I just don't feel devs are serious about having all heroes viable anymore

Yes, because it was poor gameplay, for 99% of the population.

Kinda like a certain Healer.

Okay, search around for the last bits of common sense you have. I know it’s hard, but you’ll need it, k?
Sombra got buffed.
Her buff was slightly decreased
Sombra still has a buff.
That means she is better than she was before.
She is not nerfed
Sometimes I see a comment that literally scares me it’s so biased and ignorant. I feel bad for you but I still hope that you can sort yourself out someday :wink:

Yes, the other nerfs were also necessary. Does rein get a free charge if he misses his first charge?

Does McCree get to spam flashbangs until it hits someone.

The only question now is her damage threshhold, where she should take 15+ damage before hack gets broken, just so shotgun weapons can’t be shot across the map to disable it.

“Buffs” is hardly the word when it fixes no issues that currently plagues them.

Mei’s ult is the bare minimum of fixing her, and DF needs his bugs sorted out.

Well if we start buffing her desensiveness of her kit, then she’s going to need cutbacks elsewhere. It’s literally the same reason why Zen has poor heals, but has amazing damage.

You can’t make Ana immune to dive, but keep her at the highest possible healing potential. She’s going to need healing cutbacks if she’s going to get buffed elsewhere. That same power distribution is what Hog and Dva got. Hog got less damage for better healing, and Dva got less DM but missiles.

Ana would need that same power distribution or else she’ll become unbeatable.

And for you I have a whole thread on that:

1 like and no relies, basically sums up what the community thinks of him.

I do too. Actually I played Ana and Mercy so much Seasons 3 and 4 that they make up my most played heros after my top 3.

As a Bastion player, I’m all too familiar with the harassment and abuse, but I know where my limits are, and if Bastion isn’t working I know to switch to something else. Actually, ironically, I switch to Bastion when things aren’t working out and I pick him to stop steamrolls…

But that’s the biggest factor. Sure, there are idiots that report as soon as you select that hero but I try my hardest to be a team player. That’s something that feels like it’s lacking when Sym/Torb OT’s leave VC.

They just need to revert her back to what she was during S2/3, but without the 200/400 health.

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FTFY, they are only nerfing her because they’re buddy buddy with the top 500 crowd who complain about anything that upsets the status quo.

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This feels like one of those “I bet you can’t do ___” hoping that is the way to get something you want.

If you’re referencing Sombra, the live version isn’t even playable for the OWL, yet. When you see her in pro games, you’re still seeing the healthpack farming strats.

The latest Sombra revision (wherever that happens to be at the time) will be available for Stage 3 (IIRC).

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It’s true…they don’t care a lick about a multi million dollar cash cow that is making the actiblizz shareholders very happy…

It’s nowhere near a flat overall buff.

Her emp bot status was removed.
Her base kit got minor buffs, and a big nerf that wasn’t there before.
It such a mixed bag that you can’t just proclaim it to be a buff.


They have outright said that certain heroes are supposed to be situational and not viable all the time.

As far as the announced Sombra changed to, they’re not bad at all, they just make Sombra actually fair.

Well yes that is true, I don’t really like it when people refer to something as a straight up NERF or BUFF because they are just changes that can be good or bad depending on everyone’s own take on it.
But the abilities that were toned down weren’t completely made up for the hacking speed. You can’t pretend like that’s the only thing that balanced her and now it’s gone, leaving nerfs. /Because if that were true then Blizzard would have adjusted them again./ A team of professionals aren’t complete idiots, despite what I’m sure you were probably thinking while reading that statement.

If you legitimately think Sombra is weaker than before because she can actually go out and get hacks and kills consistently now instead of just sitting around, waiting for her ult to be up, then I don’t know what to tell you.

This is it exactly. We still will have to wait and see how this ends up. To call this a complete buff is ludicrous. What made her even a kind of worthwhile pick was the EMP bot status because she could get it so quickly. That has been completely changed. Adding the 2 second cooldown makes using her hack in a team fight much harder if not impossible. Her spread buff will help her damage and now she can get the hack off and is little change to counter that.

I think her value to the team is gone now but she is much better at 1v1. I think that later is useless because Tracer does that so much better and genji as well.

I’d say she is better now than before the changes, despite it not being a flat buff, but after the proposed further nerfs that’s nowhere near obvious.

Well Jeff used to say that every character should be viable. Recently, he changed, he said that heroes like Symmetra should always be “niche”.

You still have faith in them?

But it hardly changes anything?

LoS checks will actually work as intended, and if you get interrupted, you have to back off, which you’re most likely going to do anyways since the enemy isn’t going to just hit you with one bullet and let you go on your merry way.

People are blowing up these changes as if they’ll make her useless, but no decent Sombra should notice them all that much.


The sight nerfs seem fair, hack is nearly instant and no real window to interact with it, putting it on cooldown seems entirely fair, stun mercy while she is trying to res it goes on cooldown, it’s the same thing all though yes it will be annoying when you get hit by a stay shot from no where

And if you think certain heroes should be “niche” then generalists should be weaken so they do not do the jobs the niche characters do and do better while doing it.

Or you buff them and create a power creep. By having strong generalists(Dva, Tracer) they will always keep themselfs in a tough spot.

Call of Duty updates happen more often than overwatch updates… every couple days there is a in game update and every couple weeks to a month there is a balance update or some other update to the game.

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Not all heroes need to be viable.

Just the ones the pros like to use in OWL, and the ones deemed “enjoyable to watch” by the OWL organizers.

Afterall, pro-play is key, and audience enjoyment is king.


This is what we call ‘internal disagreement’. Same reason it took so long for them to come to a position on One Tricks.