I like the Sombra changes

That is somewhat incoherent of a reply.

Speaking as a Sombra main:

How do these changes make her better at her job – destabilizing the enemy and killing them? Because she IS a dps. Sure, infinite stealth is cool and all, but you can’t DO anything while there. You still have your vulnerability when you shift in and shift out of it, and scouting is really only useful if you have a team that actually communicates (which doesn’t really happen that often). And even then, it doesn’t really matter in the end. So what you see a turret there, the team would just come in and steam roll it if you all group up anyway.

All we really needed was a bigger radius on EMP. That’s really it. It’s hard to be good with her, which, contrary to popular belief, isn’t a bad thing – no effort heroes aren’t really as fulfilling in the end. But with these changes it’s actually kind of a nerf.

Translocator being able to be destroyed by the enemy team makes it hard to play Sombra as a front liner. I use that translocator to hop around a battle field and do midair hacks. With it able to be killed, that kind of kills that play style and forces Sombra players into being shoot once and hop away kind of players, taking them out of group fights and leaving their team one person short. I’d rather have changes that help keep me in the fight or help me aid my team in pushes, considering she is a dps-support hybrid.


I think it was wrong in a lot of parts, mainly the one where they rework a hero to the point where it only really shares a couple similarities with the original hero, dividing a lot of the hero already small player base, beyond problems with her power and what not.
HOWEVER, even if I do play a lot of sym I am in no way close to a sym main nor I can’t fully say what’s wrong and what’s right with her when compared to someone with hundreds of hours on her, I don’t feel qualified to say what they should be doing on a hero that’s not even my top 5 so I steered away from that whole issue altogether.
But that is precisely why we’re doing posts and making threads, the only way for blizz to listen is apparently by numbers since every other approach has failed and yet they keep missing the mark and ignoring it.

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To clarify, I’m saying Sym got shafted because her primary got put into the same situation as Sombra’s; you need to be able to perfectly track in order to effectively kill things.

(don’t get me wrong, I love Sym, and I am a fan of her new turrets, but her primary reminds me totally of Sombra’s now outside of the charging on barriers thing, solely because of the tracking required to make it effective)

Oh ok. Just so you know though its’ not even remotely comparable lol. Sombra’s accuracy is far more forgiving and her damage more variable both because of her bad weapon spread. Symmetra on the other had because of their crappy “fix” to the exploit ruined the weapon and changed it to the highest accuracy requirement weapon in the game due to it’s nature requiring power levels which is dependent on accuracy. You pretty much need aimbot with new sym weapon. Even then you won’t be doing much with a literal aimbot due to them removing what little survivability she did have lol. Her orbs are only half working, the splash damage you are lucky to get around half of what it should be doing due to them coding it with damage reduction from splash radius which is absurd given how small its radius is.

I’ve gotten my butt handed to me by plenty of new Syms… being hard to play isn’t a bad thing.


Oh I understand; I’m saying that the spread plus lack of dmg from Sombras weapon requires the player to have absurd tracking, which is what seems to be the case (anecdotally mind you based on my playtime with her) with the new sym’s primary, hence the comparison.

(humorously enough, Sym is the only other character I enjoy outside of Sombra, both the old and the new)

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Yes, like Ana, she was in design and testing before the game was released. There were a lot of rumours that she would be the first post-release hero rather than Ana.

Master should also add first: if you don’t like her, just play another hero xd

I think it’s time blizz give up on these changes to sombra, no ones 100 about it and it’s only put her in a worse spot.

how about revert back to live and keep the QoL.


Please stop using OWL as an argument.
I don’t even watch or care about it.

Apparently yes they are indeed the bigger person if you are going to be that spiteful about it.

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Hack - unbreakable
Spray- reduced
Damage- increased a bit
All other unchanged.
This is good changes for Sombra, and absolutely easy to apply…

The reduced movementspeed is what knocks me the most. I haven’t tried her yet, but will she feel to slow I wonder?

This is called “Door In The Face”-technique. It is the same technique salesmen use when they try to sell you a television for 2000$ when it’s only worth 500$, then go down to 1000$ for it to feel more reasonable - although it’s still way over the top.

It’s not a directional change, they make her current playstyle more accessible and in exchange to that less effective. She’s always done what you describe she’s doing now.
What it also does is narrowing that playstyle down to be more passive.

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I think I know the reason.
People who don’t usually play Sombra LOVES these changes. They love the ‘fantasy’ of playing a sneaky stealth character. That’s all that matters.

Look at this video:

That’s how people think. “I can be INVISIBLE FOREVER? THAT’S SO COOL!”.
She will see a huge upswing among that sort of players and the fact that it actually nerfs her is secondary. So…
Mission accomplished?

Only sucks for us who actually wants her viable rather than “super cool”.


INVISIBLE FOREVER SO COOL! - this bullsh*t can be sayd only by guys who never played Sombra more that 2-3 fights. With indefinite invis and without proper skill Sombra becomes free spectator camera, which sometimes spectates respawn. Desliked that video.


Damage incresed? Rly? I dont belive somewhy…

Like I’m saying it makes it easier for newcomers to pick her up, but they will drop her when they start trying to be competitive.

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Some updated analysis from a veteran Sombra main, please share your thoughts and help keep the discussion going:
