I just don't feel devs are serious about having all heroes viable anymore

And I’m not sure it’s worth continuing to play. Wouldn’t normally raise that, but seems to have worked for the “nerf Sombra or I quit” crowd.

Mei and Doomfist just received jokes of buffs, Ana before that, and now Sombra is being nerfed from F to Z tier because of negative community reaction to her being used.

Symmetra and Torbjorn are only being discussed after nearly the lifespan of the game of being unusable.

Players continue to receive abuse, reports and disciplinary action for playing them.

Meanwhile popular heroes remain as popular as ever, with what few reworks there have been, being hopelessly mishandled putting them in an even stronger position and making it even harder to fix to a general satisfactory level.

There’s no seriousness about fixing the imbalances and what has been done seems to get horribly mishandled. This is a live game, yet the whole thing is being treated as a PTR. This is exactly what led to me leaving WoW, and it’s infuriating that this attitude has been brought here.


Are you implying that they were ever serious about it?


They talked the talk, increasingly they’re failing at walking the walk.


Hero gets buffed and becomes playable
Waaahhhhh nerf it!!!

Hero then receives slight nerf
Waaaahhhhhh they’re unplayable now!!!

Other Heroes getting minor buffs and tweaks
*cricket noises *

I swear sometimes I wish Blizzard would just purge the forums due to the level of incompetency and immaturity it displays


Maybe it’s because we aren’t buying enough lootboxes or we aren’t watching OWL for hours at a time.


That’s exactly what the impact of the Doomfist, Ana and Mei “buffs” were.


I think Jeff said not every hero is going to be viable to the point where they can be brought to every fight, or every meta composition, or every map. What the Overwatch team is trying to do, is help make these heroes stronger in their niche roles, whether or not this will be successful, we will have to wait and see.

But the fact is, they are at least trying to make the game better. These things take time, and they aren’t always going to get it right. They are human, and making/designing a game as complicated as Overwatch is probably a very taxing effort.

I’ve said this before, and I will keep saying it. There was significant Video Evidence demonstrating Sombra’s issues. The developer team has said over and over again this kind of video footage helps them tremendously in determining their changes. It’s no wonder why Geoff chose to make his official response in a thread that linked these videos.


And yet, the buffs/changes they gave to Zenyatta, Orisa, Sombra pre-crybabies, Mei’s Ulti, Winston’s Barrier, Reaper, Pharah that had bigger impacts for how small they were. But these kinds of things always get overlooked, people rather look at the big changes, be it nerfs or buffs, and complain & complain about it, saying that’s evidence that Blizzard have no idea what they’re doing, because God forbids humans makes mistakes! Oh no we can’t have that!


Ana buff was fine and very much appreciated.


Go play COD then, where there are no constant pathes and the only updates you will find you will have to pay to have them!

Stop complaining and realize that the job of the devs is not that easy, they can’t do what they want in a wink!

Nothing is perfect, but instead of seeing at the good of this game and of the work devs did so far, you just look at the bad and also imply things I don’t believe are true!


Some heroes will always be situational. That’s okay.


Symmetra and Torbjorn says hi.


Sombra won’t be F-tier lol.


That’s the point though. They have their strengths and are strong given the situation suits them the best. What point are you trying to convey?

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Zenyatta, OP.
Orisa, took months to get to an okay state after months of OMG SHIELD META crying.
Winston’s barrier, the true cause and glue that holds dive together.
Reaper, still situational af.
Mei’s ult wasn’t working for months.


Honestly then, why keep adding more?

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Unfortunately, I believe a major reason for this is that the people in charge of balancing, don’t actually have a very good grasp of how the game and most heroes are actually played. At least, its very, very, difficult to come to any other conclusion after certain past remarks they’ve made.

I do believe their intentions are good, they’re just…clueless? And seemingly unable to accept that the balance team has any issues and thereby are unwilling to make any changes to their methods.


They create new imbalances, more work, leave existing heroes obsolete, and add to a workload they’re apparently already struggling with.

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Sucks to be them that I stopped buying loot boxes and refuse to watch OWL because of it. Guess they need to realize it works the other way around, eh?

I used to buy loot boxes to show support for the work of the devs and this game. Not anymore.


You just called Zenyatta OP with no backup or reasoning and especially since he was untouched for literal months. Suffice to say you’re just biased and blinded by emotions