Infinite stealth was a big change in style. Maybe that’s why I as had no issue adapting to the new one. I saw it as more of an assassin, like predator, instead of a striker. I hunt down the weak, i decide when to approach targets. I use my now destructible tl as bait. They did away with the increased detection(though that really didn’t matter), so now I can even be a bad sombra and run through chokes instead of flanking like I should. When I want to draw people off a choke, I destealth, and have a TL ready to capitalize when whoever comes looking for me does. It’s a style change all right
Infinite Stealth only serves to slow her down.
It doesn’t change what she tries to achieve with it.
This isn’t Hide and Seek Championships 2018.
OW is too fast paced to play that game.
She’s still terrible 1v1 so what do you think is different to how the outcome of those attempts at assassination will be?
Did you- did you even read my reply? That’s a different tactic entirely. Yeah you can’t make jumps but good thing you have a tl to make it for you. And still be invisible. Hunting down half health targets who think they got a way because you still run faster than everyone but Moira’s fade, soldier’s sprint and maybe hammond
I don’t go for targets that are strong. I go for weakened dps and supports. I confirm kills, which helps our team push objectives and denies supports ult charge (or life, depending). Sombra shouldn’t be able to 1v1 most other dps in a fair fight. She doesn’t play fair. That’s not her job. She’s a cheater. Her freaking passive is literally called “Opportunist”
Exactly! Just like tons of people have already said, the PTR changes don’t change how Sombra engages in fights, they just dramatically reduce the pace. Sombra still has to decide when to engage after moving around with her abilities, now it just takes longer to do that and to reset.
They’ve flattened Sombra’s learning curve by making her even less useful to her team. Why would you ever pick PTR Sombra for one of your two DPS slots? Scouting, disruption, whatever: what does she offer that isn’t done better with other flankers? These changes are still a major nerf.
Which half health targets are running from the 6v5 you abandoned your team to?
No need to get personal like that, we’re just unhappy with the changes.
You clearly don’t understand why we’re upset with the changes. They are making her more passive, which is the opposite of what this hero needs. Maybe try listening and understanding our point of view will help you understand the situation.
Just try and be rational and listen to both sides here.
Firstly, I’d like yo thank you for your sincere words. Very elegantly put. I should no longer ever voice my displeasure and simply always deal with everything as is. My enjoyment is of no value because I definitely didn’t pay for this game and definitely don’t get an opinion about the direction of the hero I’ve invested countless hours into. Got it.
As stated elsewhere, it’s not a new playstyle. It’s mistaken as such, but it’s really just a less efficient way to do what we can already do on live.
Are you suggesting that pharah and reaper are in the same boat here? Those were literally straight buffs through and through. There were no tradefoffs for what they got.
My comment about not complaining isn’t about regular old complaining. It’s about the righteous indignation you and a few other people I see on here use like “how dare blizzard decide to change the direction of her playstyle”. It’s not your call.
And yes. It is a different playstyle. That’s why you people don’t like it. I liked old sombra playstyle. She’s been my main since she came out (well Moira took over for a bit). But this feels more consistent, because now you are able to effectively backline without need for retreat and you can actually catch the people you can see through walls. It’s a blast. So to answer the above question, many weakened dps are retreating for healing as they get hit. They need health too. I haven’t left the fight. It may look 5v6, but as soon as I pick off their widow which I can get to faster, or the mccree that’s at half health and is running to that health pack, it’s now 5v5, and I have even more weakened targets to finish off. You can tell me I’m wrong, but I’ve played her on ptr, and it. Is. Fine.
As long as 50% speed doesn’t break several locations she could previously get to (I’m not fully certain how many this impacts) I guess it’s ok. But it feels bad. Like running through molasses. How much difference really does it make?
Additionally, contesting the point while stealthed is also a really minor issue. You earn at most a second or two before they find you and kill you or you have to trans out. Furthermore, if they aren’t guarding the point, don’t they kinda deserve to lose it?
Last but not least, Fitzy’s suggestion that translocator instantly reload would be the best possible addition I can think of. Please consider this.
It’s been an exhausting week. I went into this buff excited as all get out, much like I was with the symm rework, but just like the symm mains, no one on here can be flexible and not just bring down the whole community with negativity. I hoped my people would be better than this.
So 2 nerfs are going to be reverted (one of which wasn’t even mentioned in the first batch of PTR patch notes, and neither of which should have even been a thing in the first place) and 1 legitimate buff and now all of a sudden everything is gravy again? Stealth is still going to be a worse ability than live after all of this.
“how dare blizzard decide to change the direction of her playstyle”.
I don’t think I’ve seen anyone with the haughty attitude that you describe. People are rightfully displeased and are bringing this point up in a feedback forum. Most players can recognize that this playstyle that they are trying to force her into doesn’t work in this game and makes her a worse hero overall.
I absolutely 100% have a right to vehemently disagree with the direction of the hero, and provide counterexamples for why it’s a bad idea.
You can call it that all you want, but everything you guys say is always stuff I’ve been doing on live for ages. Chasing down low health targets? That’s easy. Stalking out backline targets? Easy. Getting into position for good hacks? Easy. I can get to the enemy widow faster on live than on PTR. Objectively faster. Because I have 25% more movement speed and can cross gaps that you cannot.
I probably have more hours on Sombra than you do in the entire game, and I can say with 100% certainty that everything you list is something I can do on live.
Then just… don’t play her. If she’s as bad as you suspect, don’t play her and if her pickrate/winrate get worse they’ll do more (like the overboard amount they’ve done Mei that no one is mentioning. No damage fall off!?) it’s a playstyle change, just trust me on that. Complaining before it gets to live and competitive is like complaining the meat is too bland before the chef adds seasoning.
The point of public testing is to get feedback, dude. I mean, there’s even a forum called “PTR Feedback.”
Hmmmm. It may be worth considering making the interact button activate the translator and make E create & destroy the translocator. That way the interact button always “teleports” you in both instances while E is always create/destroy.
A “just deal with it” attitude is one of the least healthy things for a game when it comes to balance, arguably just as bad as the perpetual whiners.
To clarify the ellipse was there more as a sigh. I gave up trying to reason with you. I’m giving you an option to actually show the devs some feedback.
- “35% Ironclad is a little too much, you might want to consider revising it before it leaves PTR.”
- “Being able to res instantly every 30 seconds and twice during ult is pretty broken, you might want to consider revising it before it leaves PTR.”
- “Fan the bow is pretty broken, you might want to weaken it a bit before it leaves PTR.”
Sometimes “just wait for competitive” is the wrong answer.
And sometimes it isn’t. You can’t know til you try it. And those examples were all nerfed later so it worked out
But there have been other times the fans have worked themselves into a mob and it has worked out anyways. Like the Ana mains complaining about not being able to preheal in the most recent buff
I’m merely pointing out that “being your main since the game came out” isn’t going to hold water for an argument where you’re trying to tell me how she’s played. She does not have a new play style. Everything you and others have described to me as “this is why I like new Sombra” has been a reiteration time and time again of things that many of us have been doing for a while. How is that a new play style?
I didn’t realize voicing my displeasure over changes means that I’m committed to never playing the hero again. In what way is this related? I mean, maybe if I said “If this goes through I’m never playing Sombra again” then you can hold me to my word, but boycotting a hero in a game isn’t going to help if they choose to ignore feedback and go through with the changes. I’ll still voice my displeasure but that doesn’t mean I just have to drop everything.
Woah woah, hold on now. You started this. You came in here, replied to MY post, and directly insulted me and others saying that we just “need to deal with it” as though I have no right to voice my opinion.