Oh? And was sombra in the original game? Or was she maybe added after a love game exists and therefore they have to constantly rebalance things.
Seriously, do some of you even listen to yourselves?
Oh? And was sombra in the original game? Or was she maybe added after a love game exists and therefore they have to constantly rebalance things.
Seriously, do some of you even listen to yourselves?
I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re trying to say. Could you kindly elaborate?
(you’re reply is listed to me so I’m assuming it was directed as such, I just honestly have no idea what you’re trying to communicate)
Sorry I didn’t respond earlier. I just got back from the ptr where i was easily getting into the back lines, shot calling, and getting multiple kills, and the ones I failed at were where my poor aim was the culprit, not the playstyle. Oh and there was also a Sombra named Enemy who utterly wrecked our team with the new sombra. He’s got 180 hours on her and even he’s adapting .
But you’re probably right. No backline at all.
You are adding very little to the discussion by commenting on people’s posts and essentially saying, “Your opinion is wrong and biased, NOPE”
If you do not agree, and you like the Sombra changes. That is fine. I am glad you like them - have a blast!
But I do not like them, a lot of players do not like them, a lot of pro players do not like the change. The fact that so many people who don’t even play Sombra are saying, “Uh…what is Blizzard doing?..this doesn’t make sense” with her, it says something.
We are allowed to be upset and annoyed, just as much as you are allowed to enjoy these changes and voice your opinion - but it’s not optimal or fair to go around invalidating people’s frustrations.
Sombra came after the game was already out. And yes it is a think tank. They do internal testing and trying. The ptr is not alpha testing. It’s beta testing. Very little is going to change on the ptr, because they’ve already done the main changes. As you can see, some changes do go through from feedback, but do you really think they’ve just been sitting on their thumbs for months, then suddenly pulled this out of their butt? They’ve been testing this and trying it for months now, dummies!
Umm pot. Meet kettle. Can you tell me: what is the forum post title?
Man I just love cocky answers like this that prove nothing.
and I’m not saying your opinion is wrong, necessarily. I’m saying wait like 5 minutes and see what happens. The symm mains wouldn’t shut up and look. She’s fine, despite their whining. Give it some time before you get up in arms. You’ll live a longer and less stressed life
Don’t throw out blanket statements and I won’t be cocky.
I didn’t start playing until December, so I don’t know (and honestly don’t care) who was here since launch.
I think part of the problem is perception; because of her weaknesses, the people that play her play to her strengths, which means having to adapt a varying playstyle depending on the circumstances.
Depending on the circumstances, one might play her as a backline harrasser/disrupter, a general distraction, or in a very aggressive manner with her team. She’s very versatile in spite of her weaknesses because of her strengths.
When I insinuate that the balance team have no idea what they’re doing, its not because I don’t understand the process…it’s because I’ve been through this same crap with them in WoW before they left it to handle Overwatch.
This isn’t some random misguided opinion with a lack of understanding for how things work; this is the same nonsensical behavior I’ve seen out of the same people, doing the same job, for different games. Quite frankly it’s absurd (I hope this sheds some light on my opinion on the matter; incidentally, they always take the “see how it pans out” approach…and it never works out).
First, please stop with the sass. English isn’t my primary language so it’s going to go over my head lol. For your own benefit so you don’t waste your time, I would recommend just setting those aside and talking to me like a human.
Second, you know thread titles become irrelevant when a dev responds - it becomes its own thread after. That’s been a trend for a while.
Third, I am waiting. I am testing the changes out a lot. I put ~30 hours on the previous build, and I’m planning to put it in more. I am a very adaptive player. That is not an issue. But I am allowed to be skeptical when these changes actually take away a lot of things. After 30+ hours with the new stealth (minus the radius being reverted), I am not finding that it’s helping me doing anything better.
Which, you know. I can go on and on about my own experiences but I don’t want to bore you lol. Trust that I am doing what I can to adapt and give myself a better picture of what these changes are doing and what they are accomplishing or lacking. I am not going off of what’s on paper - because clearly, they sounded great on paper. I’m testing it. A lot.
[edit] I want to just re-state it. If you like these changes, that’s fine! I am not going to say “You’re wrong for liking them” - I’m jealous that you can like them.
I am not a fan so far. And I will keep putting in hours to see if that changes. Trust me when I say that I will put in the time and adaptation necessary to do what I can to make these changes work for me. But please don’t invalidate the frustration I may feel if I can’t come around to liking them.
And I assure you. She still has those strengths. I played her. Give it Time. She’s really fun in this iteration.
Well that’s the point man. She’s F-tier. She’s weak. Hack is NOT that strong of an ability. She needs her weaknesses compensated for (and as many of us have said, VERY carefully), not random things changed that only preserve her existing strengths.
(In other words, the changes don’t help where she’s lacking)
That may be, but out of respect for the original post, you should remember that the guy that wrote this did it because he liked the changes, as do I. Keep that in mind with blanket statements.
As far as I’m aware, I haven’t thrown any blanket statements? I’m speaking on my behalf only.
Agree to disagree there. Hack is game changing. If I hack you and you aren’t way up on hp, or god aim, I win hands down. Especially in a team fight.
Let me rephrase. It’s not that powerful across the board…it has potential to be game changing…but were not all top 500 players. I’m bronze for instance…(thank you Frontier for the completely random quality internet connection).
We’re not all hanging out with teams with great communication and coordination…Heck not all of us even have mics.
I don’t want things to be devastating at high ranks and worthless at low ranks. They need to be balanced (hence why the hack cd is okay but I’m advocating for a damage threshold…being countered by accident/without intention feels horrible from a player perspective).
Furthermore, without any kind of damage increase people will still complain whenever she’s chosen. I don’t want her to be soldier, but if she’s supposed to target low health targets, it makes sense to improve upon that in such a fashion that it would make the perception of having her as a teammate a positive thing and not a negative one.
What do you think they did with symmetra? It’s a million times worse than your minor sombra issues which is why it’s so ridiculous. Try having a primary weapon that isn’t even functional and a secondary that is only half working.
Actually I think its comparable…Now sym has to have perfect tracking with her primary to make it even remotely effective (not that I think that’s a good thing, but I think its more on par in the sense of awful than you think)
I think that is a great idea, because the translocator besides being visible and noisy, it’s predictable to intercept. I hope they make that idea realize.