I just don't feel devs are serious about having all heroes viable anymore

Don’t forget Mercy’s partially failed re-work that was supposed to make her more engaging with her team and less about taking cover, currently with an ultimate that can’t produce the potential game changing moment like Ana, Zenyatta, Lucio or even Moira. Not to mention the megathread where they’ve siphoned all complaints to and not had a discussion with any of the feedback there.

I’ve also lost faith in those who are incharge of the balancing decisions for this game, not to mention how some of the balancing seems to be for OWL/professionals (something which was forced upon the community whether they wanted it or not, lol).


So they should either nerf generalists or delete them.
Because when they do a better job than the “niche” heroes at their niche… Something is wrong.

But then again, Tracer “specialists” will likely not agree.


I’m not against the lost check.
The 2 second cooldown is a highly unnecessary and quite possibly very annoying nerf, considering how much spam damage is flying all over the entire map constantly.
And that’s a nerf for a hero who is still barely playable.

But as I said, you’re going to need to disengage once they start shooting you anyways.

As far as spam damage goes, I can see how it’d be annoying, but that’s why you get behind the enemy team, so if you get shot by them it’s because they turned around and meant to shoot you.

So you too agree that’s an unnecessary nerf on an already easy to counter hero?

No, because the ‘generalists’ (which there really are only a few) are not the issue. The issue is map design favouring mobility, and certain hero’s not having a great counter right now.

I do believe Brig is going to be the tipping point. Brig + Lucio + Moira on PTR was a tough thing to break.

This is a big issue. There are flank routes in some maps that only high mobility heroes can get into (Hanamura, Volskaya). With the map design, high mobility heroes just have more options when it comes to approaching the objective. Other maps have way too many flank routes (Horizon). There are also a lot of hard chokepoints (Temple of Anubis, Hanamura)

are you really going to lecture a team of developers, who have years of experience and a good overview and vision of their own game, with countless of feedback at their disposal ( no not the crying nerf or buff posts ) on how to do their game?

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Bastion. :crying_cat_face:

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Blizzard: “we don’t want Sombra to be a niche hero, so we’ll make her trash tier”.

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To the people defending the Devs for the faulty balance tell us in what situation the “niche” heroes can be used, since you are the defending the " they are only situational" from Jeff. tell us please… they must be very very very very very very situational cuz they arent viable in CP, KOTH, Payload, CPT, Escort, Assault, Hybrid, etc… tell us in what situation they can be used without being called a thrower or troll. i dare you guys.

and the second excuse is worst: “we dont want to buff them because they can be feel very opressive to play against” <---- REALLY?.. wow … im out of words when Jeff told us the reason of no buffing niche heroes.


yeah basically this… while tracer and genji keep making $$$ from OWL they going to be untouchables, if another hero cause them any problem and dare to soft counter them then that hero is going to be nerfed to oblivion.

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No, I agree that it was needed for the same reason the whole “Mass Res isn’t allowed in spawn” was put in.

Good Sombras won’t notice it.
Bad Sombras will actually need to get better at making calls instead of banking on an exploit.

I am truly sorry you are so jaded towards the OW developers Jessica.

I know you enjoyed Overwatch, and you still might to some degree, but I think you’re being unreasonable and impatient.

Software development isn’t easy, alongside balancing the game, we should try to give them more time.

Don’t you know it’s better to let others make decisions for you rather than making your own decisions (joking)? He is trying to help you by making certain that you do not feel opressed, cause he cares about your rights as a player. He is not only a CEO of a multibillion company, no no no, he is defender of the undefended and the voice of the the people a true vox populi if you will. All heil our supreme leader.

I’m starting to think this is THE way to adjust the viability of heroes. The map designs need to be more varied. Though looking at Tracer is there a map design that makes it difficult for her to rain chaos on the enemy team that will also be accessible and useful for other heroes? I doubt it. Tracer is just so mobile, she can blink everywhere except vertically. Any map taking advantage of that will render most other heroes useless. Not to mention the flying monkey and mech.


Actually, he said that all heroes are not supposed to be viable full time, and by sticking with a single hero, you might be hurting your (and your teammate’s) own enjoyment of the game. He also acknowledge that skilled players can make their hero of choice viable in all situations occasionally.

People get this line confused all the time because he spew it during the Mei part of that video, and thus, they think he is talking specifically about Mei or other off-meta heroes. It’s not. Playing only Soldier and Tracer is as limiting (according to Jeff) as playing only Hanzo and Widowmaker.

ttps://youtu.be/5P1Md792fF8?t=9m46s <-- for proof

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I don’t think we should quote what jeff says anyways. Most of what he says is somewhat outlandish or completely wrong. (I am not trying to be disrespectful). I mean it is fine to always play tracer or dva or zen. There are many hero’s at upper levels that will not be viable in all situations no matter how skilled.

You figured it out. They do the same thing in fighting games: the defensive big characters are trash while the fast rush down characters are always top tier.

Players don’t want real competition against varied strats. That’s why they cried about no hero limits. They want a stable meta they can mindlessly shoots things at and get reptile brain reward boxes.
Defensive characters will never be meta

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At the end of the day it all just comes down to one thing: playing DPS heroes like Tracer, Genji, Soldier and maybe McCree. You won’t have to worry about any kind of nerfs, watch your teammates run away from your LOS as you’re trying to heal them or desperately try to convince most of your teammates to stay behind your shield.

Self-centered? Hate relying on others? Enjoying high dopamine levels in your bloodstream as you get those triple, quadruple, quintuple and sextuple kills? Play meta DPS heroes exclusively and rock on!

Yours sincerely,
Overwatch in 2018