I like the Sombra changes

I know. But it shouldn’t.
It’s unfair to let a extremely small number of players control the game of millions for the sake of Twitch views.

It’s not “OP” currently. But it would be pretty silly to have her be invisible indefinitely and capable of contesting the point.

Pretty safe to say, there is no world where people would like to play a game of “shoot at the air for 15 seconds to find the hidden sombra”.

They’re pretty set on having the infinite invis, which I think is a pretty sweet ability to have (the biggest issue is the speed), but having her be able to be invisible until the end of time AND capable of contesting the point would be absolutely silly.

I remember discussion about D.Va. On certain point the only argument against the changes to her was “but the pros said she’s fine and balanced now”. xd

Yeah, that’s why I say it’s wrong to balance around them.
At least is unfair for me, because I’m not a pro at all. I’m a mid-plat / low-diamond player with crappy aim. I’m never gonna use heroes at the potential they’re able to. :frowning:

The problem is something else.

They should be included, no doubt about that. They are the highest tier of players and they have knowledge about certain heroes and they know how to utilize them best. Even their amount is even thinner than amount of active forumers.

But people seem to not consider few things. Pros are trying to win, not trying to make heroes better. So of course they have their types and tactics, and they will use only them. Honestly, if we were considering only them, Tracer would never receive that little Bomb nerf.

Another thing is that the pros are playing as 6-stack. They play with each other daily train with each other. They say 'X is fine", because it’s fine for what they need. And then people are trying to replicate it and suddenly it doesn’t work. Because, for example, it requires a perfect coordination with your teammates.

So, the conclusion: their opinion matter, obviously, but we always need to consider if their “fine” is truly fine for the state of the game or it’s just fine, because it fits their tactics.


Could you please explain how Sombra is stronger now other than the reload canceling? Which buff exactly made her so strong that she has to get such a big nerf?


It really isn’t hard to hit sombra which is why even on live when she contests she usually gets hit or killed within the time frame I listed. The most you get out of it is about 3 seconds unless the enemy team are complete idiots that C9. It will never be as Good as lucios contesting ability. You are way too hung up on her contesting as if it ever does more than allow the closest team mate to get on the point before sombra gets killed. don’t forget any damage automatically puts all of her skills on cooldown for some reason. Which is freak’n stupid because shes the only hero that has that issue. Also, no one stays inviz that long anyway. If you are ever on the PTR and a sombra actually stays inviz longer than 20 seconds you should report them for throwing. No sombra player needs infinite inviz to get their job done so if they are just messing around inviz all day making your team fight a 5v6 report them.

“The most you get out of it is about 3 seconds unless the enemy team are complete idiots that C9.”

Not calling anyone in any ranking an idiot, but it’s dangerously easy to forget that the game needs to be balanced around everyone, not just pro players, top 500s, GMs and Masters. There are people who play this game as we speak who can barely hit what’s directly in front of them much less an invisible target hiding behind the payload.

And if one is skilled enough, they can garner more than 3 seconds, especially if their TL is placed properly, the time can add up. I understand you’re exaggerating in an attempt to make a point, but it was a bit much.

A Sombra shouldn’t stay in invis 20 seconds much less “indefinitely”, it’s completely useless, I’m not at all disagreeing with you. The point in “infinite invis” or Translocate is the fact you no longer have to worry about a timer. The main issue is the speed drop she faces on the PTR. I feel like if it weren’t for that, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

Then again, I could be completely wrong. Wouldn’t be the first or last time.

No contest and destructable translocator is also pretty bad.

I still don’t get it why the Translocator needs to be on the ground before you can destroy it.

Could we have the speed boost from stealth extended to apply to the cast time and decloak too so you gain spead immedietly? Maybe even with the +75% boost so you can make the jumps in the first/last second.

Played a tat bit more of the ptr and man… These changes just make her feel even worse.

Infinite invis is nice but the universal thing with invisibility is having some sort of buff or benefit when exiting it other wise it feels a bit meh.

I have never played a game where you go invisible and only got a movement speed buff. Its usually a penalty or no buff and a buff upon using a move or doing damage when exiting.

Sitting around waiting in stealth to pick someone (hopefully) feels and just seem really counter intuitive without some kind of buff or incentive to leave stealth and attack higher health characters or even mid health characters.

You know this won’t happen.

If Jeff comes on the forums, it’s for a single post about balance and nothing else.

And you are whining about the “whiners” what does that make you? :thonking:

A shame that theres a dev response on a thread that openly mocks Sombra mains, but hey.

These changes are still really bad for her and it doesn’t fix the issues with her hack.


I am not exaggerating. Also, Do I look like a pro? I am a bronze sombra this has nothing to do with rank. It isn’t my fault if someone can’t aim nor is it sombra players fault if someone can’t aim. And as every sombra player in this thread has said over and over and over we don’t ever worry about the timer. We get what needs to be done despite the timer. Any new sombra player with this change or without this change will have to do the same thing. No amount of infinite time or lack thereof is going to make you any good for your team if you spend too much time trying to find the perfect time too do something. Overwatch is fast paced.


I suspect the TL being shootable by enemies has something to do with it being “resettable” by the Sombra.

That said… if it would mean that enemies could shoot it while its still flying too, THAT would seriously hinder TL/EMPs and getaways. I’d rather that not happen.

Because otherwise it’d be utterly useless. You’d be unable to even engage (EMP) against teams that had a torbjorn (and to some degree sym) because it’d get shot down immediately if you’re even near them. It also prevents you from doing anything around certain enemies like Winston. The moment you hit E his tesla gun would destroy it.

But that’s only assuming I’m actually right about it having something to do with it being resettable.

Just a daily reminder that PTR Sombra still feels awful to play despite the latest “changes”. Absolutely awful…