I like the Sombra changes

Thank you for reverting (most) of those nerfs. However one of sombras issues is that due to her abilities being cancelable by ANY form of damage this makes it so that literally EVERY character in the game behaves like a counter to Sombra which hurts ability to participate in team fights.

Unfortunately she can’t always be invisible and flanking there will be times she doesn’t have time to sneak around and needs to be on point fighting. Can you guys consider a damage threshold on some of her abilities to ‘narrow’ her list of counters while also making it so enemy players can’t ‘accidentally’ counter her?

Other than that I appreciate translocator being cancellable.

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Thank god for this!

Now just a tiny, tiny damage buff and she’s totally fine.

In my opinion, infinite stealth and translocator are absolutely more dynamic as you can literally do so much more and wait for better opportunities. How is more options less dynamic?

Sombra is female…

No, now that they walked back some of the larger nerfs, this is objectively a net buff.

Unit lost is the worst YouTube personality of them all. His content is always BS clickbait.

Of course. We need to educate people better xd

Try reading this post:

https:/ /old.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/8v8bv0/sombra_players_displeasure_with_the_ptr_changes/

There you have explained why we don’t like the changes.

He means Sombra can interrupt her own reload with hack. Right now on live, if she’s reloading, she can’t hack anything.


Yes they make noise but nothing they do slows them down and stops them from doing something for nearly a whole second while vulnerable.

Honestly if you roll back the original changes and just implement these changes mentioned here, you’ve nailed it. You’ve nailed a far better balance for Sombra.

Just give us the original stealth and translocator, keep the changes mentioned in this post, and you’re done. That’s all you need to do.


Yeah I agree, I mean I never felt they should have made that Symettra button in the first place. It’s pretty easy IMO to bind other things to longpresses and such. Either that or just make it a crouch combo. I mean nobody crouches in OW anyway.

Crouched + trans = cancel trans

I never saw why they added a new interact command pretty much exclusively for Sym’s teleport, now they’re trying to justify its existence.

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I mean ill still play sombra no matter what, she’s so damn fun.
I just don’t particularly enjoy the ptr changes, but I’ll get over them

they also cant completely shut down an enemies abilities for 5 seconds

That’s not really relevant though; her hack is inconsistent as hell and temporarily disabling the abilities of one enemy doesn’t necessarily mean much. The fact is that being both slowed and incredibly vulnerable for an entire second AND being incredibly damn loud is a big issue. They need to decide on a direction for her on that, and not just have both as it does cause major issues.

it is? your prey cant run from you or fight back with abilities

we already pointed out that the other heros are just as loud so the loud thing means nothing, Lets look at the fact that the other flankers are vulnerable the entire time they flank, and that sombra is vulnerable for literaly .7 seconds of her flank. Oh and sombra is the only one of the 3 flankers who can instantly teleport to safety from the fight. the others have to hope they can get out before finished off.

I was thinking that too

Her ‘prey’? implying that it is easy for sombra to melt someone or that in a realistic higher level game, people don’t stick with their team and actually get help based on that? Because neither of those things is strictly true.

Sombra is vulnerable for the entire thing, but for that .7 seconds she can’t do much to avoid being caught out, and if she is, then she has to leave the fight. That is indisputable; please stop moving the goalposts.

how exactly is she vulnerable on a flank she cant be seen on?

she could come out of stealth at a distance she cant be seen or heard. she can do that.

no I just disputed it pretty well.

I personally feel that PTR changes with Geoff’s posted changes are good. I really don’t understand why people don’t like infinite stealth and translocator. I suggest because famous people said like that. It is wrong mentality. Infinite stealth and translocator duration gives her alot more space to do things.

Whould be great to fix some things with EMP:

  • Reinhardt and Brigitte shields must not be recharged while hacked or EMPed. - Its like you simply forcing them to fully recharge their shield after they are getting hacked. It should start charging only after the hack is over or atleast with some delay.

  • EMP must destroy flying (not activated) Orisa and Winston shields. - If they use shield right before you use your EMP it won’t be destroyed, just because it was not active yet.

  • Hack must deactivate Mercy self healing or\and Valkyrie flying.

Possible changes to Sombra can be:

  • Increased bullet damage at maximum range (from 2.4 to 4). Might help to do something against armored targets.

  • Hacked targets are detected for enemy team (or for Sombra only).


We need speed to make jumps and go places.

We need to contest objectives without certain death.

We’re keeping track of enough things already, don’t add the translocator to the list.

We don’t need infinite invis or infinite translocator.


No I’m sorry but the players who know how to play Sombra is clearly not a buff.

The unlimited stealth will help low to medium players (which will probably increase their pick rate) at the cost of the best players’ fun.

But behind that the problem of Win Rate of the character is not going to be improved because the problem of sombra is not the duration of his stealth but the limitations around the stealthy exit and his ridiculous dps in front of any character who takes advantage of Brigitte’s armor buff.

It is clearly no coincidence that Sombra’s pick rate and win rate have been eroded after Brigitte’s introduction.

It’s hard enough to kill a base target so when you find yourself in front of an armored armor group you do not do any damage anymore.