I like the Sombra changes

It’s true but does that really matter to Blizzard? I honestly think they’ll be super happy if she stays around 1% pick rate in ranked but gets a 2-3% in QP from people who loves to play stealth characters.

That will be deemed a major success.

It’s basically the only explanation to these changes. It pushes her to FEEL cool and strong to the every day player while keeping her actual power level way down.

Pretty much how old Hanzo was: People loved playing a Japanese archer and get them scatter kills to feel good but in reality he was sort of trash and they contributed nothing to the game (Hanzo main was meme for a reason)

That will be the new Sombra.


Yes but i dont want to queue up in comp and feel like throwing using her. And then end up with toxic team mates every game and getting reported for it and then end up banned due to the automatic system with no functional false report detection.

I disagree with these new changes. If they should stay, then stealth needs a minor speed boost again, the 50% just feels wonky, slow and too different. (And the running animation is weird in that pace too).
Maybe add the 75% for the first 5 seconds of stealth, and then reduce to 50% if you remain stealth. Or, just a minor speed boost, 60-65% instead of 50%.

The old translocator is fine as it is. But if the new one should see the light of day, it needs some more tweaks.
The new hint/tip that says “F to destroy / E to teleport” should be an option to turn off, it gets kinda annoying after a while.


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My only thing I don’t agree with, is the “infinite invisiblity”. An enemy Sombra can scout around and tell teammates the location of their enemies (ex. where the snipers are or other hidden players.) and almost do nothing as well. Might as well just be a ghost in the entire game.

Renaming the hero spectator cam would also be an option.

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Doesn’t matter. Argument is still solid.

I am fine with most of these changes myself, especially the hack/reload changes but I do kind of agree with the community that when you take everything that sombra is into account these changes are WAY more on the side of a nerf over buffs. ESPECIALLY the translocator having 5hp, I have to ask… why? ive watched many videos of it being destroyed by turrets and honestly that is probably the most important part of her kit,

If the translocator will have 5hp it should also be able to stick to walls and ceilings at very least.

A lot of people are calling for a damage buff but as I have said before 480 damage over those 60 shots is nothing to scoff at, if people want to do more damage with Sombra I would say giving her a bit of a further spread reduction.

I really want to see more of Sombras utility come back, if you want people to engage in team fights with her you NEED to remove the 2 second hack delay after taking damage. She cant do what she needs to do in a team fight with that hindrance (IE Trying to hack the tracer but a stray D.va shot hits you for 1dmg and allows the tracer to escape)

As of her current live version she is a good hit and run hero, that I find her main goal is to pick supports, hack/damage tanks and build up ULT charge as EMP is the best thing she has going right now, shes an opener and opportunist not a duelist sure but the current changes make her a sideline scout in team fights because lets be honest, in a team fight scenario Sombra can open the way for a team kill and at that point the entire enemy team will be regrouped once they spawn making the fact that she can get behind enemy lines useless and increasing her downtime without ever being killed.

IMHO you guys are close but not there yet if you want to balance sombra, thats IF you want to balance sombra, im not sure what you guys are doing if youre going to let her Translocator be destroyed like that :stuck_out_tongue:

They’re not speaking for “everyone”. They’re speaking for themselves, as players who have devoted a portion of their very lives towards the character, and should be considered when balancing the hero, rather than having other players who never had interest in the hero before have their opinions held higher.

The MAJORITY of Sombra players dislike the changes, so the changes should not go through. Just because a few Sombra mains or some non-Sombra players like it does not matter. Their opinions should not be held higher than those of the majority of players who regularly play the hero in question.


SO true, I have 100+ hours with her and as I said above I am fine with the most of the changes (as it means new ways to play and position) but there is a lot of holes that make her much, much weaker especially considering the general pace of overwatch being as fast as it is, having to put translocator in your own back line or else have it destroyed is such a huge nerf its not even funny. Best example I can think of is trying to get through the choke on Hanamura, say goodbye to getting through that window with a torb or sym having turrets up.

LOL oookay. You are just better than all the tracers. Cool story.

This is what happens every time Sombra has been on the PTR since her launch by people like you

“Oo that is cool I am going to main her now” A few days later they stop mainining after realizing her high skill requirements. EVERY SINGLE PATCH. Her pickrate goes up for a few days and then drops back to where it previously was. This is why Sombra mains are so frustrated with this crap. Her passive is opportunist. When she sees a low health target through a wall she has to get to them quickly to take them out before they are healed hence why they gave her +75 movement speed. We are in a triple support meta, She still has opportunist as her passive but now she is slower??? IN A META WITH 3 healers!! And it seems that all you do is brag about how good you seem to be with her with your private profile and Doomfist Icon…In fact all your claims seem to be better than what top 500 players are having trouble to do in their interviews and videos with this change…You my friend must be the best Sombra player in the game.


yea, they need to buff her and not nerf her, these changes are just nerfs, end of story. There might be a cool idea in there somewhere, but its riddled with bugs and costs far too much to be a viable change.

It’s ok, blizz can just try again to actually buff her

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Current iteration feels like a net buff for her though. Previously it was a nerf, but the latest update to it is quite frankly really nice.

With that quote, can you apply that to her hack? I’d rather have her hack slowed down with the 2s cooldown removed rather than the fragile, fickle hack she has now.

This is the change she desperately needs to have her old play rates again.


I haven’t thrown out any blanket statements either but they claim I have.

Not really worth a conversation at the moment.

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We’re not “crying” over these changes, we’re explaining why we don’t like them.

The fact that you like these changes, when a lot of us don’t, is not an excuse for your attitude towards us.

This “change your playstyle” response is very unhelpful, and it just shows how irrational some people are.


Yeah the latest change doesn’t seem too bad. There’s still stuff I dislike, but it’s not the “OMG awful” patch that the original PTR was. At the very least they removed the 4m detection radius and the translocator sound. I can probably live with the rest of the nerfs, but the two major ones got cut at least, so I can approach this with somewhat of an open mind. Still… it’s a bit irksome that they think that an F-tier hero needs nerfs at all.


Can you please explain to me how Lucio can solo contest a point indefinitely while also keeping his speed boost and healing himself making him even harder to hit whizzing around the rooftop of the point…But sombra being as quick as she is on live and being able to contest for the tiny amount of time you can contest (which usually only gives your team about 3 seconds to get back to the point because sombra will be shot by then and uncloaked) is somehow overpowered and needs to be nerfed? Not to mention her passive…her passive is still going to be opportunist right? How do you expect her to kill an enemy by using her passive before the enemy team heals them when you 1)nerf her speed to do so and 2)expect her to be able to get it done with said speed nerf in a meta that has 3 healers!!! How is slowing her down when there are now 3 healers healing the people she is trying to take out at +50??? Nothing about this makes her stronger overall. Most of these are a no brainer. She already can cancel some ults…posting that she does this to his mines isn’t a buff. Its a no brainer since EMP does things to peoples ults.


The revised changes are a nerf to her team and a buff to her. Overall worse but better on paper.

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They reverted a portion of the nerfs lets keep making noise and see if they will change thw diretion of the changes because this isnt actually improving her right now.

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