I like the Sombra changes

she needs the ability to get back into the fight - especially with 50% movement nerf. Please get rid of translocator throw cooldown. Its pointless and makes her awkward to use. She should be able to throw a trans right after she recalls - keep the recall cooldown, so she can’t chain teleport, but just get rid of awkward waiting period after she recalls.

Wow …
way to start a solid discussion.

Stopped reading right there and I don’t even play Sombra.

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Thats right but devs are focusing on Sombra right now and not putting into a megathread and “forget” it like Mercy. And for example, yes, im agree that Mercy needs at least a revert to her old state.

And people needs to understand that making threads with titles like “… you Blizzard for the rework”, “Im quitting ow because the rework”, “Revert, or i quit” wont help. What they need is a thread with a good title like “My opinion about the rework”, “What i think needs to be changed in the rework” and the devs will be more than happy to read the comments under that thread :slight_smile:

Please, one final necessary change she needs is to get in/out of stealth faster! Then I’m on board

But how do you plan to make her stronger?
Can you explain what you try to achieve with these current changes, how you think she should be played now, what she was lacking in your opinion, what advantage she gains and why they justify these nerfs?
And most importatntly: what about the LoS bugs?

Because right now, while being able to destroy TL is a QoL improvement and one crucial bug is finally fixed, she hasn’t really gained any power yet. Everything these changes do is dumping her down for beginners - and THAT comes with nerfs to her versatility.
Past ~5hrs of playtime on her, you’ll notice how about 90% of the time health and sometimes her reload speed is the defining factor for when to translocate, not the timer.
Past ~10-12hrs on ANY flanker and you’ll know the maps well enough to move around and position yourself during stealth.
Infinite stealth is not necessary because you don’t need to be unseen (and do nothing) the whole time and the times when you need to be unseen, aka flanking, 75% movement speed is worth so, so, so much more. The new changes do not make her more effective, they make her less versatile, weaker, less engaging to play and promote a passive playstyle. The changes sure take pressure from inexperienced players, but in the first place do they take options from Sombra without giving her any new ones.
Yet, you actually have great sources for feedback - asking for smaller changes, more simple ones that address her problems and do not mess with her kit so much. That always made me questioning…

Actually, I stopped playing Overwatch some time ago and usually don’t care about these forums anymore either. But this time I couldn’t resist but to express my disgust for how you treat this community.

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Just report him for it; I did.

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Can we have passive permanent inv? I wanna spectate game, not fight or contest.


although I agree that the invisibility duration can be mitigated if you know the maps and have some experience, I really like the infinite translocator.
Its not like it was unplayable before - just took some time getting used to - but it always needed a bit of attention. In intense fights were I found myself focusing down a low health enemy, I sometimes stayed to long and died because I could not teleport back.

As Your Overwatch and some other youtubers said: one things that prevents her from being really good in competitive in my low tier oppinion is not being able to focus down a hacked target if it is healed. But its really hard to fix this without adding something already being a key feature of another hero. E.g. make the target get more damage - zenyatta, or preventing healing -> Ana.

and I showed that lucio has to use phenomenal skill, sacrifice healing, and cant do dps. you proved nothing wrong, only that lucios can be skilled.

the speed makes it to whwere she can get to anywhere she wants at any time.

psst. she doesn’t have infinite invis on live. the point is if I’m out of position I can just stealth to wherever I want.

I know this. you can get back to the objective decloak and contest.

tracer cant shut down an enemies abilities go invisible or translocate 400 meters away at a moments notice either. its very different.

the words of a person who has never played in a coordinated team. You can be in position tell exactly where people are splitting to give your team the jump on them, and give exact routes with absolutely no risk, then teleport back to your team for the actual fight.

so why do tracers run off and camp healers and snipers after killing them.

because keeping the enemy staggered holds a lot of value.

no all my reasons are valid, as pointed out by myself and the dev team in the fact that they said they wont give her the speed and invisibility. you just don’t like the answer you are getting.

Can you make the water pistol an actual gun pls? Thanks.

Sombra has to be completely removed from combat, not take any damage from any stray bullets or lasers or what have you at any point, has to run flanking routes anyway because she still might be seen if you get to close, and then has to announce her presence while waiting on an action delay before fully coming out of stealth.

Once again, you do yourself no favors coming off the way you do.


so does every flanker when they are repositioning.

yes other flankers have to make sure they don’t take damage on the way in as well, or they have to immediately turn around to get healed back up for their flank. They even do it without invisibility :open_mouth:

oh boy you aren’t gonna like this, but did you know other flankers have to take out of the way routes too? whats worse is they don’t have invisibility, so they can even be seen there to :open_mouth:

oof youre really not gonna like this one, but every time genji jumps he lets out these super loud grunts that tell where he is, and makes loud scuffling sounds while climbing walls.

even worse tracer screams wee or wohoo every time she blinks, has a woosh sound, and leaves a blue stream that leads you to exactly where she is every time she blinks. even worse, her blinks are a predictable set distance. :confounded:

ah yes because he didn’t do the same thing with #nerflucio trying to be funny about what he posted.

Please no, controller players already have literally all buttons spoken for.

Maybe destroying the translocator by holding interact and then hitting the translocator button would be better? That would allow you to hold Interact as you approach a teleporter to buffer the teleport and still use the same button for translocator destruction.

i totaly agree on Styl again

Well, I have the circle button on my PS4 controller bount to her “Boop!” voiceline, so I have to take priorities (crouch is on L3)

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Newest videos:

And now there is "wrong direction Sombra’, because that’s hot topic right now.

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This would be really cool. Love this idea Derp!

10 more ammo in the magazine for Sombra. It feels terrible to have to reload when the enemy is at 31HP makes you feel useless when playing Sombra.

And while were at it a bigger mei wall because it feels like it is not as effective as it could be especially on some maps. Its really anoying that some people slip through or when the auto aim on console just nudges the aim slightly when some passes through and you put the wall just slightly of center.

It’s good to see you back on some things but it’s not enough.

The problem is that your changes make Sombra’s gameplay even less dynamic than before without really responding to its problems.

The problem of Sombra does not come from its stealth but a moldy dps which collides with Brigitte’s Armor buff and some mechanics that break the rhythm of its gameplay.

By giving him unlimited stealth and reducing his speed you literally kill the character.