I have an idea that may change everything

So we are living in an age of Battle Royal . Every developer is trying to create a Battle Royal or copy one .
My idea is to create a Battle Royal mode with a overwatch twist ? Plz do not run away :slight_smile: the difference from other Battle Royals is it will be a team base capture style open world . 10-15 teams of 3 or 5 starts in the world there will be 5(if it starts with 10 teams ) or 7 (if it starts with 15 teams ) bases so you try to capture one base with your team . After capturing your team will get a buff and a respawn counter (while you control that base you have 5 respawns , if someone captures it the respawns will pass to him) and if you capture 2 bases you will have chance to repick a character .
And let’s make the winning more rewarding. Winner team will get a loot box and also will get a winner token which will be converted to special overwatch Battle Royal sets ( skins) .

So what do you say :slight_smile:




What if there was a battle royal with teams of 3 and each legend, I mean hero, has an ultimate ability and a tactical ability that makes each of them unique

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İndeed I’m trying to add a twist to that :slight_smile: they copy Overwatch added call of duty and some fortnite juice . Why not Overwatch make a think original on it’s own but has elements from other
Games ?

This is what Overwatch is and has been from the very beginning.

Then its the worse age of gaming… oh wait, not br got game of the year reward, so no its not stupud br age.

Its not interesting idea.

Let’s make it more interesting than give me something to improve it . Let’s create or re shape an idea so more people will join us again .

Welp, then let more join, but im out if that gona heppend.

Hmm if I call it TFW (team flag wars) will it be better:) really tell me something that will make you happy and re gain the popularity. I am over 30 and working full time job so I don’t have lot of time left to play so I’m not the target player I think but still do not want my blizzard’s game to die slowly . Give me an idea maybe together we will re shape it and make something better :sweat_smile:


If you wona mass audience for short time do battle royal, thats it right now, to many fortnite players to do anything else.

But if they would be interesting into bring life into this game, then we need more work with what we have. That means, more lore, mayby add some more lore pve missions for every hero one after another, new maps added that dont feel terrible to play on, comunicate more with players, change gold weapon system, and less top secret projects.

I myself just dont like battle royale game style, im not interesting into team games that are around killing mass of people and being the one or team that survive from 100 other players. Im more about plaing an objective game.

The battle royale is on its end and we’re glad it’s going away. It ruined CS:GO and we don’t need to ruin Overwatch with this stupid game mode.

Lets not change Overwatch to the extent that it becomes a different game entirely.

PvE Story missions would be a great idea for an OW expansion. Doesn’t need to be implemented into a game Blizzard has from day one have been very adament about specifically being a team based PvP hero shooter, but would be a fantastic idea as it’s own title. I wouldn’t purchase it or play it myself, I’m strictly a PvP gamer, but many others would.

Battle Royale is garbage, but if you enjoy it, there are titles out there that will tickle your fancy. Overwatch isn’t one of them, and should never become one of them. The BR market is saturated, we don’t need another BR title when BR fans already have their fix.

How do you prevent that teams just recapping each other’s points without ever meeting and fighting each other? GW2 had similar mechanics and it was problematic.

Hmm that what about a board that has a goal capturing maps players do not play like Battle Royal but same goal on the board to be the leader?hmm or maybe something more than a Battle Royal something next level … Maybe a bigger map where 4 teams 2vs2 fight together or more (like alterac valley but smaller:) ) that involves some over for buffs .???

This isn’t a unique thought and has been proposed before and always met with a “not just no, but HELL NO!” levels of response. Battle Royal’s are just a trend, mostly filling in the void now that MOBA’s are falling out of popularity.

Who needs this when Apex is basically doing an Ability/BR … and im loving that game.

You are right so that’s why I’m asking for a mode not changing it to a Battle Royal just adding an Battle Royal like but not the same mode :slight_smile:

A lot of people will hate the idea just because it is a BR. I find that silly… I’m not crazy about the genre (though I love Apex at the moment) but I wouldn’t call it a “fad” either.

Still, I would love to see the Overwatch IP expand. A F2P Overwatch BR could be cool and the thing to remember is that it doesn’t have to affect our objective based main game. It could involve other agents (or if they want to pick up from what Apex started - they can make it a hero based BR with its own selection of heroes that won’t show up in Overwatch itself) and the game could be designed to fit its genre better than Overwatch currently can.

Whatever Blizzard decides to do, I just hope they expand their IP. Fighting game, dance game, RPG, comic books, animation - Nintendo can’t be the only ones making stable, long lasting IPs.

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:slight_smile: I used to be a wow player from the beginning and one of the best part of the game was alterac valley you just fight hours and hours just to win one Battle :slight_smile: and loved the team play and coordination in that br is not the same thing but have some essence :confused: so maybe they will have something that is much better than apex