I just uninstalled Overwatch

Your medal is in the mail.

I don’t know what to tell you OP. I did mi placements and 6 out 10 were close matches, 2 we steam rolled the opponents and the last 2 we got wrecked. And only one of those matches had one single player that being a toxic prick. From 99 players I encountered on my Placements only 1 of them was toxic. Seems pretty good for me.

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comp on this game is just awful, the game overall is not that great but the comp takes for biscuit for being the biggest nightmare in gaming.

I played it as solo healer, worst thing ever when your rank is determined by who you get matched with rather than your personal skill at healing.

pretty much quit myself and only sometimes play quick play and arcade with friends and put the majority of my gaming time into games fun and worth playing.

It honestly shouldn’t matter what time or day it is, you shouldn’t have sh*tty comp games.

Quick play LFG with 2-2-2 enforced is the best way to play this game.

I would recommend you come back maybe 1 year from now and see if anything has changed. If nothing has changed, I would say goodbye to the game for good. I also uninstalled recently when I realized I wasn’t having fun and the other games I was playing were more fun and taking up more of my game time.

Good move, in my opinion. If the game is going to treat you this way, it’s best to move on and play something else. There are always better games out there to play.

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I find QP unfun though because its broadly really disorganized and you get 0 feedback from the game for anything you do so it becomes repetitive, not to mention QP is a really barebones version of the game it lacks a lot of features that make the game more fun in comp.

The problems with QP are almost 10 times worse than the few issues I have with comp, lol.

Honestly yes. I take long breaks between competitive games now and join qp/arcade. I have this theory that everyone who is sick of the state of comp goes to QP to de-tilt and it results in some amazing games.

Played silly heroes (still willing2flex if someone else is too, though), used dumb strats that worked, some people are in voice laughing and being silly. There’s more people filling, peeling, playing as a team. Sometimes. And it makes me like the game again.

Playing while tilted loses you more games than you realize. It infects everyone else. There’s such a huge difference even when like
 your Zarya throws her grav into DM and everyone yells at her OMFG WTF ZARYA U BAD
 vs if someone goes “BIG GRAV! hAHA :D” in a stupidly pma emongg voice and just brushes it off.

Or if your Ashe doesn’t hit a good shot until 3rd checkpoint
 If no one has pointed out how awful she’s doing and panicking-ly telling her she has to swap
 she can usually find a moment to get it together and carry the rest of the game.

(OKAy maybe these examples r me)

I think people panic and blame others way too fast and then everyone starts playing worse because of it. Games that look loseable can easily be saved. Teammate picks 3rd dps Attack Torb on 2cp and your teammates tilt in the gate? Even if one person goes “AY relax, we got this! attack torb is sick now!”. Defuse the situation asap if you can.

Don’t take it seriously bc it literally doesn’t matter.


I did this method, but instead of playing QP and Arcade (which had the same result anyways), I played another game. Now I’m playing other games a lot more than this game.

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Honestly im going to just say it, this game is not designed for playing solo, I’m sure there are plenty of anecdotes of like GM players soloing but that’s obviously not a realistic scenario for anyone.

As things stand for now (and possibly forever since I don’t even think this is ever going to be solvable on any level) comp is basically only a mode for people who can at least get 2-3 friends to help them climb up as a team, not a mode anyone can realistically play solo.

And yes I do know that the other team is just as equally disorganized but that’s an oversimplification because the MM cannot be perfect and there are plenty of times where the other team despite being made up of random players manage to click and work together, but the odds of this actually happening to you personally is very random due to sheer human nature and unless you’re prepared to carry and very skilled you cannot move up in rank.

-Bastion is a VERY team reliant hero, if your team isnt working with you or you arent working with them then you will get nothing done. If you are having problems with heals then pick up and master a beneficial healer for your rank (Moira, Ana, Zen, or Lucio are all super balanced and can make impactful plays).

-If your solo queuing it is going to be extremely hard to get any kind of coordination in your comp, so maybe try to find 1 or 2 friends that you can play with and can synergize with.

-Learn different heroes, so that you can play heroes that play to different heroes strengths (if your a flex main), or pick and Main support or tank, start with one hero until you got them down real well and then move to the next hero. My comp group consists of a tank main, support main (myself) and a flex dps/off tank. We know who each other plays strongly and how they play that hero, that could be exactly what is missing to turn your luck around.

-Know when to quit and walk away. When you get tilted it WILL affect your game play 100%. Find a number of games you are willing to lose before you either take a break or play another game, mine is set at 2 games lost MAX. Also the middle of the week seems to me is easier to win then say a Friday night.

Hopefully this is some constructive critism that you can use. Remember this is a game to enjoy and have fun, and if you aren’t doing those things then a break might be good. Take a couple weeks, play some other games, and then decide if you want to come back.

Good Luck

QP is even more messed up than comp so not sure why you’d suggest it.

Also I’m kind of skeptical of the entire premise that if you lose it’s purely because of your own lack of skill, I think that in most cases teams lose due purely to bad teamwork and bad team cohesiveness due to the randomness of solo queue.

Some players can carry but it seems a bit ridiculous to assume that in most cases the reason your team lost is because you didn’t carry hard enough, it’s probably just because of sloppy teamwork because even if you suck you can get by w/ good teamwork in this game 8/10.

The lesson of this is playing Overwatch solo and expecting to do well without good teamwork is not possible for most skill levels. Solo queue is just a pipe dream that only the truly skilled can get through, it’s the game on Veteran difficulty.

Also I understand that Blizzard doesn’t want to encourage toxicity but because I can’t see my teammates stats i’m never in a position to realistically give any advice or coaching to my team in solo queue, I lack any context necessary to make such a feat possible.

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It’s suggested BECAUSE it’s messed up. No expectations, no worrying about teammates pulling their weight, just mess around and have fun. If you want to play 6 dps, go right at it.

There’s no rank at stake, so have fun playing the way you want to, even if it’s suboptimal.

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It’s boring though, and the rules are unbalanced which makes the issues here even worse.

It’s not even like a real game of overwatch it’s like a skirmish w/ objectives.

Comp hasn’t been competitive for a very long time. I used to play it largely because it actually meant a semi-sensible composition and a ‘proper’ game most of the time. Now it can’t even put that together.

It’s been ruined by smurfs, alt accounts, and a lack of any real progression or development. It’s just an example of what happens when something is so visibly neglected by the developers, it ceases to be treated with any respect by anyone.

So now I just pretty much play DPS like everyone else and semi-farm for my next golden gun.

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I don’t know what you find boring about quad support, 5 dps, dps LĂșcio, and flanker McCree. We must find ourselves in very different games.

And what’s wrong with a skirmish with objectives?

That’s pretty much all TF2 is.

I commented without reading the post because I see these kind of posts everyday and I’m surprised to see the rest of you aren’t annoyed by them.

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Spot on. One thing I learned is stay close to your tank (I play Moira though not Mercy) and if people are complaining about heals you can just say “Hey I was next to the tank, where were you that you needed heals?”, But then again I don’t play solo comps anymore as a support. Learned that lesson long ago lol.