I knew it, Ana is their next target

I started a thread 3 hours ago asking for Ana changes and now the forum is on fire. Sorry lads

Im actually kind of impressed, you should be proud, you even made them call you the dreaded “DPS MAIN”


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If Ana becomes the new ‘must pick’ healer then she needs to be nerfed it’s only fitting since people wanted Mercy nerfed over it…


More like salty mercy mains. I don’t see dps mains creating this kind of threads and it’s easy to spot it, because they always mention “mercy this, mercy that, revert her, etc”.

The only meta aim-is-everything DPS players will ever accept is:

1 widowmaker, 5 soldier:76s

Everything else is “unskilled”.

And change the name of the game to CODWatch: GO.

One month later a new shiny FPS with new explosions will come out, and they’ll all leave for their new shiny pew pew game.

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I won’t put the blame on any one group, but the behavior towards Ana and Ana mains has been kind of something I’ve been noticing as of late. And a lot of it is quite frankly, downright childish…

It’s pretty sad really. Mercy mains went through it, then Moira mains, then Brigitte mains, and now Ana mains. Going back further, one can add Doomfist, Roadhog, Hanzo, D.va, as Bastion mains as well when they received their nerfs. It seems that whenever a hero gets some spotlight, their fan-base gets loads of flack for it - as if they are the 100% sole reason that changes were made.

As a Mercy main, I say, let Ana be viable for once… And let Ana mains enjoy the hero. They deserve it. The “Us vs Them” mentality really needs to die between Mercy and Ana mains as well. It’s just catty and unnecessarily petty.

We all love supports, and we should all be striving for every hero to be both fun and viable, and giving feedback on how our own mains could be even better, not pulling one hero down just to put our own on an imaginary pedestal.

I think that if we use all that time, that we normally waste pointing the fingers at eachother and picking fights, towards making constructive feedback threads and attempting to get in touch with the devs about the hero’s issues directly, that a lot more progress would me made with this game overall. :blush:

One can only dream.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


DPS Players make up a majority of the community… so natrually you see more of them complain. But I can say I complain about Brig as well and im a support player… brigitte ist just stupid… and ppl said mercy can do to much with no skill… now we have brig… i dont see brig being healthy to the game… she is to easy and does to much compared to every other healer out here… brig just should be deleted…

I gotta say… of course you see a lot of Mercy Threads her Rework just simply destroyed her. People are upset and are voicing it. The same with Bastion, same with Rein, same with every hero that is either outright nerfed into the ground or just broken and unplayable… Of course people open up threads. Thats what the forum is there for. There wouldnt be so many threads of Mercy if they wouldnt move all of them into a dead megathread where no Dev replies to anything at all. Its simply a graveyard.
Same with Bastion that megathread he has is full of life but instead of talking there you see some devs answer posts where ppl say thank you. But important threads voicing opinions about troublesome heros keep getting ignored.
Mercy just makes up such a big portion of it, cause she is the most easy accessible healer…


i swear most people who think ana could use slight nerfs are support- or even ana-mains themselves.

Petition to suspend any and all players who make fun of entire hero categories.

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When tank heavy comps become good it’s because we have too much healing that doesn’t allow the DPS to to their jobs.

It isnt Ana’s fault, we have too much burst healing with Armor, Moira’s nuts ability to heal the whole team at once that it makes it too hard to focus down one target due to coordination issues on ladder.

I’d defend Ana if she wasn’t 14% pickrate in GM but that just happens to be the case. She’s making the other 2 healers look like trash, funny Ana mains call Mercy players entitled yet they think Ana deserves to be godly in comparison to other healers.

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On these forums, DPS is the major minority

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Wow, the highest skill cap hero being played at the higher skill ranks. What a terrible thing to have happen. Ana is still garbage below Masters


Actually from Gold on she’s the most picked support. In high tiers she’s nearly must pick level meanwhile Moira + Mercy combined don’t even make up half of her pickrate. That’s not balance.


Ana is fine right now

Mercy needs a rework done by actual reasonable Mercy mains

And moira needs some help with her healing part. Or just let her have a new utility orb instead of damage orb

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Why would DPS mains be against Ana? She benefits DPS players more than most healers AND she is probably the easiest support to counter. That makes no sense. The last thing I want to do is throw Mercy mains under the bus as I would very much like her returned to 60 HPS and potentially further changes after that based on their feedback. However, they are realistically the ones that have beef with you, especially because Ana mains were the ones who got her nerfed. So do not drag us kind hearted, innocent DPS mains into this turmoil. Any DPS worth their salt is not concerned about any support, I can tell you that much right now. I only want Mercy buffed because I was getting comfortable with entire team’s being healed instead of just tanks.

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Doesnt mean that they dont voice their opinions otherwise. Its not like the forum is the only place where you see stuff like that. Below YOutube Videos you always find complaining. Its only natrual

“Payload is OP, it shouldn’t both work as a shield and heal - remove the healing!”


Oh boy, how great. I actually do hope it happens, only because MAH SKILLS and the snobbish attitudes ana mains have had for the last couple of months have drove me crazy, what comes around goes around. I mean you just couldnt let it go that ana wasnt the best for w/e reasons that the DEVs caused a year ago, when I remember people calling for buffs to other supports to directly compete with Mercy. But no, instead we get this frankenstien of a hero, and now because Mercy is so garbage and only ONE support hero is top tier meta (MAH SKILLS DOH), so of course blizz is going to do something dumb with ana, its literally just a matter of time and its pretty sad. But oh no, the mercy argument is invalid because no skills.
I will defend ana to the LAST breath.
Yes, too bad this never happened with mercy or Hog.

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