to kill, even without being hacked or stunned.

Sombra doesn’t need more damage. Shes fine.

he can melt a roadhog in a 1v1, or practically just about any other hero in a 1v1.

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…No one agrees. I know people agreeing isn’t important but no…just no…I am done arguing about this for the last few days and I am sure everyone else sick of this change is sick of arguing about it as well.

Her primary is on the weaker side for dmg heroes there is no denying that. However in theory, whe should be able to make up for it with hack.

I think she is a lot more fun now than she is on live, due to not having to worry about time constraints.

Keeping 75% move speed should be an okay thing, in my opinion, and leaving the destructible TL with a little more health, but not much, just so it doesn’t get one shot.