But we don’t need this on infinite duration.
Tracer is in no way predictable when using it hence why she has been meta forever. Tracer has 4 blinks in total. 1 of those 4 blinks fully restores her health. I have never seen a good tracer be predictable with their blinks. Also no, tracer doesn’t leave a huge light trail. Sombra on the other hand does. She makes a thick purple streak when she tosses her trans locator. I just finished playing on the PTR some more and the other sombras on the other teams still have no idea what they are doing even with the perma inviz. They keep going into fights alone, using EMP alone, Missing all their shots because they can’t track, and getting yelled at by their teammates in chat for throwing. I felt bad for them but at the same time I have said in mutliple threads that infinite inviz is not going to make you into a good sombra player. She is still a high skill hero with both a high skill ceiling and a high skill floor.
Also, what is up with hammond solo contesting a point now??? Why can so many heroes solo contest and yet it is yet another thing being removed from sombra? I lost 1 game out of 9 because I couldn’t contest the point to stop them from getting the final tick. My team was almost on the point. If this were the live version instead of the PTR I could have helped keep us in the fight for the 2 seconds needed for rein and d.va to get back to the point.
she does evertime she blings theres a blue trail, infact there is a blue trail everywhere she moves. Watch her back next time you play her. or look at any highlight intro she has.
tracer has been meta because she she can self sustain, is mobile and has good damage, not because shes “unpredictable” nobody in this game is predictable. Tracers blinks are a set distance on a lateral plain. she cant go up, only left right back forward. you cant predict where a tracer is going to end up pretty easily, if you can just find their blink pattern.
no that’s called recall. and it is still very predictable, because she will be in the exact spot she was 3 seconds ago. You may not be good enough to track tracers but many many more are.
She’s already more than “slightly” weaker in a lot of areas…what are you doing?? I know your hamster needs some stage time, but come on!
idk maybe I have a higher MMR than you so I fight against better tracers? Or maybe you are lucky and every tracer you fight against is just crappy compared to you? Or maybe its both of those? I don’t really know =/ but I don’t really come across many bad predictable tracers.
I honestly remain highly sceptical. The “solutions” you guys are coming up with are nuclear, while all Sombra needs is a little nudge.
All these changes… I’m still not convinced that this is actually going to be any sort of an improvement.
If the goal is to make her stronger overall I think you should ask yourselves if you are really achieving that goal.
Because I, and many more Sombra mains with me, don’t think you are.
You are changing her, but not improving her.
They just need to give back her +75% speed buff while in stealth.
no you don’t, even on this smurf I tanked as low as I could, I’m still 1200 sr higher than you.
no I’m just better at tracking opponents than you, making them predictable, as they are to most skilled players.
Coming from an MMO background (including your own WoW);
I honestly understand that the idea of permanent stealth sounds scary and in need of some serious tuning.
But unlike in the MMO world, getting the jump on someone in Overwatch does not set you up for nearly as big an advantage as it does in those games.
The higher up the ladder you go, the better people become at calmly but quickly adapting to your disruptive strategies.
The element of unlimited time is only as useful as the potential it can provide.
And since being in stealth for a longer period of time only hinders you and your team, you want to get out of it as quickly as possible by its very nature.
Time isn’t nearly as big of a factor in those MMOs as it is in OW.
We only have a couple of minutes to do our thing and we need to make the most of those minutes. You don’t do that by picking out the easiest target, you do that by picking out the right target. Whom are more often than not, not even in a position you need stealth for in the first place.
In a fight we flank with Translocator, not Stealth.
Stealth just takes too damn long and doesn’t give you the sort of positions that TL does.
So in other words you haven’t actually listened to us and are just giving us a handful of QoL changes (changes that you should have added first) to try and sweeten the deal:
And one revert:
So in other words you don’t actually care that we don’t want these changes and are just pushing them on us anyway because…reasons?
So you know these changes are going to make her weaker and you’re still going to push them?!
She’s literally the weakest hero in the game! You should not be giving her more nerfs!
But these changes are okay because what? She’ll a better scout? In a game where we have heroes like Hanzo that can see through walls and live Sombra can already scout effectively?
Geoff, what are you doing?
You’re going way, way over the top here, you need to take it slowly and focus on the aspects of Sombra that do need addressing (like Hack for instance, you were onto something with her Hack buff until you broke it and pretty much every single post regarding Sombra buffs has brought this up).
Enemeis should NOT be able to destroy the translocator, it should NOT flash twice when you use it because of the destruction animation, it does NOT need new sound.
This isn’t complicated!!!
They’re changing her to be GARBAGE
When balancing Sombra: We must be very careful here, a major nerf for ever minor buff we give her to ensure she won’t become OP.
When balancing Hanzo: I know we already gave him a machine gun but I was thinking… What if we threw in extra movability for free? Just as a lulz?
Blizzard: “Hype! We’re giving you infinite durations!”
Players: “The best thing here is that we get to manually shorten the duration on TL even further!!!”
See the disconnect?
What about +60% movement speed?
60% is not enough to make many of the jumps. The +75% is about her ability to get certain places, not about her overall speed across long distance runs. This is why a lot of people in my camp would be happier with something like +75% for the first 5-6 seconds then a huge drop off afterwards, over a constant 50%. Anything less than 75% is a huge regression for her mobility and accessibility throughout the map.
The image I’ve gathered is that people hold a lot of hatred for stealth heroes, and any advantage a stealth hero may have–large, small, or even perceived–is grounds for them to be nerfed into oblivion instantly.
Blizzard literally can’t buff Sombra to not be garbage, because the rioting will make D-day look like a day at the beach.
Can you guys stop being such jackwagons, for like,… two minutes. They. Are. Changing. Her. Playstyle. Get used to it. They fixed some of the problems with the new playstyle, but they aren’t going back to the old one. Stop crying every time they change something. It’s a game. No one is hurting an actual family member of yours. They did listen to the feedback and edited issues that were relevant to the CURRENT playstyle. Either play the new sombra or don’t. This whining is in no way helping your case. If anything you are hurting it and are just to stubborn to put the torch and pitchfork down for two seconds and see the other side and the bigger picture. If you can’t handle that, then don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
And ftr, this isn’t just to NighthAwk. This is to all you jerks who can’t stop whining and just play a game and accept when something is being drastically overhauled. It happened to symm, bastion, reaper, mercy, heck even pharah with her jet pack rework. You sound like children.
Stop it.
They aren’t changing her style.
They are just slowing her down.