I have 2000 hours on this game, an hour on Mercy

I have 500 hours on Mercy since S1: OP is wrong.

The PTR will likely shed some more light on this fact once it hits the live version. We’ll see.

Probably because the current version of Mercy allows for exactly 2 clean cut states with no Grey Area…
Absolutely Broken and Garbage… and after the Moth Meta people don’t want the broken state back… yet Wanting another rework that could provide her a new middle ground option where she can be Balanced, Impactful and Exciting to play… that’s what gets you witchhunted.


Mercy is perfectly fine as is.

Let’s not give the #RevertMercy cult any ammunition.

She is exactly what she is meant to be. A low skill hero which is pretty much average, not bad nor great.

The thing is, it doesn’t matter how hard you hold M1 she can still only do one thing and output the same consistent heals. That’s what makes her so good in lower ranks and for new players.

With Ana, Zen, Lucio, these hero scale depending on your own skill. Ana can do FAR more at higher ranks because people have the skill.

It is absolutely fine to have hero’s tailored towards lower skill and some for higher skill, why does everything always have to be “viable” in every situation, in every rank and every platform.

Blizzard will never be able to achieve this level of balance, so why are we even talking about it.


She’s working EXACTLY as she is meant to.

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As someone who is pro-revert, OP, I must say thank you for being willing to share your thoughts. I agree with a lot of what was said.

I couldn’t have said it better myself, well said. In my opinion, an 55hp increase in the very least would be a great start. I also believe that a revert of her resurrect during her ult, to be even more so.

I believe that has to do with the seeds of misconception regarding Mercy back in 1.0, where she had Mass Rez, where the top 1% pushed the agenda that Mercy should be reworked because she is “unfun to play against” as well as the “hide and rez” propaganda that was said to be running rampant in the game. If you look for proof of these occurrences, the evidence can show that to this day, there is still no concrete evidence that Mercy mains “hid and rez” at such a large scale. There are no statistics that give numbers of this happening as common as people have said it has been happening, and most of these sources and evidence come from editted footage of Youtube videos and twitch streams.

I believe that the issues regarding Mercy began with the hatred on her as being seen as a “low skill hero”, where she is seen as a hero that is only played by people who can’t aim. These stereotypes, along with the push of toxicity from the e-sports scene on her with regards to both her rework, and the nerfs that follow. (I suggest looking into the skit that the OWL supported that mocked Mercy mains, of which had received lots of backlash), I think it’s done nothing but make Mercy’s current state even worse.

Those that push stats to try and prove that #MercyIsFine now also conveniently leave out key details. And I ask to those people, was she statistically unbalanced when she had Mass Rez before the invincibility tweaks? Was she not seen as a D-tier hero? Being extremely niche? These common misconceptions could all be researched with a simple google search about Mercy’s actual history, both in game, and regarding her patch notes in the past. Something the “Mercy haters” will hardly bring up, I’ve found. When the reality is that lots of people are still unhappy with her current state, despite the smiles and thoughts about how “fine” she is, and lot of controversy still exists in the split between both the 1% of players and the 99% of the community in the struggle of balancing the hero, vs how unfun she is to play.

For me, I think all of this could have been avoided had they stuck to their guns, kept working with Mass Rez, and giving it the tweaks it needed to have more counterplay (LOS, a 1.25s cast time, 30% damage reduction instead of invincibility), instead of bending to the pressure and changing her ult completely.

Regardless, one thing I am glad about this mess is that more and more people are beginning to realize that “You know what? Mercy really was kind of done dirty…” The truth about the injustice done is being spread, despite the hatred and the lies. My only hope is that more people see the entire story of Mercy for what it is, and make their own judgement on whether or not the actions on her changes were actually justified, given the context, and not base it on what a group of people in the pro-league, youtube, or twitch streams tell them. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I have 0 hours on Baptiste :slight_smile:

No, because Valk is reactive ultimate, like Sound Barrier or Transcendence. You use it to counter an ultimate or aoe burst heal. It’s not the same as something like Nano.

People just gotta check out baptiste who will make mercy redundant very soon. Heals more but also in aoe, prevents death (why ress when you can literally prevent it on a faster cd, SAFELY, come on now), has actually threathening damage, can use high ground, has more aoe heals and has what will become one of the most broken ultimates in the game hands down. Oh and his ulti is the only one which also boosts healing done… only for ana. But also boosts damage by a whopping 100%, enough for one dps to completely wipe teams regardless of how much the enemy team heals. There’s plenty dps in this game who are excellent at range and as soon as goats goes away, still super meta… we are looking at 840dmg hanzo storm arrow bodyshots and 600 widowmaker crits. Nobody can tank those.

Nobody else sees how ridiculous it’s to have a healing boost ulti for just the other projectile healer in the game, leaving rest of the healers to completely flounder how they can never achieve same ridiculous boost healing? And how much insane heal boost they can stack with grenade too? But at the same time it’s also a damageboost?

Baptiste, alongside with his insane synenergy with ana, will make mercy 100% redundant. Baptiste- ana will become new meta and it will be pointless to run other healers too, because baptiste’s ultimate is insane dps ulti and healing ulti at the same time and only benefits ana and himself… with less cost than support ultis. Nobody is gonna run a zen anymore when baptiste ultis and then random dps oneshots your tanks through transcendence, or better ana just nades your heals. And ana is going to be very much needed to counter the insane heals bap-ana can pump out. Who needs defensive support ultis when you can just pump put transcendence level heals at less cost lol.

Mercy is already pretty bad compared to ana. Baptiste comes around, might as well delete mercy. These new supports are the standard, while mercy performs worse than ana in silver, when she used to be the go-to healer in plat before her rework.


“I have one hour on Mercy she’s fine”


“I have an hour on Mercy and she’s bad”

Yeah see everybody agrees that she’s bad!

My opinion on the subject always changes but I’ll give my current one.

She is still viable but very hard in this meta. I still believe that the 60hps should be reinstated but even without it if you are good at mercy then she can still benefit the team. I just don’t think they should’ve nerfed mercy and then buffed Ana to the heavens at the same time.

She is useless at YOUR (which, no offense, i assume isnt too high because you’re calling mercy bad) rank and they way that ranks’ mercy’s play. My mercy’s absolutely carry, although I wont condone onetricking.


No you don’t.

The fact that people think it’s supposed to counter ults is half the reason why everyone thinks it’s weak and horrible. It’s output simply isn’t enough.

It is supposed to be an initiator like Nano, or at the very least, the most you react to is your teammates being low health in a normal fire fight. It is not supposed to ever be used on the same level of ult counter like Trans or Barrier.

Now, do I think that’s a problem and Valk needs significant changes? No, not necessarily. But it’s been over a year and people still think that 60 HPS is enough to save people from a Grav like Trans’s 300 can.


i think mercy is still good… anas anti healing just needs a nerf…

She’s fine.
But feels unfun to play as is my problem.


Who cares about skill or rewards, even if you can’t aim you’re still going to have the position, game sense and cooldown management of a gold player for example, that’s why she has always scaled well throughout he ranks, her healing was always fine and prior to the rework ana was meta and not mercy, mercy had 60hp at that time, that means her healing was never the problem and solo rez was, actually solo rez isn’t even a problem now, ana got buffed in the same patch with the mercy nerf.

Maybe one of the things we could do is give her a lil’ more utility to make up for it. With the introduction of Baptiste and the existence of Orisa’s ult and Zen’s discord orb, her utility (dmg. boost) is not something that she and only she can do. Why not change her right click but keep the rest as is and see how it does?

For example: Why not give Mercy CC protection on her right click for the one she’s pocketing? You’d need to stop healing to apply the CC protection, you could be reactive to attacks (which would give her a higher skill ceiling) and you could even use your ult to save your entire team from CC in an AoE (again, you have to stop healing to apply CC). Her ult and normal playstyle would have new utility, when you hear her ult you’ll know there could be people running away from your Mei ult or Zarya ult (granted, the CC does not apply to her, so if she’s in the grav… well, womp womp).

Looking at the stats on Overbuff, Mercy outputs the least healing & damage when combined. Mercy’s 812 damage amped, 479 damage done, & 11,176 healing done add up to 12,467 total damage & healing, however, damage is better than healing because damage is applied first & can burst down a player before they can even be healed in the first place. Ana has 4,124 damage done & 9,739 healing done, which equals 13,863 total. Brigitte has 5,879 damage done, & 8,634 healing done, which equals 14,513 total. Lucio has 6,849 damage done & 9,239 healing done, which equals 16,088 total. Zenyatta has 9,793 damage done & 7,458 healing done, which equals 17,251 total. Moira has 6,863 damage done & 11,574 healing done, which equals 18,437.

In recap, the least output to the most output of damage & healing combined is Mercy, Ana, Brigitte, Lucio, Zenyatta, Moira. Remember that damage is more valuable than healing. Note that Mercy also has the lowest win-rate out of any support even though she is ‘easier to play’ than most of the other supports (most players are bronze-platinum).

I propose these changes to Mercy & would like to evaluate where they take her, since she needs a buff due to the math I did above, but also since some adjustments are needed to make her feel better to play & get rid of a few bugs that I see effect Mercy’s game-play while being unintended. These changes put her in kind of a middle ground with regarding how strong Resurrect was when it was an instant-cast and how it is now, as well as a middle ground for her healing, as they never tried 55 hp/s yet, but have tried 60 & 50:

Caduceus Staff

  • Healing increased from 50 to 55 per second


  • Cast-time reduced from 1.75 seconds to 1.5 seconds
  • Movement speed during cast increased from 25% to 35%
  • Cool-down reduced from 30 seconds to 28
  • Cast can no longer be interrupted due to distance from the target


  • Resurrect cast-time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second
  • Regeneration self-heal increased from 20 to 30 per second

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to fly very high vertically without a vertical Guardian Angel target (no more super-jump)
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to move full speed while Resurrecting a teammate during Valkyrie (it’s a bug on the PTR)

Mercy is balanced.

Thus is the reason people are crying about it, as they want her to be overpowered.

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not everyone, but a lot of players in the anti-Mercy faction seem to feel this way

I agree with this. I really do.

Back when she just got hit with the nerf bat, I was doing okay…but I was also playing with a very competent and protective friend. That’s not always the case now.

I’m afraid to play. Not because Mercy is now not the go-to, but my skill. It’s dropped dramatically and now that I’m branching out (kinda) I find it even more difficult to get back into this game.

I want to, I really do…but getting slapped in the face with a hammer and eaten alive by a dragon ninja every single game gets boring…and not being able to do anything about it hurts my fun.

A bit. I played Shaman back in WoW. I’d say my favorite power trip was using Shamanistic Rage to buff the entire group and burn down the fight.

Guess it just depends on the player.